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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

The weather outside is frightful...
2003-11-05 - 6:23 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Sunshine of my life-Stevie Wonder

Good mornin' everyone. *yawns* So, I just had a dream that just terrified the crapola out of me..lol. I dreamt that I was pregnant. Wtf? That would be a miracle in itself. On the tone of sex here, I just realized my last entry was my 469th..heh. I am SUCH a freak. :� But anyway, there were so many elements in my dream that it's hard to piece it all together. Some old friends, my first crush, Nate, my cousin, my mom, were in it. I think it was the weirdest dream YET. I think I dreamt about it because I was watching Elimidate and they were talking about kids, and I guess it seeped into my subconscious.

Anyway, so the big news in my life at the moment..ALL the channels on my TV came back!!! What happened was it was a very stormy day yesterday and a flash of lightning made the power shut off for a few seconds, so when I turned my TV back on I realized I now have all the channels again. My mom has to call the cable company and tell them there's no need to send someone over here now. I am happier than a crack hoe getting her fix about this..haha. No offense to crack hoes out there, of course. :) I have love for all. But yeah, we're expecting crappy weather for the next couple of days till around Friday, I just wish with the crappy weather there would be some cooler weather, but nope.

I spent most of last night looking for an older template. Yes, I am not dumb and realize I can use the template I have now as an older one, but I want a different one for my older entries. I LOVE the one I have now, but it clashes with the template. I'd preferably like a black/purple or black/white older layout with a rock band or some musician, or a love theme. I changed my g-book layout. It was orange, purple, blue for a bit, and now it's black and white. The purple looked like crap, the blue didn't go with the layout, so I thought black would work best.

Well, my dad finally went back to work early this morning. It's about time. So there goes the theory that he got fired. I guess he was in a decent mood yesterday, but you can never tell with him. Of course my mom left me home with him for half the day. GRRR. lol He asked me and my mom to fill out this form for him where in the event something happens to him and he dies, (I wish LOL), then my mom will get the money. My mom is wondering if he's trying to tell us something, but I highly doubt it. I know he'd never kill himself, he loves himself too much and hell, he'll probably outlive me even.

I saw The Gauntlet yesterday. It was pretty good, as usual. Some of the people on there make me cringe and I just want to throw them over that hill they have there, but others are cool. Next week's should be interesting..I hope they vote Elka off. To no surprise to everyone I am sure, I didn't get to see Real World. Ah well. I am looking forward to The Bachelor tonight, and I WILL watch it this time. :)

Oh yes, to those who complimented my new template...thank you so much! I was worried, hoping everybody would like it so I am glad you guys do. I know it's silly to care about what people think but I'm a people pleaser.

Hmmm I really don't know what else to ramble about right now, so I guess I'll end this. Fuzzy ..I truly can't wait to talk to you! I've missed you since the moment you left me yesterday. I really love you with all of my heart, you're so amazing!! (lots of kisses). I wish you all a great hump day! *hugs*

"A great obstacle to happiness is to expect too much happiness."--Bernard de Fontenelle

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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