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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

rain and romance rock!
2004-01-19 - 7:26 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Happy MLK day to you! :) Woop Woop. Anyway, I hope everybody had a great, fun filled weekend. Mine was alright, could have been better if I was feeling like myself but hey, what can ya do?

So yesterday, it DID rain and man..it was SO soothing and relaxing to not only watch the rain outside, falling down..but talking to Nate at the same time too made it even better. =) *sigh* I love him so much!!! mmm. Our anniversary is wednesday..I can't wait. However, anniversaries make me notice the distance between us more and more. It makes me sad cos we don't get to be together on that day yet I know we're close in heart, soul, and spirit.

I was watching "Sleepless in Seattle" yesterday and "You've got mail." Two great, romantic movies. Sleepless in Seattle is one of my favorites. I think Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks have a great on screen chemistry. WTF? My aunt just IMed me..hmm..she prolly thought my mom was online. She was kind of cold to me but whatever. *shrugs* Anyway, I just love those movies. They are good for hopeless romantics like myself..lol. I also watched a bit of "She's all that."

Surreal life was AWESOME last night!! Sooo funny and weird to see Gary Coleman and Todd Bridges together again. I SO badly wanted Gary to say "Whutchu talkin' bout' Willus?" LOL. Great catch phrase. Gary was WAYYY too uptight though. Vanilla Ice was all angry and shit and Traci is just..traci. lol. She's a fricking whacko when she's drunk..trying to get up on Ron Jeremy. Interesing episode, to say the least..haha.

My dad was being an a-hole yesterday as usual. I'm talking to Nate online for a bit and he walks in here and says "Hi!"..."How come you never say hi to me?" So I said "I'm not in the mood to start something with you..I don't feel well." So then he walks away and mumbles "That's always your excuse." So I yelled "IT'S NOT AN EXCUSE, I FEEL LIKE SHIT!" So he finally just walked away and didn't say anything. Damn right! GO STACEY! One point! haha. What a damn prick. He never believes something when you tell it to him but I can fricking careless at this point. He doesn't know how I feel! Jerk.

So, mainly I got to relax yesterday and watch TV and stuff. Tonight will be great for tv..The new American Idol will be on along with the season finale of the challenge (the gauntlet). I'm going to miss 7th heaven but oh well.

Argh..I really wish I felt better. I did take some stuff though which helped a bit, but not all that much. Luckily it will rain again today so I'll get to relax and rest a lot. The only way I can relax well is if it's cloudy or rainy..I'm weird like that. I finally got around to updating my profile somewhat..just pretty much the movie part though. I still need to add to it.

Well, that's it I guess. I KNOW there was something I wanted to ramble about, but sitting here, it seems to have slipped my mind. GRR. Don't you just hate it when you KNOW you want to write about something and then sitting down typing you forget it..and then when you click "Done" on your entry it suddenly comes to you?? grr!! I'm gonna go stuff my face, then lie down for a while til it's time to talk to my love . Have a great week, everybody!!!

Oh wait..here's a survey for your enjoyment!!!

Nickname:::Stace, and many more.
*Love and such*
Are you bi/lesbian/gay/straight?:::straight.
Are you in love?:::yes.
Do you kiss on a first date?:::I did..kinda..lol.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?:::boyfriend.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?:::no.
Have you ever kissed a member of the opposite sex?:::yes.
If no, have you ever been curious to what either one would be like?:::
Last sexual thing that happend to you?:::lol nevermind that. :P
*Family and friends*
Favorite family member?:::hmm my cousin, Karen.
Best friend?:::Nate.
Second family?:::Nate's family.
Who can you trust with your life?:::Nate..see a pattern??? lol.
*Do you...*
Do drugs?:::no.
Cut yourself?:::no.
Attempt suicide?:::no.
Flirt?:::only w/ Nate..lol.
Wear makeup?:::yes.
Fool around with the same/opposite sex?:::no..wow, I'm boring! lol j/k.
*Have you ever*
Jumped out of a plane?:::no...but I want to.
Drove a car?:::yes.
Ran/drove away from the cops?:::no.
Had sex?:::no.
Got close to having sex?:::umm LOL...hmm i'll keep this one to myself. thanks. :P
*This or that*
Cheese or pepperoni?:::pepperoni.
Pepsi or Coke?:::coke.
Pac Sun or Hot Topic?:::neither.
Aeropostal or Weathervane?:::neither.
Male or female?:::female.
Blue or pink?:::blue.
Movie or video game?:::movie.
TV or movie?:::both.
Bra size?:::nevermind that. :P
Pants size?:::normally a 5 or 7..depending on the pants.
Shirt size?:::medium usually.
Shoe size?:::9.
Carry a purse?:::sometimes.
Boxers or breifs?:::neither.
Do you have AIM/AOL?:::AOL.
What kind of music do you like?:::rock/alternative, rap, hip hop..everything pretty much except for country and classical.
I am a tall lt brown hair, green eyed 18 year old, do I sound hot/pretty?:::who cares..i'm a girl! lol.
Do you like tootsie rolls?:::yes!
What school do you go to?:::I graduated.
What day is it?::: Monday.
What time is it?::: 7:48 Am.
*Silly shit*
What color underwear are you wearing?::: black.
Do you think cows are funny?::: Not really.
Do you enjoy sexual situations(Ie: being fucked, eaten out, blowed?)::: ahem. lol.
Ever rode a horse?::: yes.
How about an elephant?::: no.
What about a guy ;-)?::: LOL oh geez. no. You're a PERV! :P lol.
Do you like Outkast?::: yes.
Have any siblings?::: no.
Any people really close to siblings?::: well, Nate's sister is like a sis to me.
Think Im annoying?::: nah..not just yet. lol.
Food?::: Italian.
Drink?::: Root Beer
Band?::: Coldplay/Lifehouse/No Doubt
Color?::: green
Website?::: this one.
Screen name(your or someone elses)?::: tommygrl1229.
Person?::: Nate.
TV show?::: oh geez..lots and lots. I'd say Real World.
Movie?::: Now and Then.
Quote?::: "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger."
*Word assosiation*
Fuck::: you. lol.
Lick::: suck.
Stripe::: white stripes.
Pants::: legs.
Richard::: hmm an old friend.
Sammy::: from Days of our Lives..oh god! lol.
Tim::: ewww ex b/f.
Helga::: russian? lol.
*Do you/are you*:
Wear thongs?:: no.
Suck dick?::: wtf? god you're bad! :P lol.
Want to get me horny ;-)?::: NO! but it seems like you already are horny...lol.
Horny?::: no. it's too early to be horny! ha.

*Long Survey* brought to you by BZOINK!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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