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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

This computer has a mind of it's own...
2003-11-19 - 4:16 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey ya'll. Here's what you've been missing out on the past couple of days...

The computer basically crapped out Friday night when I was talking to Nate. The funny thing is, is that our computers decided to give out at the same exact time. Friday during the day we went over to my cousin's, hung out there for a while. Then we went to IHOP, had a really GOOD breakfast and just talked and stuff and then we went over to the mall cos Karen needed something but my mom ended up buying a Steam Shark. For what reason, I don't know cos I don't feel like we need one. The weird thing is, Karen said I look pretty with make-up and complimented me and said that I hardly ever wear make-up, and I should wear it more often. WTF?! I wear make-up nearly EVERYDAY..lol. Umm..ok..lol. SOMEONE is not observant..lol.

After that, we went back to Karen's and she did my mom's nails and I was online for a bit and we just talked and chilled. I don't even remember what we spoke about, unfortunately. She did say something about her being upset with her boyfriend, long story. I also remember Karen telling us that Tom and Dawn are engaged!! Wow! How cool for them, or I think they are ABOUT to be engaged but I am not sure what they are doing about a wedding or anything cos it will be hard to get everyone to Seattle at the same time.

Anyway, we went over to Pizza Hut in Karen's car..she was playing all kinds of music that was nauseating me..lol. Dawn called when we were there so we all planned on going over to my aunt's to hang out later that night. After leaving there, we went over to the store to pick up Karen's prescription..went back to Karen's and went home. I went online, and that's when all the shit started happening. I got disconnected, rebooted a shitload of times which didn't help and from then on we couldn't connect to AOL at at all.

We had some dinner, then headed over to my aunt's. We played a great game of Boggle..great cos I won! lol. We looked at my aunt's video camera cos she taped some things, looked at the family photo album..(ah, nostalgia!), and just goofed around and had fun being all loony, and were being video taped of course. We went home, I called Nate to let him know what was going on but unfortunately he was still sick :( (I really needed to call him though so he didn't wonder why I wasn't waiting for him to come back online) and that was it for Friday.

As for Saturday, we went over to my aunt's tennis court in her community to play some tennis but my arm was still hurting so I didn't feel like playing. Of course, Sheila (my aunt) got a lot of shtuff on video camera..some really funny shtuff, some not so funny stuff. I felt kind of left out so I am glad the game didn't last TOO long.

From there, we went to have some lunch at this really GREAT restaurant by the beach. The food was really so good and after we ate we went over to the beach, but it was kind of cool out so we didn't stay there for too long. Then, Dawn's friend wanted to see her so we all went over to her house, hung out for a while and then we went to go get some pastries and went back to Sheila's place.

We hung out some, and then we changed clothes into sweaters and stuff cos we planned on going to the movies later that night. We went to Bed, bath, and beyond..Tom talked to me, and my mom there. It was an interesting convo, but again I have no clue what was spoken about..lol. We were SOOOO dorky in the car..singing Jewish songs and making fun of songs on the radio and substituting our own words in..haha.

Oh wait, on the way to Bed, Bath, and Beyond we nearly got into an accident! Sheila prolly THOUGHT there was a green arrow telling her to go but all of a sudden a couple of cars came toward us and I swear to god, I saw my life flashing before my very eyes! lol. It was so scary, I nearly had a heart attack but luckily we were all ok. Anyway, on the way back to Bed, Bath, And Beyond we went to the movies..and looked at some pics my aunt took of us on Friday night and Saturday.

We saw "Elf." It was a cute movie, Will Ferrell was great in it. I wouldn't call it "funny" but obviously it was very christmas-y and like I said, just cute. It wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't exactly great either. I know that my mom and Sheila hated it. It wasn't really for older folks..lol. Me and Dawn talked a bit before the movie started. It was nice. :) I was starting to realize I was going to miss Dawn and Tom. I know Tom cares for me because he was questioning me about all kinds of stuff in the theater.

After the movie, we went over to TGI Fridays for dinner. By this time, none of us were particularly hungry cos it was 9 at night, but still we ate. Tom drew this very cool portrait of Sheila. :) We autographed my mom's leftovers lol..then me and Dawn talked about music from the 80's, music now, all kinds of things like that. Then after dinner, we went home..I read my magazine, went to bed and that was it for saturday.

All weekend my mom did everything she could to get back online but nothing worked obviously. :( She even bought a new modem which didn't seem to be working either, called AOL Techs, changed the wire..just about everything and it was just so frustrating not being able to get online. The ONLY good thing about it was I slept in..lol.

Sunday I started feeling like shit so I layed low all day, played my casino game and watched a lot of TV. It was Dawn and Tom's last night here so the mood was really sad. I tried calling Nate several times through the day but he was sick so he didn't feel like answering the phone. Anyway, so we had dinner and went over there. Karen was there too to say bye. I really didn't feel up to going but I wanted to..to say goodbye to them cos god knows when I'll see them again. Mom says she wants to go to Seattle next year though. :)

Anyway, we all hung out and talked for a little while but we didn't stay for too long since they had to wake up early the next morning to board their plane so we said our bye's, Dawn took down my e-mail address and we left and I went to bed.

