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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I was in heaven for a few days...
2003-09-08 - 6:27 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Only you by 112

Hey folks! Well, now I am TRULY back. I missed you guys! I'm pretty caught up on all your diaries. Thanks to those who left me notes/g-book messages. I appreciate it! Before I have a recap of Wednesday-Sunday..here's the Saturday 8 ...

1. How long have you been sexually active? (if you're not, how much longer do you plan on waiting to begin?)

I'm not sexually active..

2. Do you regret losing your virginity when you did? why or why not? (if you're still a virgin, are you planning on waiting for marriage? why or why not?)

I'm a virgin. I'm not waiting for marriage. I am with my bunny who I KNOW I will spend forever with, so I am giving myself to him completely.

3. Have you ever been in love? if so, how many times?

I 'thought' I was in love before..but this is the REAL thing.

4. Are you able to have sex with someone that you were not 'in love' with?

If I wasn't emotionally attached to him, I'd find it difficult to be with him in that way. We don't even call that sex though..We call it making love. :)

5. If you are in a monogamous relationship/marriage, has it been difficult to stay faithful? why or why not?

Not at all. There's no one better for me out there. Sure, there's guys around but I don't even take notice. He's the only one that I want for the rest of my life.

6. Is infidelity ever justified? why or why not?

No way. I think it's wrong..sure I did it but I was young and foolish.

7. If you are (or were to be) married and found that your spouse cheated on you, what would your immediate reaction be toward him/her?

I'd be extremely upset, and really pissed. I wouldn't even know what to do but I know I don't have to worry about that, RIGHT baby? lol.

8. If you ever cheated on your spouse, would you tell him/her? why or why not?

Yes, though it would hurt..I wouldn't keep it from him. This is hypothetical though because that's never going to happen..EVER.

NOW..lol..what you've been waiting for..*My sweetie's entries are more detailed and have pretty much EVERYTHING that happened so you might want to check out his as well...* And..NO pics guys..Sorry! We were camera shy. My mom busted out the camera on Thurs but we turned away from it..lol..anyway..


Well, after I updated I started to get all antsy lol because Nate wasn't calling and it was already around 9. So, my mom called my aunt to tell her. She said that she should call the hotel and she did but the hotel said he hadn't checked in yet so of COURSE I got all worried..lol. I thought the plane had crashed..haha.

I was just sitting around waiting..pacing..nervous. Then FINALLY he called at 10. I was SO happy to see he'd made it here ok. Of course, he called me a stalker..lol. He said he was just waiting for them to clean his room and then he'd go to bed and come to my house around 5, instead of 3. Of course he got lost and couldn't find my house or the car rental place lol..I KNEW it would happen but at least he could admit it to me..lol. He did come to my house around 12 when I was out..ooooh was I mad when I heard that..haha. I didn't believe him at first, till he described to me the playground and the white picket fince and the fountain across the street on the lake.

We talked for a while..then me and mom went out just to get my mind off my nervousness. We had lunch and shtuff and then came home. Nate called later on�on the way here, and then when he got here and he said he was at my house..god was I NERVOUS..lol. I was standing outside with my mom. I don't know HOW but he was on another street entirely..lol. My mom waved him over and as he walked over, my heart of course was racing. He greeted my mom and then we saw each other for the first time and smiled and hugged. Then we went in the house..I gave him the good ole grand tour and he met my dad and we all talked for a while. I know I was being shy though..hehe. I blushed so damn much. God, is my dad a phony..*rolls eyes* I KNOW Nate made a good impression though. :) My dad tells so many fricking bad jokes..argh. Oh and he met the cats too. My mom was VERY hungry so me and Nate went in the rental, and my mom in her car out to dinner to have ribs.

We just talked on the way there, basically about what happened to him at the airport, his trip here and the differences between here and AZ. Dinner was really good. My mom embarrassed me however and brought up some childhood memories..lol. She was pretty friendly to Nate though and didn't question him..THANK GOD..lol. It was kind of awkward at dinner, and I know I was fidgety..lol. Neither of us ate too much. After we ate we all just sat around and talked and then me and Nate drove around toward the beach down to Ft Lauderdale just talking and my mom went home.

