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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

The best part about fighting is making up...
2003-11-08 - 6:15 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: We've got tonight-Bob Seger

WARNING: Sappy entry. lol. Exceed caution.

Hey guys! *yawns* The stupid stats crap is still down! Stacey Smash it! haha. So, yesterday was one of those 'mixed bag' days.

First of all, me and Nate talked of course. But we got into a fight at first. :( Eck, no details from me but all I'll say is I do really need to loosen up sometimes, lighten up, stop being so serious and taking a lot to heart. That I am sensitive, and not a lot of fun to be with at times becos of that and becos I barely talk. Those are definitely character flaws in me that I need to change for MYSELF and I'd never want to make Nate change the way he is for me, that's just not right and would ask too much out of him and I couldn't live with myself. I am lucky to have him, because he does point out stuff to me about myself, cos he does care. I think honesty is cool, cos it really helps you and makes you better. It just really burns me up when people think of me as a boring, goody two shoes cos there's SO much more to me than that, if you take the time to look beneath the surface and "Underneath it all." :) hehe.

I ended up pouring some of my heart out to my mom, and instead of being understanding I got this huge lecture that maybe I would have avoided had I not decided to spill my guts to her. But really..it's like Nate and my mom are the people I always run to, so if me and Nate are fighting, it's my mom. If we aren't, then I run to Nate. It's a bad habit running to her because she is so judgemental and I know she wants me to be happy yet she has a lot of problems and the things she criticizes and points out about me, are the things that she also needs to improve in herself. I think there are certain things I should just not share with her. I have to keep remembering that she's my mom, she shouldn't be my friend too..it would be dangerous.

I don't want to talk about what she said because it will only stir up in me hurt, pain, and bad feelings about myself. I know some of it was true too but moving on..she decided not to lecture me anymore, she went to get me lunch..we ate. Me and Nate made up of course. Our fights rarely ever last long cos it kills us both to fight with one another and we do talk things out pretty well. Ok, some tears were involved but that's to be expected just cos it kills me for us to fight. But it only draws us closer, makes us stronger and I am just totally committed to him for the rest of my life, and nothing scares me about that statement. I'm really looking forward for the holidays to arrive, it will be bunny's first christmas. That should be converted into a children's story!! lol.

She wanted to go out yesterday w/ me, why I don't know but decided not to cos she can't be out in the sun much right now. Anyway, me and Nate talked for a couple of hours more till she kicked me off but I told him I'd call him later on since there's a really good probability that we won't get to talk today. :(

After talking to him I watched TRL (yikes, this seems to be an everyday thing) lol, Chad Michael Murray was on..I liked him in Gilmore Girls and Dawson's Creek. I went online for a bit, then we ate dinner and I watched something..hmm forget what it was and then Reba. It was HILARIOUS!! One of the best episodes I've seen in a while from that show. :) It sure delivered. Then, I called Nate and we talked for about 3 hours. Mmmm god was it a wonderful talk. In every way, shape, and form. We were watching the travel channel and saw some beaches we'd like to go to one day. :)

Anyway, so we left each other after the 3 hours (though I could have talked to him all night), I went to bed, and now here I am. I'm pretty out of it right now. I don't know what the plans for today are. All I know is that my mom, and aunt are going to the airport tonight to pick up my cousin and her boyfriend. We'll prolly be with them tomorrow night for dinner. Karen can't join us cos she has to work tomorrow. Dammit, I actually want her to go with us. :(

My mind is drawing a lot of blanks right now as to what else to talk about, I'm sure there are other things but I'm not in one of those 'deep entry writing moods' luckily for you guys!! haha. And also cos I am eager to go and read a few stories. (Only Nate knows what I'm talking about). Then I'm gonna eat and shower, and listen to some music. Maybe I'll come back later. Enjoy the survey..enjoy your weekend..smile, laugh, love, and be good kiddos!! *hugs* Eck, I just heard there's a child abductor in the area on the loose. Some people are just sickos and need to be locked up for life. I hope someone catches him, and he gets thrown in the slammer!

Fuzzy ...I loved our talk last night, it was absolutely perfect. I really hope with all my heart that we get to talk today. I'm gonna miss you like CRAZY. I will. :( But you'll be on my mind every single second, I promise. And I know we'll talk tomorrow. I hope everything goes well today, baby. You have no idea how much I love you. (K)

