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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Soooo nervous!!!
2003-09-01 - 7:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Maybe I'm amazed by Paul McCartney

Hey! :) Happy Labor Day! I'm back as you can tell. I just needed to take a mini break from here and just focus on Nate, plus I had a pretty boring weekend.

It was sooo nice though just to relax. This week however, not much of that will be going on as you can imagine. The plan is today we're going food shopping, and tomorrow we're mopping the kitchen and bathroom floor and cleaning the couch..just last minute shtuff basically. I think today will be a great day for shopping because it's going to be a rainy one.

Yesterday was my cousins b-day. I reminded my mom to call him..of course she forgot..lol. So we have to call him tonight. Today would be my grandpa's 96th b-day if he was alive. Yep, it is odd that my grandpa's b-day is a day after my cousin's. I found out last night that a friend of my aunt's died Sat night of a heart attack. I met her once and she was super nice to me and my mom and really cared for us. I felt so bad because she was an amazing person. She died way before she should have. Death just really puts a whole new spin on life, a whole new perspective. Life is just a huge surprise and so unpredictable. I wish I had gotten to know her better, but now's not the time for regrets. I just hope she's happy wherever she is. It's just odd the changes going on in life. I found out yesterday too that my ex's dad canceled AOL so he wants everyone to write him. Ha..don't expect a letter from me John! lol.

I hope we can still have a BBQ today. :/ I guess it all depends on the weather. Anyway, I feel somewhat better. Now, it's just my nerves are getting to me..lol..and a headache. My legs are constantly twitching (shaking)..hehe. I can't wait to see him!!! It's all so exciting! =D I'm sooo in LOVE.This is going to be a crazy, crazy week. But it's going to be a very happy one. I know me and my bunny are going to have the time of our LIVES. We are going to spend every waking moment together and I know I'm going to be unbelievably happy for those few days. I'll finally be able to experience being in his arms, and kissing him and it's all going to be heaven on earth. Just a dream come true and my head is just whirling thinking about it all! I can't get this stupid, cheesy grin off my face! =D MOOOO, baby! lol (don't ask)Anyway..

I can't believe it's September already! My b-day's just 9 days away!!! Gaahhh! lol. Oh yeah, I am going to update once more, maybe twice more before he gets here.

Bunny ..Talk to you later, baby. I LOVE You..MOOOOOOO! lol.

Well, I promised my mom the computer now so perhaps I will prolly come back later on. Have a great week ya'll! And thanks for your get well wishes guys. : )

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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