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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

I hate my "dad"....
2004-02-02 - 6:38 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

It's monday..yay! I never thought I'd say that but I am so relieved that sunday is over. It was one of THOSE days yet again where you just wish you would have never woken up..heh.

The damn superbowl pissed me off..first of all, the panthers lost. :( It was a really close game though..they gave it their best shot. AND MTV can no longer participate in any superbowl games due to ummm Janet Jackson's boob..lol. Justin Timberlake is a horny fuck ripping on her shirt like that and touching her boob. Now, I didn't see the halftime show, but I heard about it on the radio. *shakes head* I heard though that they yanked it off TV really fast, obviously CBS didn't want to show that. They are wondering if it was intentional, if it was planned or not and if it was just a publicity stunt..due to Janet Jackson's supposedly racy new album. They said Janet looked shocked and tried to cover herself up. So now the NFL rightfully so is pissed and MTV is done with superbowls. That wouldn't have happened if Justin kept his hands to himself. *still shaking head* (lol) They said it was his ahem "birthday present." lol. He claims it wasn't rehearsed and that he regrets it. How apra-po that they sang "Rock your body"..He did nearly have her naked by the end of the song..haha.

Anyhow, due to all the superbowl madness I guess..there was a surreal life marathon but no new episode of surreal life. :( Grr..I needed a laugh last night. Yesterday was horrible in every single sense of the word. As you saw, my dad and I got into a fight. He's really depressed and disgusted as usual. He's been depressed every day of his life. Like I'm not disgusted, like my mom's not disgusted. But he doesn't realize that people actually exist. He thinks he has it the worst in the world and his problems are so incredibly monumental. Give me a break.

I told him he doesn't care about me and he seemed so bewildered-like he had absolutely no clue what I was talking about. I think deep within, he does know. I just got really upset and the guy was a total prick all day. I told my mom I can't be here anymore and she just seemed so offended and really took it to heart and made it into some kind of personal thing. Geesh, I was mainly talking about not wanting to live with my dad anymore. The guy is a complete psycho case. If he's not bitching everyone out, he's "sleeping away his problems" in his own words. My outlet is music, books, writing, the internet, TV. I can't believe he had the nerve to talk about me behind my back. I HATE that. Last night when my mom called me to dinner he said to my mom "You baby her." WTF? How does my mom calling me to dinner mean she's babying me? His logic is fucked up and up his ass. He shouldn't be called a dad..he wouldn't know the meaning of the word if it hit him in his 'logic filled' ass.

So all day, everyone was pretty much walking on eggshells here. Sundays are never, ever good for me. Since he blew up yesterday, I'm predicting that he won't today. All I know is this week I better start looking through papers again or my life is going to get very more hell-ish than it already is. The funny thing is my dad thinks I've "got it made." haha..riiight. If it wasn't for Nate talking to me yesterday..I would have had a complete nervous breakdown. I can't wait to see him, to be with him. He makes everything better.

My mom told me last night that the only good thing to come out of her marriage was me. Other than that it's been a very long and painful mistake. She can be sooo happy with someone else-someone she talks to that she really likes, and likes her too but she's stuck being miserable with a dumbass moron. I know she's trying to break away from him though. After they are through, I never want to see him again. I mean that. I've always loathed him but now the hatred has grown even stronger. I'm so sick of watching my every step and making sure i'm not alone in the same room as him. Living in fear is a terrible, terrible thing. The thing that pisses me off is my dad is SO oblivious to EVERYTHING. He thinks he does nothing wrong..that everything is stupid. He couldn't program the VCR...it's the VCR's fault. Right. HAHA He didn't tape the superbowl correctly. If I know him, I know he's going to go into a rage today cos the superbowl didn't get on the tape. I wish I didn't have to be here to witness that blessed event. ha.

I shouldn't fear him though..he acts more like a boy then a man. But enough about him..it's just getting me more worked up. Ah, that felt better..I needed to vent and get that off my chest. I just hope things get better..can they get worse? Today as I mentioned, I have to call my grandpa. This should be fun! Ha, oh well..I'll just have to suck it up and do it. The guy has never harmed me anyway. Tonight is American Idol & The Inferno. No matter what goes badly for me today, at least I have that to look forward to. heh. Uh oh..I need a shower today. Damn hair is screaming "Wash me!" lol.

I better go..I still need to put up my "100 facts". I'm putting up colorgenics results in onehotpoet. I hope you all have a great monday [and that I do too] and that your February is starting off better than mine. Bye!