We turned back, came back around 11:30 and he opened the trunk and handed me the stuff from the box I was supposed to get AGES ago..lol. Awww..he gave me two small bunnies that are currently outside, a HUGE bluish/green bunny with a little bunny inside it's paws, the Good Charlotte and Simple Plan CD's, FOUR cards..3 for our anniversary's and one for my graduation..ALL beautiful and touching. :) He also bought me a key chain when there was a stop over in Vegas and it has my name on it. I nearly cried getting the shtuff. MMm and the bag, and big bunny smells just like him..but more on that later...lol. We passed by my old school on the way back..grr..lol.

Then, we went back in my house for a bit..him and my mom said good night and then we walked outside..hugged and he said he'd back around 9 the next day. We were going to have breakfast together..anyway..I was so nervous still and barely slept but I could tell on the way to Ft Lauderdale we were already getting comfortable with each other...


We all had breakfast..yes...ALL..lol. Argh! Pathetic jokes my dad was telling again..lol. We had eggs, bacon, and toast. Mmm good. Then I showed him ALL the pics of me and my family. It was embarrassing..hehe. I think he enjoyed it. He laughed at some of em..lol. I don't blame him. AWWWW he also gave me a pic of him as a little kid. He was the cutest boy in the world. :o) hehe. I put his pic up on my wall. And then I showed him my yearbooks. We were just hanging out thinking about where to go that day. Of course just about the entire time he was here it was rainy..but anyway..we decided to go to Lion Country Sifari. My mom gave me money and packed us lunches and we headed there. We didn't get lost luckily..I am a good navigator..heh heh. The convo was good on the way there. We laughed so much and just talked and were even MORE comfortable with one another. It felt like we had known each other for such a loong time.

We got there, awww..and then I was thinking to myself if I should make a move or not and grab his hand but I wasn't sure if he'd like that or not so I didn't. But then he said "Sweetie..." and he reached over and grabbed my hand! :o) Aww..we were holding hands. It felt so completely amazing to have his hand in mine, him rubbing his finger against mine and just looking at each other and blushing..lol. I was blushing more than anything but anyway..we saw some animals getting their freak on..lol. It was quite funny. I think he really liked it. I was a little freaked though cos the Giraffes were SO close to the car and it looked like Nate was trying to ram into some animals..lol. We said our "I love you's" then for the first time too. (: hehe

Then we took a walk around..held hands of course and just admired all the sights together. It was getting SO humid after a while, so we left. God, besides the humidity I must admit the people out here can't drive for shit. You wouldn't believe how many people were speeding and cutting him off. Poor thing. :( So, we got back in the car..held hands some more..and then we went back home cos it looked like rain. So we ate, sat in here and watched TV while holding hands, then moved to the living room b/c of the heat in here. Then I was informed that my aunt was going to come here and have dinner with us..OF COURSE..lol. I KNEW it! lol I wasn't too thrilled but whatever..

So, she came over..poor Nate..lol..she had her AZ shirt on and was firing off questions..lol. But she was just trying to be nice. Aww my poor bunny looked like he was about ready to just leave..haha. We sat around..of course me and Nate couldn't get lovey-dovey with them around so I was squirming sort of. We ate..had a nice dinner with meatballs, spaghetti, garlic bread, and salad. Nate later on told me he wanted to mouth 'I love you' at dinner. I'm glad he didn't! lol. My aunt reads lips very well. He watched me eat a pickle..hehe. So after that, I had an ice and we decided to go see Freddy vs Jason at 7:50. We left, thank god I couldn't wait..I couldn't stand my dad's corny jokes..lol. Nate went to the bank. Awww he's such a gentleman though..he payed for the Sifari and he opened doors for me. :) He couldn't open the car door though cos there wasn't a lock on the passenger side. He was telling me the history of the previous movies..of course we held hands and got there just in time. The thing about the car is that the AC was SO powerful. I like A/c but damn, at times it felt like an ice box. Nate, I don't know HOW but he sensed I was cold so he told me to turn it down. It's so sweet how he's always so concerned about me. =D He payed for me, of course though I offered.

