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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

VERY LONG update about my weekend..
2003-11-10 - 6:27 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hello! Good monday morning to all! *yawns* This shall be a rather LOOONNNNGGGGGGG update because a lot happened on Saturday...Since my update is high in demand..riight...

So, after I updated I read some of those stories I talked about, showered, shaved, etc and then my mom informed me that my aunt wanted to go out to Costco to get some stuff..oh and that my dad was in a bad mood. *rolls eyes* Basically, the Home Owner's Association here is raising the Maintenance a lot, for some odd reason and he's all stressed and shit due to this extra money having to be shelled out. So, he was yelling at my mom about Sheila's (my aunt's) husband and when he's gonna pay back the $2,000 he owes when in actuality, my uncle doesn't owe anything.

I think I told this story before but I will again, so, anyway, my mom payed $2,000 for demo tapes for her business and my dad doesn't support it and she still hasn't gotten the demo tapes so now, somehow, she needs to get back the $2,000 which she eventually will. To get her off the hook, she made it seem like my uncle borrowed $2,000 and that he hasn't payed it back yet. So the poor guy is involved in this and doesn't even know it. My dad was calling him every name under the sun.."stingy bastard, etc". He was in a weird mood mainly cos of the meds he was taking. One minute he was asking my mom we're we are going later, and the next he was asking her why she's always online. The guy is a complete psycho!

Anyway, I was sad saturday cos I didn't think me and Nate would get to talk..but I'll get to that later. So, I get dressed, decide to go out with my mom and aunt for one cos I didn't want to be around my dad, and cos I needed Iced Tea in Costco..we hang at her house for a bit and I can TELL she's totally just beaming and absolutely glowing that my cousin (Dawn) was coming in that night. All I can think of is poor Karen cos I KNEW my aunt would make a HUGE fuss over Dawn seeing as how she is my aunt's favorite, and I know Karen probably feels neglected, even right now. Anyway..

I had the idea we should eat at Pizza Hut since it's right near Costco. So, we ate there..something 'interesting' happened but it would gross all of you out so I won't even speak of it. We then went over to costco, got all our stuff, waited on long ass lines, and left. I found out my aunt (Sheila) told Dawn that only her, my mom, and Karen were going to the airport and that me and Dave (Karen's boyfriend) would be a surprise. So, on the way home they were both saying that Dawn won't even recognize me cos I look so different from years ago and have 'grown a lot' and shtuff. I was blushing like hell..lol. It rained on the way home. :)

We dropped my aunt off, then came home. I was online and I saw Nate on so we talked till we both had to leave. He, had to go decorate his uncle's home for his Retirement Party and I had to go out to dinner with my mom..and of COURSE my dad wanted to come which I KNEW would happen. Here's where shit hit the fan..my mom started getting all moody mainly cos we were really pressed for time since we had to be at Sheila's house around 8:20 to head to the airport. (Oh, I decided to go to the airport cos I did want to see my cousin in a way, and since everyone else was going.)

So, we were gonna go to IHOP but it's kind of far from here and my mom was afraid we'd get to Sheila's late. I disagreed, she starts bitching about every little thing, making fun of me, just being irritating and I really almost snapped in the car but I kept my composure. So, she got her way of course and we turned around and drove to Denny's in complete silence, except for the radio on. I was a little pissed cos my mom always seems TO get her way. God, I can be such a baby sometimes..lol.

The service there sucked though and we ended up waiting forever for our food. The conversation was awkward, forced, and limited. My dad mainly talked about his family--what's wrong with his brother, my cousin, etc. blaahh..barely anyone was listening. Mom was still getting on my nerves, and I just wanted to punch them both out. So, we ate, then left and of course it was still early, so we went to Walgreens. We all needed some shtuff. Then we came home and left again to go to Sheila's. God, I was so thrilled to be getting away from my dad. Stupid fuck! lol. Oh yeah, he's soo fricking controlling and possessive. He didn't want my mom to even go with my aunt to the airport, but she went anyway..lol.