[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? :::Stacey
Birthplace :::Brooklyn, NY.
Age :::18.
Age you act :::8..lol.
Current location :::FL.
Eye color :::Brown.
Hair color :::Brown.
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? :::Lefty.
Zodiac sign? :::Virgo.
Height? :::5' 6- 5' 7"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality :::German/Austrian/Polish/Russian
Your hair :::Long, brown, straight.
Your fears :::Failure, Rejection, Not belonging, Moving forward.
Your perfect room :::Ummmmmm? Tis too early to think.
What you practically do in a day :::Go online,talk, watch TV, eat, sleep, crap..about it..lol j/k.
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse :::"Awesome", "Hell", "Amazing", "Good", etc.
Phrases you overuse :::"It's all good"!, "Bling Bling!" etc.
Your first thought when you wake up :::I love my bunny. :)
Your greatest accomplishment :::My writing award.
Something you want to do :::Counsel people or get my writing published.
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke :::Coke.
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::Burger King, but Mickey D's for fries.
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera :::NEITHER!!!
Chocolate or vanilla :::Chocolate.
Adidas or Nike :::Adidas..but I used to wear Nikes.
Black or white :::White.
Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) :::Bills.
Burgers or hot dogs :::hehe..burgers, but hot dogs are good too. ;)
Egypt or France :::France.
Rock or rap :::Rock.
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke :::Nooooooo!!!!
Cuss :::Yeah, quite a lot you fucker! lol
Sing well :::Not really.
Sing in the shower :::Oh hells yeah! I belt out all kinds of tunes.
Talk to yourself --a lot-- :::Haha..enough, yeah.
Believe in yourself :::No, that's what I'm working on..confidence.
Like taking these longass surveys? :::Sure.
Play an instrument :::Nope.
Want to go to college? :::Yep.
Want to get married? :::Of course.
Want to have children? :::Mmhmm, lots and lots of bunnies.
Think you're a health freak? :::Nooooo! lol.
Get along with your parents :::LOL Do pigs fly?
Get along with your siblings? :::Don't have any. Which is both a blessing and a curse.
Think you're popular :::Psshhh!
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state :::No. :( I will next month though. :)
Drank alchohal :::Noooo.
Smoke :::Noooo.
Get high :::Noooo.
Done any drugs :::Nooooo.
Eaten an entire box of oreos :::Nah.
Been on stage :::Nope.
Gone skinny dipping :::Nope, but I want to someday. ;)
Been dumped :::Nope. :)
Dyed your hair :::No.
Stolen anything :::No..wow, I AM boring..lol j/k.
[x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x]
Craziest :::I hate this section...oh hell..I'll answer anyway about all you d-landers.
Loudest :::Not saying.
Most shy :::Ii'm the most shy, so there!
Blondest :::I have no idea.
Smartest :::No comment.
Kindest :::Chrissy, hands down.
Best personality :::Everyone.
Most talented :::In terms of what?
Best singer :::I've never heard any of you sing.
Most ghetto :::My bunny, bling bling nuga! lol.
Drama Queen ((or King XP)) :::Me! lol.
Pain in the ass :::No comment.
The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style)):::No one, or else would I be friends with em?
Funniest :::Never stopped to think about it.
Best person for advice :::Hmm all of you in your own right.
Dependable :::I'm not sure.
Trustworthy :::I'm not sure.
Druggie :::Wtf?
Most likely to end up in jail :::Wtf?
Person you've known the longest :::Out of everyone on my friend's list...Nate. ok, so I dodged most of these qs..lol..I didn't want to leave anyone out.
[x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream :::Last night but I forget what I dreamt about.
Last nightmare :::I don't remember.
Car ride :::Thursday.
Last time you cried :::Yesterday, when me and Nate were fighting.
Last movie seen :::Freddy Vs Jason.
Last movie rented :::I have no idea.
Last book read :::1984.
Last word said :::"Good night."
Last curse word said :::"Fuck!"
Last time you laugh :::Last night, on the phone.
Last phone call :::Last night.
Last CD played :::Hotel Paper-Michelle Branch yesterday morning.
Last song you listened to :::I don't remember.
Last annoyance :::My parents last night, talking about some kind of shit.
Last IM :::Nate, yesterday afternoon.
Last weird encounter :::I don't know.
Last person you hugged :::Mom.
Last person you yelled at :::Mom.
Last time you wore a skirt :::I don't know.
Last time you've been evil :::Everyday, baby! lol j/k.
Sarcastic? :::All the damn time.
Last time you fought with your parents :::Yesterday.
Last time you wished upon a star :::Months ago.
Played Truth or Dare :::God, it's been years.
Spent quality time alone :::Yesterday.
[x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM :::No.
Do you feel lonely :::Yeah. :( *sigh*
Ever TP'd someone's house :::Nope.
How about egging someone's house :::Nope.
Do you not like dislike not like me? :::I don't know ya, but I'm sure you're lovely lol.
Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? :::No comment, i'll be in the bunny house! lol.
Yo Momma :::Heh?
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? :::LOL no. My bunny is always hungry though. Aww, he's preggers! lol j/k.
What do you think of George Bush? :::ARGH! Stacey Smash!!!
Any secret fetishes? :::hehehhe..only one person knows. ;) Tis a deep, dark secret. MWAAHAHAH! lol.
Do you like to wear chains? O_o :::Sure.
How many languages do you speak? :::Uno.
Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! :::Ummm tied to what. ;) lol.
Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you XP)) :::Ruh roh..I don't need stalkage. Nope, I am going to just die cos this is over. *sob sob*

Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) brought to you by BZOINK!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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