We held hands the entire time and he later on told me he wanted to put his arm around me then, I told him he should have and I told him there's always tomorrow..hehe. I was a LITTLE bit jumpy but handled it better than I expected. I did grip his hand REALLY tight at times..lol. I put my head on his shoulder a few times out of being scared. I really liked the movie though. :) Good stuff. Not bad for a horror movie. The ending was not what I had expected though. After that I decided I didn't want to go home cos it was still early. So we drove around in the rain and went to the mall I always go to. Except, we couldn't really go in cos it was already 9:30..goddammit everything closes so fucking early around here..lol. Awww we were listening to love songs on the radio and listening to Delilah and some chick said her grandparents were married for 71 years and Nate said that that will be us. :) awwww. We kept hoping our song would come on the radio but it never did..grrr..I loved how he squeezed my hand when he heard a lyric he liked or whatever and how he'd touch my arm sometimes with his hand..AWWW..and he kissed my hand a LOT. I kissed his sometimes when he'd tell me I'm beautiful or something.� He's so sweet!!..and funny! We cracked each other up many times. Anyway....

After that, he drove me home and we said good night to my mom. Then we took a walk in the playground. I KNEW that we were going to kiss..call it a feeling..lol. We were standing there, the lake directly across from us, the stars out..it was just romantic and he said he wanted to kiss me. I was really nervous but I said okie and I wanted to kiss him too, and that I didn't want to wait. So I SURPRISED myself and made the first move..lol. The kiss was reallly good..hehe..lol. Yes, there was tongue involved..hehe ;) We must have been standing there around 15 mins, kissing..and *ahem* nevermind..lol.. the only bad thing was my hair was in the way and the gum in his mouth was making his breath smell bad so he had to spit it out. Then we walked back to my house, with his arm around my waist and said our good nights..and again I could barely sleep...lol...The price I had to pay though was mosquito bites ALL over my legs. :( Urgh..oh well..twas worth it..lol.


He got to my house rather late. He called me, and said he was lost and drove around by the beach but he found his way after a while..lol. Silly bunny. :) We were gonna have breakfast out together, but I was standing outside and he didn't get to my house till around 11 so we figured it was too late for breakfast. Because of the STUPID, rainy weather we didn't get to go to that beach/road trip on the west coast. God I was pissed, especially when he told me that it was a place for Lovers called "Lovers Key"..and one of the most romantic beaches in FL. ARGH! Anyway, we were going to go to some secret place in Miami instead. We held hands of course and he looked at the map. Awww he bought me a drink. :o)

We just talked on the way there..held hands..I saw some of Nate's road rage come out..lol. Aww he was so cute..when he'd burp and stuff..lol. Oddly enough, I miss it! lol. Even when he'd curse and talk to himself I'd think it's cute. That's a sign of true love..hehe. Poor thing was having trouble with his leg and throat though. :( Awww. Of course, I had altoids around always cos my mouth was dry and of course I had to bring my cell phone with me to call my mom in Miami. I'd love it when he'd reach down and touch my legs and say how soft they were..hehe..lol. And then how he'd tell me he loved my hand. Our hands just fit perfectly together. :) It was like my hand is meant to be in his hand. Of course, when we got off the exit..we WERE heading in the right direction, but then I guess Nate forgot to go to a bank on the way there so we had to go to one in Miami. The area we were driving in was rather odd. One section was completely cuban with spanish everything..and it scared me a bit..just a rough neighborhood.."ghetto" in other words...and another area looked like Beverly Hills.

So on the way back from the bank I don't know WHAT happened but we weren't on the main road anymore. I was wondering why the heck it was taking SO long to get directions but then it hit me..."DOH STACEY..he's at a flower shop..he probably got you a flower!" Lol but of course I wasn't sure. Then, he walked out..and handed me a carnation in a basket with a card...Awww..it basically said that I mean everything to him and he's loved every single moment with me..Aww...I felt the same way of course. I thanked him for that, and put it on the floor. (: Then after getting directions..we were STILL lost..lol.

We ended up near farmland and residential areas. We sort of went 'house hunting'..but not really..lol. We'd talk about the houses we liked and he said he might want to live there someday, in seclusion. So I said maybe and he told me that one day we'll have a big house, of course he squeezed my hand when he said that. :) Then we were just talking about kids and all that stuff. (: It's funny..some of the houses were really HUGE and some were so run-down and ugly. After a while of driving around the farmland that Nate said resembled the farmland near his house..he broke down..surrendered..again..lol..and we stopped on the side of the road, to ask for directions. Nate bought a mango there, because some mexicans were selling fruit and they gave him directions and said it would be near a Bingo place.