We got there, piled up in her car and headed to Karen's house. See, Karen and Dave were going to follow us in Karen's car to the airport since Dave wouldn't have been able to fit in the car with all of us. My aunt brought a VIDEO CAMERA AND CAMERA with her to the airport!! lol. She also made this huge ass sign for Dawn, so she'd see it when she got out of the terminal. God, it seemed like we were welcoming a celebrity in town! lol.

We got to the airport, parked and then all headed into the airport. I saw Dave for the first time in years. I was sooo jealous cos him and Karen were holding hands, and he had his arm around her and stuff and I just kept thinking of me and my bunny, wishing he was there with me, holding my hand. :( GRRRR!! soon enough though. So, of course we were mad early and walked around the airport, them all being loons, my aunt videotaping it all..looking 'touristy'. I swear, I felt like I was adopted!! lol They were all joking around and there I was, walking with them but just completely lost in thought. We walked around mainly to find something to eat for Karen and Dave but everything was closed by then.

There was a piano in the airport, so of course Karen was being all loony, and decided to play it. God, my aunt got some odd things on video tape. I didn't want to be filmed, so I was only on it for maybe a few seconds..lol. That's me, camera shy. My mom didn't want to be included either, mainly cos she's so self-conscious. So, we found some comfy chairs to sit in so we can wait for Dawn there. My aunt you can tell, was just so antsy and jittery and then what really broke my heart is when Karen said that she didn't even know her own sister anymore, and hasn't seen her in ages and you can tell, she was trying extra hard to please Sheila cos she needed the attention. Luckily Dave was there to do that for her. So, after talking for a while we got up and walked over to where Dawn would be coming out. I didn't wanna get up! I was perfectly content just sitting there..lol. I was sooo tired.

My aunt was all ready, holding the sign up, setting up the camera and video camera. My family was being nutty. So, all of a sudden people started coming out of the terminal until..DUN, DUN, DUN! my cousin came out. She was SO red faced, and smiley and told my aunt to shut all the cameras off and that she liked the sign. She looks pretty much exactly the same as she did 4-5 years ago when we last saw her. Though she says she wants to cut her hair, I hope she doesn't. So, she went to hug everyone and I kind of hid so I'd be the last one she saw. Then she gave me a big hug and said "Hey beautiful lady." She said I looked the same from years ago..hmm. My first thoughts on her was that she's SO plain and would look so much better with make-up.

Dawn really appreciated everyone coming out to see her though. So we headed downstairs and back to the parking lot. I tried talking to her a bit but it was just strange and I ended up being all quiet. It was just weird seeing her after ALL that time. She was all pumped up though, and just funnier and wittier than ever before. We decided to go over to Denny's for a cup of coffee and to just talk and hang out and be silly.

I thought her boyfriend was gonna be there but I found out he's not gonna be here till Tuesday. So, on tuesday Dawn and Karen are gonna be getting him from Tampa, where he's at right now visiting relatives. So, we decided to go to IHOP instead. Grr, I missed the Eclipse cos it was so damn cloudy out and the sky was crappy from the rain we got earlier in the day.

We all sat down, of course being weird, and talking and stuff like that. My cousin is one cool chick..outgoing, witty, eccentric, funny, intelligent, free spirited, good stuff like that..and she doesn't judge..she HATES it when people talk badly about others. She also hates talking about sex. The only things I don't like is she's very condescending, very outspoken, not complimentary, tends to make fun of her own family, (BUT she doesn't like it when people talk about others..hmm), and makes you feel like an idiot if you don't understand something SHE thinks is simple. I'm kind of afraid to talk to her, cos everything you say to her is analyzed cos she IS so smart so she thinks she knows everything. She's very ecclectic too, just loves everything. So, we all had coffee and stuff and I just learned a lot about her and through her that night. We had lots of fun. Dare I say it almost felt like we were a family again. Dave was very quiet though cos he just met Dawn and he wasn't in a joking type of mood. My aunt tried hard to pay attention to Dawn and Karen, but Dawn was the star of the night and I know Karen's just a bit bitter seeing as how Dawn hasn't kept in contact with her, etc. Karen is just definitely more caring of the two. I felt a bit like an outsider, cos I didn't have much to say. I am just so different from everyone else in that family. I even LOOK different..lol. I just felt like I couldn't be me, so I held back some.

