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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Hormones..who needs em?
2003-08-24 - 8:50 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Secret by Madonna

Hey guys. Check out 30q's . I feel totally lousy. My throat's all scratchy, I just feel really 'blah' physically, emotionally, mentally. But anyway..here's what happened yesterday..

I was planning on spending the day at home but I should have known better since we ALWAYS go out on Saturday's. My aunt called and was going to take us to Walmart and the Thrift Shop. My mom wanted me to go, and nearly forced me out.

First, we went to Walmart..AGAIN..lol to return the Furniture Throw and get something else. My aunt came up with the idea of getting a sheet, so we did..of course it was a LOT cheaper and matches the couch..we just need to put it on the couch. I got body wash, and my mom got a few items for herself. After that, we went to Wendy's. I had my salad of course..orgasmic as always. I don't know but I think yesterday was "make fun of Stacey day" because I got teased relentlessly by my aunt and mom and my aunt must have asked about a dozen q's about Nate, that I was getting tired of answering.

After Wendy's we went to the Thrift Shop. We struck out..no TV stands..AT ALL. My aunt was hungry as hell so we went to this place that has baked goods, and all kinds of stuff. They got Linzer (sp?) tarts (1/4 a pound) and I got Italian Butter cookies (1/4 a pound)..mmm..soo good..rasberry filled inside, and part of it is plain and the other end of the cookie is chocolate with sprinkles..YUMMY but I had to share. ah well.

After that, we took a drive down to Faith Farm. There were TV stands for cheap, but my mom's so picky and said either the color was off, or it looked too antiquey, it needed work blah blah. She said she didn't want to get anything from there anyway. They had some great deals on couches and shtuff though. Anyway....

So then we decided to go BACK to Walmart, but not the one around here. We looked at TV stands..again my mom was weighing the pros and cons for each and really didn't see one she took a liking to. However, I bought Sourpunch Straws, Sourpatch kids..and guess what? I found the Cocoa Butter that I've been searching for FOREVER!! Mmm..it smells like I've died, and gone to heaven..totally heavenly! So, I got one and my mom wanted one too. She also got some candy, as well as my aunt.

After chowing down on our sugary shtuff, we went to my aunt's house and ate dinner there. I looked at my guestbook messages on my aunt's slow as shit webTv and we just hung out. We ate hamburgers, fries, and pickles..mmm..good shtuff.

Then, they said they wanted dessert..*rolls eyes* it's not like they didn't eat enough crap..lol. So, we decided to go to Target to look around some more for TV stands. On the way there, my aunt called my uncle (her brother)..of COURSE he and his lovely (sarcasm) wife were at the casino at the time, pissing more money away it seems. Those casinos are their home away from home..lol. Whatever, it's their life..let them piss the money away. If they do though, they'll blame it on my aunt because they can't take responsibility for their own actions. They are compulsive gamblers. It's all just sad really. In other news with mi familia..my cousin is thinking of quitting her job, and my third cousin is FINALLY walking. :o) My cousin Scott's b-day is coming up. We're gonna send him a card.

Me and my mom were trying desperately to hold back fits of laughter. We couldn't laugh cos then they'd KNOW we're in the car..not good. Ha..it's 108 in Vegas. I HATE to say this, but I hope they pass out due to heat stroke..those fuckers!!! I hope they didn't win either.

Anyway, back to this lil rant..we got some pillows for the couch in here in Target, then we found a TV stand. Well, I picked it out. I have great taste. :o) It's a Tv cart on wheels, and matches the couch. It's a cinch to put together pretty much. I think my aunt may come over here today to help, but I don't know. My mom doesn't feel well so she's in no mood to really go anywhere or put together a tv stand so there goes the shopping I wanted to get done today. Oh well..maybe tomorrow. It really depends on how my mom feels later.

After Target, we went out for ice cream. I didn't eat anything though cos I felt kind of bad for pigging out all day and eating junk, so I just watched them eat. After that, my aunt dropped us off..my mom went online of course. I relaxed, then I called Nate, and went to bed and that was really it.

I had the worst nightmares last night..the WORST. I'm talking really bad. Oh while I was relaxing, me being a dumbass! I tried to put a picture up on my bathroom wall so I stood up on the sink and knocked down this assortment I had in a little glass thingy with fake shtuff in it..and it all spilled out alllll over the bathroom mat I have, so I was on my hands and knees on the floor cleaning it up. Guess what? I have to vacum again. *groans* I brought it upon myself, however. All kinds of shit started falling, and I couldn't put the picture up so I decided to give up after a while.

Now I realize why I used to be afraid of heights..lol. Anyway, GUESS who e-mailed me this morning? Well he e-mailed a shitload of people..Chris. Basically to say that he's leaving to go to college on Friday, and he has a new e-mail address and is getting a new AOL s/n. I don't even care at this point. Of course, out of 50 people he sent it to, I was dead LAST on the list. It really does wonders for my ego, since I've known him since I was 4. I'm so frustrated with him in general, I'm not writing back..screw that.

Gah, i'm getting chills for no reason now..I don't know what's wrong with me. In many ways I don't feel right. I think I'm going to lye down after typing this. I hope to god to get my period soon..as odd as that sounds cos I sure as heck don't need it when Nate's here. I prolly am, cos my face is breaking out a bit, and a lot of things are making me cry. I'm a bit weepy, but it could be from what happened last night..I won't even get into that at the moment. I really feel like everyone's having a good time, enjoying their life...moving forward. Everyone but me. I'm moving back..going downhill and I freaking hate it and don't know what to do at this point.

I just feel like I'm on this emotional roller coaster..up and down and up and down. I go through moods like people go through clothes. I'm just disgusted with life, the way things are going. How strange..one moment I'll feel like I'm on top of the world and have so much passion for life, and the next I feel down and out and am disgusted. All a part of hormones I guess. I am just not feeling the love..I tried to hug my mom yesterday and she just pushed me away. That hurt a bit, I just feel like a pile of shit. It just really hurts the way people treat me sometimes. Eh whatever..I'm going to end this and watch some TV or something.

But first..the Daily Zen ..

What was the worst date you have ever been on? What happened? Did you ever go out with the person again?

Pathetic me has never been on a date.

Have a great day ya'll. I'll be back tomorrow prolly. Bye. *waves* Happy Birthday JLG !!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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