God, it was amazing to be lost with him...to just admire him while he was driving, looking at him, holding hands, touching arms..everything about it. His smile..just so caring, and entrancing..yet goofy at the same time. :) Oh wait..so after that we went to Wendy's and got salads of course and noticed the weird way we both eat salads..lol. Of course, it took me about 100 years to eat mine..lol. God, people have such a staring problem out here. When we were driving around, lost people just kept staring at us. Of course, guys were looking at me but I told Nate that he's the ONLY one I want, and it's soo true.

After talking, and eating and laughing..I FINALLY found out where he was taking me..to an Observation Tower. I didn't realize it but it was on the Tamiami Trail where me and my mom got our Indian stuff. DOH..no wonder why it looked SO familiar..lol. Of course, it was raining really hard. We didn't even see the Observation Tower. :( There was some loop in the road, but it wasn't even there. We ended up driving waayy down in a back road somewhere, in the middle of nowhere basically in swampland down in the Everglades with old houses..lol. We got out of the car, looking into the lake at the fish and then got back in the car. Then..hehe....

Nate looked me in the eyes..he had that look in his eye like he wanted to kiss me so we leaned in..kissed and made out for about a half hour..and *ahem*..yeah..lol. It was VEERRRYYY nice and wonderful..that's ALL I am disclosing sooo...:� lol. His lips against mine..just sent shivers down my spine..ooh I just rhymed..haha. I think we fogged up the windows a bit or maybe it was just the rain + AC? lol. Then he told me we should go. I was kind of bummed but agreed and called my mom on the way back. Grrr she was being a pest and annoying me, she's soo overprotective sometimes and treats me like I'm 5. Awww we saw some bunnies out in the wild..little, brown bunnies running free. They were ADORABLE!! JUST like us! :)

Of course on the way back we listened to music and held hands. :) God, I just loved it when our fingers were rubbing together back and forth. It felt so amazing. Of course, there was TONS of traffic on the way back and it was still raining. We were going to have dinner out and it was getting late already. Somehow, we ended up on the Turnpike which was good cos it was traffic free and quicker. :) Awww.."I knew I loved you" came on the radio and then Nate said "I knew I loved you before I met you.." and then he kissed my hand. I swear to god..it felt like my heart was melting. I couldn't stop grinning and I felt so insanely happy. I just knew that this was it..the man God had intended to be in my life, and to bless my life with. He is the "one" and there's no turning back. It just amazed me how our shyness just subsided real quick.�Oh yeah..on the way back we kissed at a red light. Bad idea cos the light changed fast..lol.

Anyway, so we finally came back and we went to a Pizzeria near my house that we order from. I payed for myself, and we sat outside and ate and talked about what we'd do that night. Nate said how about the park near my house..just to see it on the outside..so I said sure and showed him where my aunt lives. It was raining..yeah..shocker..lol. I wanted in a way to go Mini Golfing but Nate didn't seem too thrilled so, I guess the park was better. Awww on the way there we stopped at a red light and the windshield was so foggy on the inside, so Nate wrote out "I love you sweetie.." on the glass..and then I made a heart. :) It was just a really nice, tender moment. He told me there was going to be a surprise for me that night, but it had to wait till Saturday cos it wasn't ready..grrr...

Then, of course we bypassed the park..probably because it was dark and rainy so we� just drove around. We had planned one night together just to cuddle so we decided to go back to the hotel room just to cuddle. Of course, the morons outside were all staring at us..lol.

We got in the room..I lied to my mom about where I was..of course..lol. I had no other choice. And we layed down on the bed and cuddled and watched TV. I swear to god..I felt like I was in heaven. Nate kept saying how he just wanted to stay here and not go back home to hell and I kept telling him not to leave. :( We were getting saddened and when we started to cuddle, he cried. So I layed there, he had his arm around me and I cuddled close to him. We held hands and he ran his hand along my stomach and our legs and feet rubbed up against one anothers..God..I LOVED that. I loved how they were intertwined. :) I was so close to him, I can feel and hear him breathing and my head was against his. He smelled SOOO damn good. :) I thought I died..I swear. It just felt so dream-like. He mentioned how our skin looks so good together..(a line from Crazy/Beautiful of course), so I smiled and said..."Crazy/Beautiful..yes it does baby..." he whispered into my ear how much he loved me, and I scooted as close to him as possible. His touch, and the way he caressed my shoulder..it just felt sooo great, I can't even begin to explain it. I just know that I wanted that night to go on forever. It just felt so right..so wonderful..our fingers playing with each others..our hearts beating as one. Feeling so completely comfortable that we both fell asleep for a bit. It felt like we had been a married couple, cuddling for years. That's what Nate said and I totally agreed. I just loved having him in my arms, I never wanted to let him go. :( The little things he did for me, meant the most though.