1. Copy this whole list into your journal/diary/blog.

2. Bold the things that you have in common with me, Stacey. I took this from Nate , so everything I bold is something I have in common with him.

3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

100 facts...

01. I'm addicted to drinking Root Beer.

02. I call carbonated beverages soda.

03. I like to read.

04. I sometimes eat like crazy..but I have to be really hungry.

05. I hate broccoli.

06. I love watching movies.

07. Sleeping is one of my favorite activities.

08. I graduated high school.

09. Cooking isn't my thing..but I'd like to learn.

10. I absolutely love cats.

11. Ice cream is one of my favorite foods.

12. I am taken.

13. I've never been to Bermuda.

14. I could do without flying.

15. I rarely bite my fingernails.

16. I enjoy a variety of musical styles.

17. I like to spend a lot of time by myself, but I get lonely pretty quick.

18. I have a cell phone.

19. I want to travel (some of) the world.

20. I definitely know I talk in my sleep.

21. My favorite meal is tuna fish casserole...yesh, you read that correctly lol.

22. I have never eaten sushi.

23. I have never used my snooze button.

24. I think I'm [semi] normal but others might disagree..lol.

25. I have naturally straight hair.

26. I have brown eyes.

27. I am creatively interesting sometimes, other times creatively dead.

28. I'd rather be freezing cold than burning hot.

29. I've never used birth control cos I've never had sex.

30. I love making people smile and laugh, even if it's over retarded things.

31. I only use one pillow.

32. I love animals...usually bigger animals.

33. I have an extremely low tolerance for spicy food, I hate it.

34. I like the past better than the present in some aspects.

35. I love hearing the sound of the person I'am in love with.

36. I wish I had a lot of money.

37. Money however is the root of all evil lol.

38. I'm not totally sure of what I want to be when I grow up, but I have ideas.

39. My parents are still married.. unfortunately.

40. I love autumn the most out of any season.

41. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing.

42. I sometimes enjoy creating a piece of art.

43. I hate the humidity here.

44. I have seen "Now and Then" tooo many times.

45. I saw "Titanic" and was totally in love with it..umm, Leo..lol. But I don't like him anymore.

46. I sometimes laugh at myself but usually I take myself way too seriously.

47. I want to have kids.

48. I have never babysat but I don't know..I think it would be sort of fun.

49. I like my feet..i just wish they were a tad smaller.

50. I have always had long fingernails but now I cut them.

51. I like silence at times.

52. I am a cynical optimist.

53. My favorite animal is the BUNNY!

54. I procrastinate sometimes.

55. I�m in love with someone.

56. I couldn't sing to save my life.

57. I still enjoy color books and crayons.....odd, huh? :P

58. I cultivate stress lol.

59. I have a desire to publish a book.

60. I prefer Disney to Warner Brothers.

61. I've been to Disney World one time.

62. I have always strived to do what�s right. I usually do pretty well.

63. I tend to have a smartassed comment to nearly everything.

64. My life would probably be better if I was around more positive people.

65. I sometimes remember my dreams.

66. I hate when people stare.

67. I like silly people.

68. I love getting hand written letters.

69. I loathed high school.

70. I would like to learn to play the guitar..I know how to play the flute.

71. I like looking at the stars and moon and would love to be in space.

72. I love candles.

73. I love my online friends.

74. I have finally learned what true love is.

75. I can dance pretty well.

76. I am a Democrat.

77. I like candles more than incense.

78. I'm afraid of disappointing others more than myself.

79. I have never been arrested.

80. I always try my best.......but sometimes I need to try harder.

81. I'm a sappy romantic at heart.

82. My family puts the "func" in disfunctional.

83. I usually think things through before I do them..but I have a hard time making decisions.

84. I actually like the smell of fingernail polish. lol.

85. I have a tendency to be nosy.

86. I daydream a lot.

87. I worry WAY too much.

88. I want to live wherever I'm the happiest.

89. I am passionate about human/certain animal/gay rights.

90. I spend money on things I don't need sometimes.

91. I am sometimes easily amused.

92. I'm ready for this list thing to be over...this coding is a pain in the ass!!!

93. I like to play games online.

94. I like oranges.

95. I hate how I look in pictures.

96. I can't handle the truth.

97. I like to help people.

98. I have a digital camera.

99. I buy things for people just because.

100. I'm glad this is done!..mighty glad!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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