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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

just surveys for today...
2004-01-25 - 8:15 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I have NO time to update today! *tears, tears.* BUT, expect an update from me tomorrow. :) Til then..enjoy these surveys.

First funeral: my grandpa.

First pet: a dog named Frankie.

First piercing: ears

First true love: Nate.

Last big car ride: trip to Vegas.

Last sex: never

Last Good Cry: gah, yesterday.

Last movie seen: how to deal/uptown girls.

Last beverage drank: Sprite.

Last food consumed: burger/fries.

Last phone call: Nate

Last TV show watched: hmm Top 20 countdown on Vh1 I think.

Last shoes worn: adidas sandals.

Last CD played: Maroon 5.

Last item bought: CD.

Last disappointment: eck all the time.

Last soda drank: Sprite.

Last ice cream eaten: few weeks ago.

Last shirt worn: i'm wearing a green tee shirt right now.

First name backwards: yecats.

Where do you live? Fl.


[Wallet]: brown.

[Jewelry/accessories worn daily]: bracelet, rings, necklace.

[Favorite pants]: tan ones.

[CD in stereo right now]: Maroon 5.

[What are you wearing now]: green tee and PJ pants.

[After this]: eat, shower.

[Talking to]: nobody

[Eating]: nothing

[something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month]: dunno.

[Something that you are deathly afraid of?]: loneliness..dying.

[Do you believe in love]: of course i do

[Do you believe in love at first sight]: LUST at first sight.

[pet]: 2 cats.

[What are 3 places you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: Vegas, Colorado, AZ.

[What are some of your favorite pig out foods?]: hmm anything really.

[Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time?]: Nate. :( It feels like a REALLY long time.

{In the last 24 hours, have you}

[Gotten sick]: nope

[Sang:] yeah.

[Best Friends]: Nate

[Hobbies:] chatting, listening to music, reading, writing, shopping, etc.

[Are you center of attention or the wallflower:] wallflower.

[What type of automobile do you drive:] don't have a car of my own.

[What type automobile do you wish you drove:] mustang would be cool.

[Where is the best hangout:] beach.

[Do you have a job:] not yet.

[Do you attend church:] no.

[Do you like being around people:] it depends.


Name: Stacey

Single or taken? taken

Sex? female

Brithday: Sept 10, 1985.

Sign: virgo

Siblings? none

Hair Color: brown

Eye Color: brown


1. Who is your best friend? Nate

2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yes..b/f.

Fashion Stuff

1. Where is your favourite place to shop? wet seal, the rave.

2. Tattoos or piercings? none..just a temp tattoo...lol.


1. Do you do drugs? no.

2. What kind of shampoo do you use? Suave

3. What are you most scared of? rejection

4. What are you listening to right now? nothing

5. Who is the last person that called you? no clue.

6. Where do you want to get married? anywhere.

7. How many buddies are online right now? who knows..probably no one.

8. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? pickiness.


1. Color: green

2. Pasta: fetucini alfredo.

3. Boys names: lots.

4. Girls names: lots.

5. Subjects in school: graduated.

6. Animals: tigers/bunnies.

7. Sports: basketball, swimming, tennis, soccer, bowling!

Have you ever...

1. Given anyone a bath? hah nope

2. Smoked?: no.

3. Bungee jumped?: nope

4. Made yourself throw up? ew, no

5. Skinny dipped? no

6: Been in love? yep :)

7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? yeah

8. Pictured your crush naked?

9. Actually seen your crush naked?

10. Where'd 10 go? no relevance

11. Lied? yeah, but i felt bad

12. Fallen for your best friend? lol yeah.

13. Been rejected? yeah

14. Rejected someone? yes

Final Questions

1. Do you like filling these out? meh i'm bored so it doesnt matter

5. Gold or silver? gold

6. What was the last film you saw at the movies? Cheaper by the dozen.

7. Favourite cartoon? Scooby doo

8. What did you have for breakfast this morning? haven't eaten yet.

9. Who would you hate to be locked in a room with? my dad.

10. Who would you love being locked in a room with? Nate.

11. Could you live without your computer? noooo.

12. Would you colour your hair? maybe someday.

13. Could you ever get off the computer? yep

14. Habla espanol? nopers

15. How many people are on your buddy list? 90 something.

16. Drink alcohol? no.

17. Like watching sunrises or sunsets? aww, yessss!!! both.

18. What hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? emotional, for sure.


Clothes: pj pants and tee.

Taste: nothing..just funky morning breath..Nate knows what i mean...;)

Make-up: none

Hair: down

Annoyance: nothin really

Favourite artist: like a painter, or musician?

Desktop picture: a pic of the mountains and the moon overhead.

Book you're reading: nothing.

Cd in player: Maroon 5.

Last Person

You touched: my mom

You talked to: Nate

Hugged: mom

You miss? Nate

You yelled at: mom

Are You...

Understanding: most of the time

Open-minded: yep..usually.

Arrogant: nopers

Insecure: yep.

Interesting: no.

Random: depends on my mood

Hungry: yeah! always am.

Smart: yeah.

Moody: haha yeah

Childish: yeah.

Organized: somewhat

Healthy: i guess.

Shy: yeah.

Difficult: yeah.

Bored easily: yeah.

Messy: nope

Responsible: yeah

Obsessed: nope

Angry: nah

Sad: yeah.

Happy: not really.

Hyper: no.

Trusting: no i don't trust people easily.

Talkative: no.

Who do you wanna...

Kill: dad..lol.

Slap: hhaha, i dunno

Look like: who cares.

Talk to offline: Nate

Talk to online: Nate


In the morning: i get out of bed and wonder WHY I woke up SO early lol.

Love is: amazing

I dream about: all kinds of weird ass shit.

Which is Better?

Coke or pepsi: coke

Flowers or candy: flowers

Tall or short: avg

Opposite Sex

What do you notice first: ....

Last person you slow danced with: i have no idea.

Worst question to ask: anything ultra-personal

Who makes you laugh the most: Nate

Who makes you smile: Nate

Who do you have a crush on: my baby.

Who has a crush on you: same.

Who is easiest to talk to: Nate.

Do You Ever...

Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you? i'm never online at night.

Save conversations? if they're extremely important

Wish you were a member of the opposite sex? only at 'that time of the month'

Cried because of someone saying something to you? yep, sometimes. i'm a cry baby! lol.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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