But alas it was 11:05 already..time to leave. GRRR..but I know in December we'll cuddle for MORE than just one night. Anyway, so we got up..pouted..grr..and then we�kissed for a few minutes and left. The bozos outside prolly thought we had just made love..lol. They were banging on the door enough...grr. So, then we went home. We held hands of course..:)..and said our good nights and "I love you's" and�I told him he besta come to my house early for his last day! I slept a bit better that night.....


I had to call him at 7, to wake him up so he could start packing..NOOoo..lol. :( He was so sad about leaving, as was I. I know he didn't want to go back, and if it was up to me he would stay here forever. I know he liked it here a lot, well minus a few factors..lol. He said he'd get so depressed going back home..aww..:( I knew we'd miss each other like crazy. God, we are so meant to be. He's just so perfect for me in every way. He was already up and told me he'd be at my house around 9..he'd have to pack and check out of the hotel.

He came to my house around 10 something..luckily I ate. I fricking left the flower and my lipgloss in the car though..but I got em out. My mom and him said bye..he never got to say bye to my dad though..oh well..lol. We ended up going back to that park, so he can see it during the day and we drove around it till eventually he parked and I got to find out what this surprise was. First, he handed me a bag of starbursts..a whole SHITLOAD of em..lol. Then, he handed me the script from the screenplay he wrote..it even had the commercial in it and he wrote a little message for me in it. :)

I was so touched and thanked him...and then...he looked me in the eyes and told me how much he loved me and took his cherished ring off his finger that he loves. I asked him why he was giving it to me and he said it was something of his he wanted me to have, for now, and give it back to him when he can give me a real engagement ring. :) Again, I was touched and though I couldn't wear the ring, I placed it in my pocket.�I am planning on wearing it around my neck. Then, he handed me an Asian Pear and I tried it..not too bad..well after taking a bite into it, instead of the outer layer..lol..and he took a bite too and gave me that and the Mango..which I still need to eat, and I've never tried yet before.

Then, we went to Nathans..hehe..and had hot dogs..;) I payed for him, err my mom did..lol. We kept looking at each other and saying how we didn't want for him to leave. I know he was also depressed about going back to school on Monday. We toyed around with the idea of living together next September. The more I think about it, the more I love the idea completely. I just need to be around him ALL the time..kissing him, hugging him, holding him, just feeling his warmth and being around him. I just don't feel complete without him beside me. Anyway, so of course we giggled while eating the hot dogs..eww..a guy that works there was staring at me. He always does when I'm there..Nate was mad though..:( But I told Nate once again that I only love him and he has nothing to worry about. God, there's so many fricking 'Taco Bells' in this state, and Wendy's..lol...anyway..yeah..so we ate, laughing the whole time, not eating much from lauging so hard, but yet being sad cos he was leaving to go home in a short time from then and our time together, for now..would come to an end. :(

After that, I was going to show Nate the beach by the motel..then he reminded me that we forgot to get my Ring Size. So, he found a fancy store for that. We found out my ring size, and headed to the beach. I am so glad he remembered. :) Of course there was some chick walking around in a bikini and I got mad when I saw Nate glance at her, but he ALSO convinced me that he only wants me. The ride back to my house, was really sad. :( I felt bad though because Nate didn't have his ring anymore, but I told him when Anna sends me another ring for him, I will send it to him right away so he'll have something on his finger and that I will also send him something of mine for him to keep.

