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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

The interview and other shtuff...
2004-06-22 - 1:38 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

I want to thank you guys for your anniversary wishes yesterday. It meant a lot to the both of us. It was an awesome anniversary. Pretty damn close to perfect. It would have been perfect if we would have been spending it together--but I know that in a few months from now we will have that chance. Thanks for your good luck wishes as well. :-) Much appreciated.

I also got to FINALLY talk to Caroline again yesterday which was cool. It's so strange because we feel the same way about pretty much everything. We just have a lot in common & therefore understand each other. It's great to feel that strong bond with a girl again. I haven't felt that "best friend" feeling for a girl in a long time. It's just..nice to feel that closeness & connection with somebody of the same gender.

The weather was pretty bad yesterday too. It looks like another horrible day out there. Last night I mainly just chilled..did the laundry & took a shower. I saw this ADORABLE thing on Animal Planet about Tigers. It was so fucking cute. I think I said "Aww" a total of 100 times. lol. Nate was watching it too. :-) It reminded me so much of him. Since he is my tiger & all. I can't wait for the other tiger shows this week. Went to bed just before Road Rules started. I was so tired from just doing chores like dishes & stuff.

This morning I had to do even more crap around here. Grrr. I got ready for my interview and left. When I got there I had to fill out an application. So I did that..I was told though that the interviewer had left and was coming back in a half an hour. So...we (mom and I) left and drove around the beach for awhile. Just chatting and stuff..wasting time. We came back after awhile. The girl was in...I stood up the whole time. lol. It was strange. There was one other person there besides me applying for that job at the time. She asked me a few standard questions about what shifts I want, how old I am, what my references are, whether I want part time or full time, if I'd work weekends..stuff like that. I made myself flexible so this way I'll have more of a chance of getting the job.

It was very quick. The interviewer had such a STONE face though. Literally NO emotion at ALL. She scared the shit out of me. haha. Before I knew it, it was over and she told me that she'll call me anytime between today through tomorrow..so I am just waiting for that phone call. I am not really getting my hopes up..cos I AM Young..I am just starting out. But we'll see what happens. I am a bit nervous..but If I get it..great. If not, then something else will come along & at least I tried. I will keep you guys posted. Ohhh..and that other place never called back. Jerks. I guess they don't want anyone working for them really. Screw them then.

After that short and sweet interview, we went to Wendy's and I got myself a salad. Mmm. Now I am just waiting for Nate to get online so we can talk for the day. Then later on today I definitely have to shave. And I will just relax..cos I think I deserve it. I get to be online later. Yay! Tuesdays just rule. For sure. I'm gonna go now. Have a great day all. <3

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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