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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I'll be there for you...
2003-11-11 - 6:58 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey guys! :) Well, I can't make this too long..I have an e-mail to send out, gotta write some people, and several other things to do online before I eat.

Yesterday was a pretty cool day! Me and Nate didn't get to talk, which needless to say, royally sucked. I missed him so very much :( BUT we'll get to talk today. Oh, so anyway..I showered, ate, listened to some music and then got ready and we were off to pick up Dawn and take her to lunch.

We decided to go to this place that has brick oven pizza and yummy salads, since like I said my cousin is into that shtuff. Mmm the pizza was delicious. :) The conversation was good. I was MUCH more talkative. I just felt more comfortable with her, I felt she was more down to earth yesterday than she was saturday. See, that's me..at first I'm quiet till I warm up and then I come out of my shell a bit. Of course, Dawn provided me and my mom with some insight and we just laughed and talked and "all that jazz." lol.

Then, we went over to Walgreens cos Dawn needed a map and postcards to send her friends back in Seattle. We found out a lot of cool shtuff about Seattle. Anyway, then from there we decided since we passed it on the way to lunch, to go to this Japanese museum and orchid society but what happened is, on the way there it was raining. Ohh wait, we saw this GORGEOUS rainbow in the sky. I haven't seen a rainbow in AGES so it was just such a sight, so very purdy. But, my cousin remembered that museums are closed on mondays, so that plan was axed.

Then, we were gonna rent movies and watch them at Sheila's place but my cousin had to pick up Sheila from work at 4:30 so we wouldn't have had enough time to watch it..so instead we just went back to Sheila's area, we went into a store and I got some sunflower seeds, and then we talked and hung out at Sheila's. Then, my cousin went to pick up Sheila at work and we followed her. After that, me and mom came home. The only bad thing about yesterday is my mom had a slang term for something that Dawn found offensive and it looked like she was going to tear her head off..lol. Remember I said my cousin was famous for something? Well she isn't really, but she is on a website. I don't remember which one or else I'd provide you guys with the URL. She also told us she ran in a triathalon (sp?) and that's a major feat for someone who didn't even start exercising till last year! She should be very proud of herself. She's stick thin cos of all of it. What I learned from her is no matter what your body shape is, to just love yourself cos in her words.."You're the only you, you've got." So true.

Gosh, on TV all last night was Britney Spears. *rolls eyes* How much can one really see of her?? She's just EVERYWHERE. It's getting to be soo damn irritating. Behind the music with her in it, the MTV interview, the TRL performance, blah blah blah. It's overkill!!

Anyway, so we ate, hmm my dad was in a good mood prolly cos he was off from work last night, or maybe something else is up his sleeve, and then I watched 7th Heaven and went to bed and that was the extent of yesterday. It was just one of them lazy, rainy days. Today Dawn and Karen are going in Karen's car to get Tom (Dawn's boyfriend) from Tampa. We were supposed to go over there tonight, till we remembered that my mom will be at her bowling league. So, we might see them tomorrow. If not tomorrow, we'll see everyone on Saturday..I can't wait! I'm really starting to be the way I used to again, all into family. Family is great, they know you better than a lot of people and some of them you can really count on. (the major exception being my dad).

Well, because it's a holiday lots of stuff will be closed so I have no clue what I am doing tonight. Since we've been going out everyday since saturday, we might just lay low today and stay home which actually would be nice for a change. Like I said, I'll be online tonight so if anyone needs to talk, just give me a holla. And for anyone who needs my help, I will try my best to be here for you and just be a friend.

See, I told you this is a short entry..I'm going now..mainly due to my mom's snoring..lol. Tomorrow's entry will prolly be filled with more substance. I just wanted to make a short one to let you know of the events of yesterday. And to you guys who read my entire entry yesterday, and commented..you rock!! Have a great Tuesday guys and don't forget the very important veterans of this world. Take care! *hugs*

Honey ..I hope everything yesterday worked out ok. I missed you tonns, baby. :( I'm about to write you right now. I assume we're talking at 8:30? I hope you're having sweet dreams, bunny. I can't wait to talk to you! I love you. *kisses*

"The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt."

EDIT: My computer is crashing. :( Time to uninstall 9.0 in a few days. I went through my fave places from years ago, looked through old e-mails and laughed my ass off. Funny shit! People were so full of crap back then.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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