We ended up crying on the way back and just saying how much we will miss each other and how it will only be another 3 months till we're together again, and we'll have soo much more time together. There was certain things we didn't get to do..like go to that beach..stupid ass tropical system! Yet there was so much we DID get accomplished. We held hands for the last time...:(..rubbed our fingers together of course..and then looked at each other, pouting and kissed for a few minutes. God, I miss kissing him..I miss it when he'd hold my head in his hands and brush away strands of hair from my face. I told him I wouldn't say bye and we just left it at that, just crying our eyes out. It was SO hard to tear my lips away from his and take my hand out of his hand. I waved to him and watched him drive away and bawled my eyes out. I KNOW he was crying too. I couldn't cry too much though, cos I realized my aunt was here, fixing something in the house.

So, I guess to get my mind off the fact that Nate was leaving, my mom invited me out with my aunt and we went to the mall. It didn't work too well, but we all laughed a bit I guess. I kept shoving my hand in my pocket and sticking his ring on my finger. I even kissed it. It felt SO weird in the car though not to reach for his hand so I had to sit on my hands and intertwined my fingers. GRR..of course I saw couples holding hands in the mall..argh. We walked around, got some drinks, and then looked for something for my aunt..didn't find it so we left...She asked q's about Nate, I guess she liked him.

We went back home..she was told that her brother in law died so she'd have to go to New York early..and was going to be on a flight Sunday for the funeral..so that means she wouldn't be here for my b-day. :( Grr...so it's gonna be me and my stinkin' parents..no Nate..:(� Anyway, we came back here for a bit.. I found out Nate called from the airport and then we went and ate, went to Target and took my aunt home and came home ourselves. Of course, shit here is back to normal..parents fought on Friday..prolly cos a certain thing didn't happen Thurs..won't get into it..lol. My dad has to go to the grievance committee soon and my mom didn't want him to find out my aunt was leaving so he wouldn't stay in her house..of course he found out..so my mom's all bitchy right now cos of that crap. I saw Real World..FINALLY..twas good.


I miss Nate so much..it's not the same anymore. It just feels strange at night to go home early and not be out with Nate and Sun Morning not to see his adorable face and have him call me and I miss his voice. I just miss...everything. My family seemed to like him. :o)

Anyway, Sun morning I read everyone's updates and we went to the airport w/ my aunt and said our 'bye's'. Awww she'll be away for almost 3 weeks. I think I'll kinda miss her..lol. I told my mom that Nate likes her and Sheila though she's a nut..lol. My mom and aunt were shocked that Nate gave me his ring, but then again they don't know about the whole proposing thing..heh heh heh.

Then after we got home of course mom vented about dad. *rolls eyes* I cried some more b/c I miss not having my bunny around. :( Then, I got online and we talked for a while. :) It was so nice..well not as nice as seeing him though this will have to do till December. December is going to be just as heavnly. And then we got to talk on the phone and I heard his sweet voice. :) *sighs* He is my everything in my life. He gives me a purpose and I know I will love him forever. I had the best time of my life, and I know it will only get better from there. He's my heart and I am more convinced than ever that I want to spend my life with him. I couldn't picture one day ever in my life him not being a part of it, and I don't even want to picture it. I can't wait till I can surrender my whole self..body, heart, and soul to him soon. :) It's so hard to be apart from him yet it's all worth it in the end. He makes me better..he fills my heart w/ such joy, love, comfort, warmth. He makes me feel safe. He just leaves me breathless and I know I am the luckiest girl in the entire universe. He makes me SO freaking happy.

I know in time these tears will stop falling and it will slowly get easier but I know we'll be fine and make it in this world. I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for us. :) We even already are talking about him coming here after Thanksgiving for the weekend JUST so we can go to that beach..lol. We'll see about it though, but December is for sure. I can't wait to be there and meet HIS family. I loved being with him..it just made us a billion times closer. Well anyway, TWO more days till I turn 18..I'll be an adult..no longer a kid..legal. It's just scary! I've changed a lot, I think. I've done things I never thought I'd do, taken risks and have and will continue to overcome hardships in life, and be stronger for them. But I only want to face them w/ Nate, by my side..cheering me on..being my best friend and lover. Here's to my life..our life Nate like you said....:) It's just the beginning to something even more wonderful. I LOVE YOU!

Well anyway..I didn't do much after that..just listened to music, and had dinner really. Well, I am going to go write you guys back and read updates. I don't know what I'm doing today but I know I'm talking to Nate. Love ya'll! Bye! Have a great week! Thanks to all for your support and kindness..it means the world to us, always.


Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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