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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

man, I can't think of a title...
2004-01-20 - 7:20 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: "I just want to be your everything"-Andy Gibb

Hey ya! I hope you all had a good MLK JR day. I'm sure a lot of you enjoyed your day off. :) It didn't rain yesterday which SUCKED ass. :(

The strangest thing happened..I was lying in bed last night and I had a premonition, if you will last night of who updated and when I checked updates this morning, I was pretty much RIGHT on the mark! Ha, how weird. I had an odd dream about a party and cigarettes and that's all that I really remember. But hey, I'm making progress..usually I remember diddly about my dreams.

Let's see..the new American Idol premiere was on last night. GOOD shtuff!! Right now, it's just mainly the auditioning process. Some of these people ACTUALLY believe they have a shot in Hollywood and think they are good. Me..I KNOW I have no musical talent, I know I'm not Mariah Carey or even close but them, they think their great. A lot of them humiliated themselves on national TV. I really feel sorry for them. :( Don't get me wrong..there were some AMAZING auditions in the mix. Especially that guy who sang "Unchained Melody." He blew me right out the water with that one..and these 2 spanish guys were exceptionally good. Tonight is part 2 of auditions, this time in Atlanta.

I missed The Gauntlet!! Yep, you read that correctly..lol. I fell asleep RIGHT before it started. I just have no energy these days. :( That's not good that I couldn't even stay awake for it. I'm sure I'll see it on repeats though. HOPEFULLY I'll be able to stay awake for Real World tonight.

Well, yesterday was WW III around here. Everyone fighting, at each other's throats. My dad of course, instigated the whole thing. Mainly "different day, same crap". He KNOWS i'm not feeling well but noooo that didn't stop him from shooting off his big ass mouth. Then she (my mom) started taking it out on me because she was frustrated. My dad was stressed from work..working long hours so it was one of THOSE days. Everyone around here has a maturity level of a 3-year-old. It's pathetic. He pretty much runs the house..when he's in a room no one dares to walk in it..just cos you never know when he's going to go into a rage..and NO ONE wants to be in the same room as him. It just sucks.

Ugh, so it finally kind of blew over and got quiet around here when he went to sleep. This is just an environment that I really don't need to be in for much longer..it's not conducive to my health and it kills me inside. God knows what it does to my mom. She's a relatively good woman..she deserves better. She just made a bad choice however that doesn't mean she needs to live with it for the rest of her life.

Anyway, on a brighter note tomorrow is me and Nate's 16 month anniversary. :) I wish to god we could be together for it. *Sigh* So, I know tomorrow will be particularly tough. But, these 16 months have filled me with so much joy, so much bliss..it's the best feeling in the world to be in love with your best friend! There's not enough great things to say about him. I just..love him so unbelievably much. In my experience, marriage ruins a relationship..just because I see so many marriages crumbling before my very eyes..just because my parents have a terrible marriage but I KNOW marriage won't kill our relationship..because we have a strong enough love in the first place.

Hmm...I must take a shower this morning. I'm all funky! Wait, did I just say that here? lol. After that, I'm going to talk to my baby. =) My babbbyyy! lol. Sorry, I just liked saying that. =D Well, I found out that my aunt isn't mad at me, so that's good. I would hate to think I pissed someone off.

Crap..I better go..time to eat and lie down for a while. The clock says 7:35 so it's time to make my exit. Today should be relaxing. Have a great one, guys. **HUGS**

Next entry will be results from a quiz I took..very interesting...oh and Carly ..I'm gonna try to write out your letter today. :)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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