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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Shoot meeee!!!!
2004-01-18 - 7:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Happy sunday, guys. =) Well, NORMALLY I hate sundays..but..this one I might actually sort of like cos guess what? It's FINALLY going to rain here!!! I've been waiting for this for a while. And since I still feel like complete crap, I want the rain a lot! haha. AND it's supposed to rain tomorrow!! Yay!! Of course, the crappy thing about today is that my dad is off. *hisses*

Anyway, so now I am a different girl..j/k. But I did get a haircut. What happened was odd though..the place was SO busy and I was supposed to have a certain girl cutting my hair but she ended up cutting my aunt's hair so I got the same girl that cut my mom's hair. She RUSHED like hell through it. I didn't even get a shampooing AND I didn't even sit down!!! Yes, she cut my hair standing up! That was a once in a lifetime experience..lol. She said my hair was too long to get shampooed so she didn't want to bother and I guess I didn't need it plus someone was waiting for her.

She didn't even cut it all that much and asked if that was 'ok' so me and my mom said.."more, more!" So finally I liked it and we left. Right now, it's medium length..not short, but not long like it was. I like the length. The only bad thing is it's a little bit un-even, but nothing major. I'm going to have to start getting it cut every few months cos I KNOW it's going to grow really fast. My dad hardly notices stuff unless it jumps out at him and if he doesn't notice my haircut then there's something wrong there. I might put up a pic of my haircut, but no promises.

After that, I didn't feel well so my aunt took us home and I lyed down for a while..watched TV..cleaned my room..got online for a bit and all that. Nothing exciting. My bunny wasn't online so I was sad. :( Then, mom told me that later on we were going to go out to dinner. I was kind of forced to go cos there's nothing I can really eat here with him..plus I hate eating alone with my dad. *shivers*

So, I got ready and we went over to my aunt's. I was really surprised to see Karen and her boyfriend already there with her b/f's new motorcycle. They didn't go for dinner with us though. So, it was just me, my mom, my aunt, and my aunt's friend from work. Dinner was..bleh..ok I guess. I wasn't feeling well so I was very quiet. When I'm feeling like shit, I just don't talk.

Of course my mom was blabbing about my dad and shit and how much she wants a divorce. My aunt's friend suggested that my mom go to counseling just to help her cope with stuff..so I think mom's going to go. That's good..at least it will give her a piece of mind and help her in some way. But I can tell that my mom is really thinking about a divorce more and more. I know she hates my dad more and more everyday. It's just a crappy situation. They are like roommates here basically..each one living their own life, doing their own thing. It's sad cos they've pretty much always been this way. It's all I've ever known.

Anyway, after that mom had to take me home cos I really needed to lye down. She went back out with them..and I called Nate and we talked for a bit. I feel bad that I was really quiet on the phone but I was just so tired and everything. I did get SOME sleep last night but like I said, I still don't feel well. :( If this gets any worse, I'll have to see a doc. Every part of my body hurts. :( Argh, ok i'll stop whining and complaining..lol. A lot of stuff I bitch about anyway I never attempt to correct. So what the hell is the point of me whining? lol.

Well anyway, i'm going to do a few things online..eat..then lye down for a while til it's time for me and my bunny to talk. I sincerely hope all of you enjoy the rest of your weekend. <3 Surreal life tonight!! *big smile*

Ps: Gosh it's SO hard to believe that it's been a month since I left here to go to Arizona. Wow.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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