After a long time of that, we finally all left and headed back to Sheila's place. It still felt strange to be around her, and even sitting next to her in the restaurant. I felt more at ease being with Karen, but that's cos I see Karen more. We got back to sheila's house, and then all hugged goodbye and by this time it was TWELVE AM!! I was soo pooped out!! freaking EXHAUSTED! Sheila and Dawn wanted us to go over there for breakfast Sunday morning so we said Ok. We ended up getting home at 12:15 AM and I went right to bed.

It was just a really interesting night and if I covered half of what we spoke about, this entry would be 100000 times longer than it already is..lol. So, then Sunday morning we got dressed, and I hung out, read some, till we went over to my aunt's place with bagels for breakfast. So, we had eggs and bagels, and coffee and just hung out for a bit, talked a lot, and ate. Then from there, we went over to a Farmers Market to get some fruits and veggies and shtuff and from there we went back to sheila's and all kissed goodbye. We were gonna hang some more with them, but Dawn wanted to go swimming and my mom can't stay out in the sun, so we went home. We were supposed to see them again last night to watch some home videos of my grandma, but I guess they were caught up in events yesterday, so we didn't go. But they did call us last night and say sorry.

We got home, I called Nate but no answer so I went online, we talked for a little bit..he was busy researching and working on papers so we didn't get to talk too long but it was better than nothing. :) Then, I read some more, watched TV, all that shtuff. Then ate dinner, and watched Serendipity and decided to go to bed early cos I was sooo out of it from the night before and didn't get much sleep. I made up for it last night though. :)

The plans for today..sheila's working all week so I don't think we'll get to see her for a while. Dawn's getting her car while she's working to do as she pleases. The weather is crap right now, but if it clears up Dawn's going to the beach and then we might go out to lunch with her, but we'll see. I don't think we'll get to see her again till around Friday since her boyfriend is coming in tomorrow and I know she'll want to spend time with him, Karen, and her friends out here. Her boyfriend is a lot like her, so I think their a great match. They'll never marry though. She's leaving on Monday. Me and Nate won't be talking today. :( He's hella busy cos it's finals week so he has a lot on his mind and a lot to do. I understand, but still..it sucks. :( DAMN FINALS WEEK! lol. I can't wait till it's over..for his sake, and mine too. I'm just gonna miss him.

Anyway, god the stories I heard from my cousin just trips me out..the thing I didn't like is she disssed Karen a bit but said (it's all in good fun). Hmm. Hell, most of what she says trips me out. She's just so kooky, and 'different.' She's into yoga, is healthy, and all that shtuff and she's a vegetarian. I mean, a STRICT vegeterian. She does take good care of her body. She's just very 'cultured.' Very artistic (talented as fuck), Very observant, very quick on her feet. She has a 'different', quirky, style of clothes..mainly..she can give a rat's ass what she looks like or what people think which I think is a very commendable attribute. It seems like she's lightened up quite a bit but like I said, I felt bad for not opening up around her though she did ask me how I am and all that. Like I said, I learned a lot of new things about her and through her words. She made me think. She's very knowledgeable, and has been through a lot so that makes her cool to talk to. I learned a lot of shtuff I didn't know about my family too. Overall, it was good times really..just a bit weird, but fun. And like I said, it was good to be a family again and have my mom, aunt, me, Karen, AND Dawn all together. Who knows when it will be like this again. Too bad my cousin Scott wasn't around, cos it would have been even better. Oh, guess what? For the first time EVER I had "THOSE" kind of dreams last night. ;) lol.

Anyway, I gotta end this..mom's up and I know she wants to get online soon. So, I'm gonna eat, watch TV, and get dressed then who knows what for the rest of the day. If you have made it this far, and read everything then I present you a medal! lol. or a cookie. *hands you one* I hope you all have a great week. *hugs*

Baby ...I'll miss you sooo much! I hope classes go well today. Don't be too stressed honey, I don't want you getting sick. :( I wish we could talk today, but I know you're a busy bunny. I hope we can talk tomorrow. :/ I won't be sad, baby. I hope you have a great day and I LOVE YOU WITH ALL OF MY HEART!!! (K)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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