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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Nate will be here tomorrow!!!
2004-08-21 - 2:21 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Something I posted in my livejournal today....

Woo hoo! As you all know today is me and Nate's anniversary!! 23 months of bliss. =) I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!! Unfortunately, he won't be able to read this entry until he gets back home. We just talked for a bit this morning. My poor baby is SO tired. :( I feel bad for him..he has a long day ahead of him and he got no sleep last night. The next time I'll talk to him will be tonight when he checks into the hotel. I'll have to stay up and wait for his call. I can't wait to hear his voice and to hear that he arrived here safely. That's when the nerves will REALLY set in. And then of course tomorrow afternoon I will see my baby!! =D We'll have lunch together. Dammit, I have the jitters right now actually. I'm silly since I've seen him 3 times before. lol. I'm acting like it's the first time I've ever see him. haha. I know that when I do my eyes will light up like a little kid on Christmas. hehe. I can't believe the time is almost drawing near!!! It's so surreal! All of the waiting has been well worth it.

No words can describe the excitement I am feeling right now about seeing him and being with him again. Ahhh..it's just going to be amazing and we are going to make tons of awesome memories that I WILL WRITE ABOUT. lol. As for pictures, I'm not sure yet. I'll try my best to get us to take some pictures. It won't be easy since we're both camera shy. lol. Me more than him. heh.

Right now my neck hurts like a bitch!! I barely slept last night myself because I woke up in the middle of the night with this pain. Ugh. :( I can't turn my neck to the left at all. I hope this pain goes away by the end of the day cos if I still have it tomorrow then I am going to feel so miserable all day and that would really suck! I have nothing to do today except shave and shower. Luckily I finished all of my cleaning..that was smart of me to get on that right away. My mom still has cleaning to do. I discussed with her that maybe her, Nate, and I can all go out to dinner tomorrow night. It's just a thought. Whether it will happen or not I don't know.

Tomorrow my aunt will be back from Vegas..almost forgot to mention that. I hope she won't want to see Nate. =/ She did last time and it was kinda embarrassing! lol. Poor Nate got interrogated last time he was here. Well, I'm really not sure when I will be back. I'll most likely be busy having fun w/ my tiger next week. =D So I'll probably be back next weekend.

I'm sure you'd all understand if I wasn't on next week being that you are such wonderful people. =] Well, that's all from me. I won't be updating tomorrow of course. But as I said, I'll see about next week. Who knows. I'm going to go relax and lie down. Damn neck!!! Have an awesome weekend everybody!!! <3

Yes, Nate is coming here tomorrow!!! He'll be here for about a week. =] I'm SO DAMN EXCITED!!! I had to share this with all of you. =)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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