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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

the last two weeks...
2003-12-09 - 4:02 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: All for you by Sister Hazel

Hey! Well, here is the update you guys have been patiently waiting for..haha. just kidding. But seriously, so this entry won't be never ending..instead of making a daylog style entry I am going to put into point form of all the stuff that I did over these past few weeks and other miscellaneous stuff..so here goes..

-Me and my family helped Karen decorate her christmas tree. It has all the works.

-I told mom about traveling to Arizona, wow that was quite a feat..haha. My dad found out too and of course flipped out and wouldn't allow me to go. I mean there was MAJOR drama that day. He started throwing one of his infamous temper tantrums. He thinks I'm not going..little does he know that I am...My mom had a hard time dealing with it at first but she thought about it and is happy for me and realized I need this experience, that it's important to me and that I can't be sheltered anymore. My dad's mainly worried about my safety. Since WHEN did he care about me?

-I went christmas shopping for Nate and wrapped all his gifts. I'm pretty much broke now though..haha. All in the name of true love. However, my mom is giving me $100 to spend over in AZ and I can keep whatever I don't spend. That's sweet of her. :) We've had our ups and downs lately though.

-I bowled a tremendous amount nearly killing my entire left hand. Oh, and I burnt my index finger on my right hand yesterday.

-I had a nice thanksgiving dinner with my family over at my aunt's. Of course my dad showed but it was pretty much a quiet gathering with bad tasting turkey..lol. But I do have things to be thankful for in life. I've learned a lot about life in the last two weeks..especially from you guys reading your very deep, philosophical entries.

-I bought Alicia Keys new CD--"The diary of Alicia Keys" which seems to be taking a permanent spot in my CD player..speaking of which I really need a new one. And a new walkman too.

-I played a shitload of games of Upwords with my mom..it's amazing the things you can think up to do when you can't get online. I whooped her behind! We've gone to pizza hut a lot lately too.

-My mom thought my dad would FREAK when he found out we got a new computer. I don't even think he noticed it.

-We got a dell. It comes with a free printer..well, a copier, scanner, printer all in one. It has a CD burner, DVD drive, etc. We still haven't received our free digital camera though. The computer ROCKS..it has awesome features. I can actually SEE color now. We had problems with it at first cos my mom messed up but she talked to countless techs and therefore, here I am.

-We are morons cos we had the harddrive in our garage for a while, but thought it was the printer so we didn't put the computer together til we got the printer and realized our mistake. We put the computer together on friday. Of COURSE parts of the computer came RIGHT after dinner.

-I've been talking to Nate a lot on the phone. The last time we talked on it was last night. I love his sweet, wonderful voice. We are more in love than ever and I am very excited to be going to arizona in NINE DAYS!!! Nervous too. It's gonna take AT LEAST three days for me to pack..lol. The only bad thing is, I'll be sandwiched in between two people on the plane and I'll have to of course travel alone, and wait in the airport for a few hours but i'll sacrifice anything to be with my sweetie. I know i'll do just fine traveling by myself for the first time ever.

-I am now obsessed with flannel Pj's! It's been cool here lately, so I've been wearing em a lot. I bought a few pairs and other items to take to Arizona.

-I was thinking about locking my diary but in the last minute backed out. I hate the thought of new people not being able to have access to my diary.

-I am searching for a new template for my diary. The purple is severely impacting my vision. Plus, I have visions of Barney dancing in my head.

-We gave away our old printer to my cousin..she needs it.

-I still must go clothes shopping. I don't have any clothes to wear to Arizona..well any clothes that would keep me all toasty warm. Then again, I have Nate to do that. ;)

-I am NERVOUS cos I will prolly be meeting Nate's whole family but I know that Nate, and them will make me feel comfortable.

-I saw the Real World Reunion. It made for interesting TV. Of course I still watch The Gauntlet.

-Awww, I received the most beautiful card from my bunny out of nowhere just saying how much he misses me. It's little, thoughtful things like that that make me realize how truly lucky and THANKFUL I am to have him in my life. He knew how lonely I was. Though I am gonna see him soon and am anticipating all the stuff we'll get to do and moments we'll share, I wish we can be sharing those moments now. I'm prolly most looking forward to going to Vegas with him. But of course, everything else will be awesome too.

-I finally bought myself a 2004 calendar! It has kitties on it. It's too cute for words.

-My mom and I had a great talk about my trip to AZ. Of course, I was only allowed based on certain conditions..one being that I call her every single day..lol. Word has spread and now a lot of my family knows about my trip. Damn gossiper! lol. I'll miss those loons though. I'm coming back here for my mom's birthday cos I knew she'd like that. I can careless that my dad isn't 'accepting' me going to AZ.

-I promised that in order to go to AZ for two weeks, I must get a job when I return.

-Me and mom now have an inside joke. If I told you, you'd think I am a huge dork. Wait, a lot of you prolly think that already..haha.

-We gave Karen her x-mas gift and karen gave my mom her's.

-My family is now obsessed with the Bee Gees. Don't ask.

-We now LIVE in walmart..lol. Ok, we don't but we go there nearly everyday it seems. We've been going to Target a lot too.

-My aunt might take our old computer. I wish her lots of luck. That thing was a timebomb.

-We took a walk in a park and I thought I was gonna faint! I'm wayy out of shape.

-We've been going to a lot of flea markets.

-Me and my shaver have been bonding a LOT lately..lol.

-Dec 7th was the 7th year anniversary of my grandpa's death.

-I read all your updates. I've done most of my computer stuff like d/ling yahoo and MSN. All I need to do pretty much is archive my other d/land names, look at some sites, and get a new template.

-After I'm done with this entry, I am adding a countdown counting down how many days til I see the love of my life. :-) We've had such just amazing talks lately..especially today. I feel that we're closer than we've ever been. Besides that, just boring everyday stuff happening around here.

-Oh wait, I am going to be in Arizona for Nate's birthday..forgot to mention that. From December 18-January 3. Like I said, my dad doesn't know that Nate made the arrangements..lol. And Nate is telling his parents about me tonight. Ugh, I found out I have to hang out with my mom's cousin and his family on the night I return here. I am not looking forward to it. I am not looking forward to returning home, that's for sure. All hell will break loose.

-Nate's new diary is opening tomorrow. :) I'm so glad he's back. Writing journals is just a part of him, it's in his soul so I knew he'd continue writing. He's great at it. :)

-My mom heard from Chris's mom. Chris is apparently okay.

-I've realized I severly need a hair cut. My hair is reaching dangerous lengths.

-I'm tired..lol.

Well, that's it I guess. YIKES! This entry was long anyway. :/ Tonight I am just going to relax and hopefully I'll be able to go shopping sometime this week. Next week will be very busy. I might just actually update when I'm in AZ. Nate said it was ok, so I am thinking about it.

Hopefully tomorrow I can get into more details about this great computer. I'll see though. While I was away, I went onto my aunt's webtv and checked my mail and went on my cousin's computer so I did check it periodically. It stunk to be away cos I missed all of you, I really did. I had damn net withdrawal. It's awesome to be back!!! I must get to that stuff I gotta do so I hope you guys have a great night!!! *hugs*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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