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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Inconsiderate beeps..hehe
2003-07-23 - 7:35 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Love @ first sight-Mary J Blige and Method Man

Hey ya'll!! Well here's the events of yesterday...

I updated my 101 facts if you want to check that out. It's now 130 facts but I plan on adding to that in time and hopefully get that to 200 facts.

Let's see..after I updated the power went out. That was no fun. :( I ended up staying home alll day because of the storms and we are expected to have some more maybe today and tomorrow. It was soo yucky out there. So, me and Nate talked for a loong time..5 hours to be exact and the weather started to clear up so my mom went out without me to Walmart and Costco. My dad was off yesterday..grr. He was being a pain in the ass. When he told me he should learn how to use the computer I said to myself "FUCK NO." All I need is One MORE person to share this piece of crap computer with. It's bad enough that I have to share with "her." Speaking of which, this computer is acting odd again but anyway..My parents were in a pissy ass mood because of a problem with a credit card. *rolls eyes*

So after I had to go and my mom wanted to be on I just chilled and watched some TV. Woo hoo..I love the 70's is going to be on Vh1 next month..but anyway I heard the news about Hussein's sons being killed. At first I was just saying "yeah right" and not taking it seriously but then they confirmed it. That's great news cos they were seriously so messed up in the head. Then I went out to mail something and that's when the weather went downhill again.

Then after watching some TV..I came online for a bit before dinner to take some quizzes then I ate some Pizza and watched the episode of Road Rules I missed monday night and Dog Eat Dog..then the 200 pop icons on Vh1. I missed the new Real World. :( Hopefully I can catch that later. God it's so fucking humid out..it was yesterday..it feels even HOTTER in my house..and my mom is snoring GRRR..so after that I went to bed..here's when it got interesting..

I went to bed around 11..all was fine.. I was sleeping..that is until an hour later. I hear YELLING and SCREAMING outside..it's a couple that is having a fight. At first I thought it was my next door neighbors fighting but I doubt it because it didn't sound like their voice. Maybe it was friends of my neighborhs? God..they were just cussing and going nuts. Didn't they realize that there's people around SLEEPING at that hour? How can people be so DENSE and INCONSIDERATE???

I peeked outside and saw a car right next to my next door neighbors house. Of course, I tried to sleep anyway but failed as the fight escalated and their voices got even LOUDER. SO I ran downstairs..I told my mom that people were outside fighting and I can't sleep. It turns out she didn't even hear it!! So, us being NOSY lol put our faces against the window and I heard much of the fight. It turns out that he was jealous of one of her guy friends or something.

If I were them..I would have been SO embarassed to have the whole neighborhood hear me. After a while I heard silence..I guess they took the fight in the house. So I got something to drink and lyed down and tried to go back to bed but they went BACK outside and started having another screaming match and I knew I wouldn't sleep so I turned the TV on. Besides the fighting, it was hotter than a mofo in my room.

THEN I hear people driving up outside right near my house trying to see/hear what's going on. I heard more than I wanted..lol. I would have went outside to see just what was happening but what I was wearing wasn't appropriate. ;) lol. So I finally heard someone to leave and it got quiet but I still felt uncomfortable. Finally I just fell asleep..I had ODD dreams though. One was that I got Electrocuted..there were people around me and I had a patch stuck to my arm with lights on it and then there was lightning out and everybody died but me..and I was the one with the light patch plugged to the wall..LOl..DON'T ask. Then it jumped to Michelle and her brother and then to other areas. *shrugs*

So yep, that was my boring day yesterday. I was going to KILL those people last night though. I said to myself "What RUDE ass people." I was about to yell "SHUT THE FUCK UP" but I just shook my head. The guy lost his temper. He was SUCH a bastard though cos he told the girl to "Shut the fuck up or she'll be sorry." She couldn't even get a word in edgewise cos he kept freaking her out and raising his voice. Grr. She did try to yell to defend herself though at certain times. He probably tried to beat her up. :( So yep I'm sort of crabby right now due to being on little sleep. Gah I hope he didn't hurt her. :/

Anyway, so yep..been having computer problems. My mom's all moody cos she has to sleep in here..but THANK GOD she's going out to breakfast with my aunt and cousin. =D Peace!!! I just talked to Nate for a little bit till he had to go to sleep. :) I love talking to him in the morning. It starts the day off right. Well after I eat I have to shower because my hair's getting stringy and shave but I think today will be like yesterday. Perhaps I should clean a bit? Blah lol I did clean the kitchen last night when NO ONE asked me to..lol..I know..shocker.

Ok my mom's up so I'm out of here..plus she wants to call AOL to find out what's wrong with this piece of junk. Before I go here's a survey..

Finish each sentence with the first thing that comes to your mind:

Let's walk in the: snow.

Let's run through: rain.

Let's look at the: stars.

Who are those: idiots..lol.

What a nice: kiss

Where did all these: come from?

When will they: go?

How are your: hands

Why can't you: care

So where did you find: that?

Sing the: song for me.

Easier than: pie

Closer than: you think

Look at my: tattoo

I'll stay if: you ask me to.

Silly little: girl.

Show me some: money.

The sky is: beautiful.

Tell me a: story.

Hide me: away.

Love me: forever.

Grab the: keys.

My mom thinks you're: a hoe.

He's not: awake.

Are you that: dense?

I missed: you.

Can't you: be scarce?

Lovely little: ears

Baby ..We'll talk later. I can't wait. :o) I hope you're sleeping well and having great bunny dreams. I love you!!! Mmmuuuuuahhhhhhh.

"Pay attention to what's good about your life. Rather than worrying about what you don't have, seek to make the best of all the good things you do have. There are a lot of things right with your life. Give your attention to them and they will grow."--Ralph S. Marston, Jr <--heh..that's what me and Nate talked about the other day. :P

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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