Then monday the computer was still broken. :( My mom tried even harder to get us online then realized we needed a repairman. Monday though I watched a lot of my usual shows, including 7th Heaven. I missed the Gauntlet though but caught up on it yesterday and just didn't really do much. I talked to Nate in the morning though on the phone. :) I was missing him SO much from not being able to talk to him all weekend, so it was very nice to hear his voice. *sighs*

Tuesday the repairman finally came over, guess what? The modem was FRIED from a storm we had weeks ago and the new modem was good, but my mom connected the wire to something wrong, I think and they got us back online. They mentioned to us that we should get DSL so my mom is thinking about that but the only thing is, my new e-mail address wouldn't be AOL and I don't like that fact at all. :/ The good thing is, the computer will be faster. But we'll see. I wish we can get some color on this thing! Everything is soooo damn dark!

My mom thought that would fix the problem but so many ODD things have been happening with this computer lately. We had to uninstall and reinstall AOL a couple of times and all my files and e-mails I had saved, are GONE! :( Luckily I saved my favorites. My mom finally got through to a good Tech and for now the computer is acting ok, but that's FOR NOW..lol. You wouldn't even believe what is going on with it. Just sooo much shit.

Then yesterday was just so busy reading all your updates and catching up on everything but it royally sucked being away from all of you and not knowing what's going on in your lives. :( I know I've never met you guys but I do care about you and I do always want to know how you're all doing. It was just pure torture! Ask Nate, I was going through MAJOR net withdrawal..lol. I'm glad everything's working out with the computer now, but we are seriously reconsidering getting a new one. Only thing is, it's SO expensive. This computer just sucks some ass. I'm WAITING for the next thing to go wrong with it, cos this thing is just so old. I've NEVER seen a computer malfunction SO much in my life!

What else has been going on..besides computer shit, not much else really. My dad's being a butt..what else is new there, right? haha. Whatever. I don't care. I'm in my own little world..lol. Or as Britney says "In the Zone." EWWW I just quoted Britney Spears..ok..moving on..lol. I'm kinda curious to listen to a few of her new songs, just from all the hype. I'm so excited because in one month from now, I'll be with Nate once again, lavishing him with his birthday and christmas gifts. :) hehe. I am going to SPOIL my bunny a lot! Hells yeah. I'm so glad to be able to celebrate his b-day with him, it will be a nice event.

Our anniversary is Friday so ya'll know that I am PUMPED for that..mega pumped. I can't wait. :) Especially since we're gonna get to "phone it" again. However, on anniversaries I just get in that "mood"..yeah, that's all YOU need to know..lol. This weekend is going to be nervewracking for him..he's going to tell his 'rents about us. Ruh roh! Nah, I am sure it will go just fine. :-)

He's still sick. :( I hope he feels better soon!!! Anyway, the annoying thing about today was my mom being so damn condescending to me basically saying I don't know what I am doing and that I don't know how to follow instructions. Oh yeah, cos it's SO hard to read, and follow directions. *rolls eyes*. When is she going to stop talking to me like I'm 5? I'm just glad for now that the computer is cooperating because if we have ONE more computer problem, I will just fly off the handle I swear to god. I can't take it. I had to breathe deeply to keep myself from going into a rage this morning. She doesn't think much of me at all which is sad cos I know I am capable of many things. She's prolly the reason of why my confidence is always nosediving. Luckily, watching certain shows (ahem, Wonder Years, Dawson's Creek..lol) and talking to Nate helped calm me down.

Tonight is The Bachelor! THEE night. I can't wait! It will prolly be disappointing though and Bob will prolly pick Estella, with the way this day is going. Yep, I see it coming. I'll prolly fall asleep through it, god I hope not! But I can envision it already. :/ Gah, I want to feel better! My mom told me about this new birthcontrol pill coming out though that is chewable, so I am looking into that. Shit, I remember mentioning that I was going to tell you guys about conversations me and my mom had but I don't even remember them now. If this stupid computer didn't fuck up I'd prolly remember what me and my family talked about. Oh well. I miss them though. :( Hopefully Dawn e-mails me, but I doubt it. It seems like she's all talk sometimes. I'm very happy for her though and Tom, they suit each other perfectly. I can't help but be jealous, but I am with the love of my life too. :) Just seeing them all lovey-dovey was enough to get me green with envy, but soon enough I'll have it again. My countdown will begin in just a few weeks. :-)

LOL I heard Jacko is Whacko again. Michael Jackson is going to get arrested based on child molestation charges. Oh geez..not again?! It will prolly actually better his career. Usually controversy helps out an artist for some strange reason. Man, he is sick though to molest a 12 or 13 year old. Definite chemical imbalance. Hell, look at what the Paris Hilton sex tapes are doing..she's more popular than ever! Oh god, I'll stop now cos I can talk about that shit for hours..lol. I've been watching lots of dating shows lately, and oh geez..it's so fricking superficial, just sickening. God, what this world is made of..it just amazes me.

Wow, it's raining..very nice and the weather will get cooler. Me likes. :) I feel responsible for messing up the modem though due to not listening to my mom and not shutting down when we had that storm. So, I will now go because of that.

There's so much more I wanted to say but I must go and do some other things, plus lie down cos I just still feel like la crapola. I hope ya'll have a nice night and I wanted to thank you so much for all of your kind words to me while I was away. :-) You all made me feel loved, and I appreciate it fully. I <3 you guys! Take care. Nighty night. *waves*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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