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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

happy 21 months, tiger!!!
2004-06-21 - 9:55 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Happy Anniversary, honey!!

These 21 months together have made me so ridiculously happy. You've showed me what true love and friendship is all about..you've let me into your life and into your heart and have given me more than I could have ever wanted. You've made me strive to be a better person. You're really the best thing to ever come out of my life & for as long as I live I will never stop loving you & being thankful, appreciative, and grateful for you. You make me feel alive. Everyday I fall deeper in love with you, and that's all I need..you and your love. You've made my dreams come true. You'll always be perfect in my eyes. <3

Enough sappiness...lol. Yesterday was Ok. It rained again. For nearly the entire day so there really wasn't much to do except go online and listen to music. The power kept going out again though..grr. I talked to my love for a bit. I am glad to hear that he's feeling a lil better. :-)

I got into a fight with my mom this morning..yeah what else is new. Don't feel like talking about it. There's no point. I called that agency..well they told me that right now they are dealing mostly with experienced people BUT they are keeping me in mind. Yeah right. lol. I am not going to solely rely on them. I called some place in the paper..they said I can come in tomorrow between 8:30-4:30..apply & they'll interview me. It's basically light bookkeeping, typing and all that. The good thing about it is it's close to where I live. So we'll see with that. I am going to go early tomorrow morning..and really do my best to stand out from the other applicants. I know I don't have much of an advantage cos of my lack of experience & my age..but I am still giving this my best shot.

I called another place..they are going to call me later and set up an appointment with me for an interview. I also apply there when they interview me. They are further away..and it's also a lot of typing/data entry stuff..no experience needed. We'll see what happens with that also..again I am going to try to do and look my best. I'm proud of myself for really putting the effort in and trying. *pats self on back*. I am such a dork. I'm not getting my hopes up though. Today I am just going to chill. Road Rules is on later. Woo hoo.

It's hotter than a mofo in here. *passes out* So anyhoo..I MUST take a shower tonight. I have to go. I hope you all have a great week. *hugs* Wish me luck for tomorrow! *crosses her fingers*.

Tiger...RI ROVE ROU! <3333333

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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