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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

True blue baby I love you...
2004-01-30 - 6:50 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey! *yawns and stretches* Argh, I'm finding it super hard to think straight right now so I hope this entry makes sense.

I seem to ALWAYS jinx myself. Remember yesterday how I said that I wonder how long the drama free days with dad will last? Well they ended yesterday. BOTH of them were being soo fricking annoying yesterday. Getting on my last damn nerve. Especially him. So last night, I had just gotten online cos my mom went out to get dinner. I thought it would be my perfect opportunity. Well, the timing couldn't be more off. She came back and I was still reading updates. I was reading them all through dinner which meant that she had to eat dinner with him...alone.

Normally for any husband and wife this wouldn't be a catastrophe but nooo not in my family. Afterwards, when I went to get my dinner she shot me some death looks. It seems that my dad holds back when I'm eating dinner with them. But when I'm not the 'middle man' and sitting there..then he goes for the jugular. He started bitching my mom out so badly that she couldn't enjoy her dinner. He said 'Something needs to be done about the computer'. Right. I'd like to see him do something with it considering he doesn't know how to turn it on even. Ha.

So, after a while she couldn't take it anymore and just walked out. He was in a crabby mood all day, she was cranky. Yesterday = no good at the home front. But as Ashlynn says, "This is just added material." lol. For the book I'm going to write one day, if you all are confused. About mu parents lol. Yesterday was great for me and Nate however. :) We got to talk quite a bit. I looove talking to him. He's a really nice diversion from the crap going on here at a daily basis. He takes my mind off it all..when I'm talking to him, all I focus on is him. I tune everything out just focusing on how much I love him. We watched South Park on the phone last night. :) It seems to be our 'thing' now. hehe. Which I think is really cute and special.

Well, I did go out with them last night..we went out to have ice cream shakes. Mmm mine was SO good. Very chocolatey but not TOO sweet. Just right. Orgasmic. Hehe! ;) Anyhoo, I got really sad cos on the way home we passed by a sign for 'Lion Country Sifari.' Why would this make me sad you ask? Well, that's where me and Nate had our first date. *pouts* I miss that place. Not only was that me and Nate's first date, but my first date ever. Yes folks, I had my first date at the age of 17. *hangs head* lol. But I'm glad it was with him. I honestly couldn't see myself with anyone else for the rest of my life. He completes me in every which way. I'd never, EVER be untrue to him. This is how I know it's real love..as odd as that might sound to some. But it's not odd for me lol.

Anyway, I know my aunt is upset about losing the job..her pride is hurt but I KNOW she'll be fine. My mom and her are going out today..I think my aunt will be handing out resumes or whatever. Lots and lots of rain today! Gotta love it. Today shall be one of those 'napping' days. I listened to & alphabetized my CD's last night. Aren't I a dork? lol. I was bored cos Friends was a repeat again. GRR!! Reba tonight. :D Yes, TV = my life. haha.

Hmm I need a shower. I think I'll take one this morning when my mom leaves. I better go. Mom's awake. I hope you all have an awesome day & weekend. Love you guys. *hugs* God I'm glad this month is almost over.

"If today, a smile should appear on your face, it's because at this very minute, I am thinking of you and I am smiling too."

Baby ..I LOVE YOU & can't wait to talk to you!!! (K)(K)(K)(K)(K)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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