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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

"Our love is like the wind..I can't see it..but I can feel it.."
2004-01-26 - 6:30 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey! I've been purdy much sitting here for the last half hour just deleting, and deleting notes. My baby helped me out with that TREMENDOUSLY yesterday. I can't thank him enough. :D But he's getting his reward. ;) Isn't he just wonderful? *dreamy sigh*. If you don't agree, you should be wacked upside the head. Just kidding! ANYHOO lol..I just wanted to tell you that in case your note just mysteriously 'disappears'. I hope that I can get my entire note page cleared out this week.

It's been a pretty nice weekend, really. :) Yesterday I went out bowling which was m'kay (it would have been better if I actually was a good bowler)..lol. I watched Surreal life which was pretty good I guess, and DRUM ROLL PLEASE..I watched A walk To Remember!!! Yes, I FINALLY found it this weekend in Wal-mart!! Woo hoo! I went into the store with low expectations just not really thinking I'd find it and then BOOM..it's sitting there, staring me in the face. That really applies to life..when you're ready to give up on looking for something, you always find it when you're least expecting it.

I've been thinking about life lately..really deep topics. I think 'A walk to remember' really inspired me to contemplate all kinds of stuff..all kinds of beliefs. I love being challenged and stimulated intellectually. Maybe someday soon I can do an entry that ties all of my beliefs and feelings together. Just not today..lol.

My ass isn't sore anymore! Let me s'plain..we had this really hard computer chair..it wasn't a computer chair persay, but we used it as one. Everytime I'd get up from it, I'd need to stretch. We bought a new one..it has a cushion and everything!! :D Soo comfy. Yay.

Anyway, I'm glad ya'll liked the pics. I didn't get a chance to edit em'. My mom took some of her this weekend, so I might just add that onto the pics that are already there. Speaking of evil parents, my dad has been such a joy this weekend. *Rolls eyes*. Yesterday all he did during dinner was complain, and bitch, and whine. He's never happy or satisfied with anything..he's one of those 'fault finders.' He just sucks all the life out of you, pretty much. He's one of those people that is 'content to be miserable.' Ugh. Sure there's a grim side to life, but there's also a good, more light hearted side..he focuses on the grim. Real pessimist. He just pisses me off. Yesterday he was complaining about how he hates eating alone on saturday nights. Prolly cos he has no one to complain to. When we all eat together, it's like we're not even there anyway. He barely utters a word unless it's to bitch or talk about a celebrity so I don't see what the fricking difference is.

So many things that I just let slide, he has to make a commotion about. See, with me even if i'm peeved, I pretty much hide it and make it look like everything's ok just to avoid confrontation or upsetting someone. I just prefer it if things were peaceful and in harmony. He can careless about that. ENOUGH about him..haha..

The weather here has been real nice lately..except yesterday it was a bit TOO warm. It's beach weather but I can't go. :( We were supposed to either go to the beach, movies, or the racetrack this weekend but that fell through. Ah well. The reason of why I didn't have time to update yesterday morning was cos I woke up TOO late and had SO many updates to read and things to get done in the morning. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain. *smiles*

Me and Nate have talked on the phone twice this weekend. :) Tis been really, really nice. I can listen to his voice all day, really. Luckily time seems to be going by fast..I'm psyched about march. It's really the only thing I am looking forward to in the next few months. Well, that and v-day. V-day will be bittersweet. :( I already know JUST what I want to get for him. :)

You know what song I have in my head? "Yeah" by Usher. Soo freaking catchy!!! Lil Jon and Ludacris aren't my fave singers, but what a great song! Ugh, tonight won't be great for tv. Only 7th heaven really will be on. Hmm tonight I'm going to write Caroline a letter. I can't wait! I love that girl. =D

This week my search for employment will continue. Blah! Ah well, gotta buckle down and do it. Anyway, my poor cousin [Karen] is sick again!! :( I feel so bad for her. She gets one cold after another.

I better go..there's tonns more deleting to be done. I hope you all had a spiffy weekend and have a great week. I'm out. Peace and wuv. *hugs*

Tiger ...Thanks for the e-mail, baby. I'm writing you back soon. It was sooo great talking to you last night though it wasn't for too long of a time. :( You best be sleeping well & having good dreams. I'll talk to you soon. RI ROVE ROU!!! forever & ever.

EDIT @ 9:34 A.M..It seems that my dad is off the next two days. He wants to go out today. This should be fun. NOT! YAY! ALL THE NOTES HAVE BEEN DELETED!!! =)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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