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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

first haircut in ages...
2004-01-17 - 7:01 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hello all. *yawns* Well, for the first time in a while I actually remember PART of a dream I had. For some reason last night, I dreamt that I was walking through a bunch of really pretty autumn leaves..except I was in Florida and here 'pretty autumn leaves' don't exist..lol. I have to look that theme up.

So anyway, I didn't really do much at all yesterday. I just wasn't feeling well at all, and I'm not feeling well today either. The thing is, my mom made an appointment for me and her to get our haircut today and I can't back out now so I gotta go through with it. Ah well..maybe after that i'll just come home and sleep, but I'll see.

My dad was bitching last night about all kinds of shit. *Rolls eyes* Considering that I was lying down and not feeling well I just did not want to hear about it nor did I really care about what he had to say. The really good thing about yesterday was me and my baby talked SO much. About everything and nothing at all. It was one of our more memorable ones and a LOT got cleared up. For the first time in a while, I really opened myself up and shared with him and I'm happy with the results. That's what I love about us..we can just talk forever about anything. It doesn't hurt that he's so easy to talk to, and that I know he's not judging me for what I say. I've never been in a relationship with someone before that I could totally pour my heart out to. It's an amazing feeling.

I just wish I had a really, really close friend around here or well, not even around here that I can talk to, that I can trust, that I can open up to like I open up to Nate..but I don't really know or not if I have that. I used to..but.. oh hell, what's the point of going down memory lane? lol. There is no point. I don't want to think about it right now. I just kind of miss having a closeness..with a girl. A female friend. But that's partially my fault. OK, that ends that! haha.

There were quite a few interesting things on TV last night..Reba was one of them. Sooo funny!! I love that show. Then sunday is Surreal life. :D Argh..as I told Nate..when I feel better I kind of want to see a movie, yet I don't because it will just remind me of him and I honestly don't want to be at a movie with anyone but him. I don't want to go alone because he won't be there. :( Grrr..well, only 2 more months..just 2 more. All of the stuff that we miss doing, we'll get to do again. :) We just have to be patient. I can't wait to talk to him later. =)

Anyway, I really don't feel well so I'm going to go and lye down for a bit before I eat..then get ready to get my haircut. I hope they do a good job on me. If my hair looks decent, then I'll have a pic scanned and I'll put it up on the net but no promises. We'll see. I hope you guys have an amazing weekend. **hugs**

Tiger ..if you don't see me online today, then you know I'll call you tonight. I missed you SO much!! I'm so glad we got to talk online and on the phone. :) I hope you ate something last night!! Have a great day, sweetheart. You know you'll be on my mind. I can't wait to talk to you!!! I love you...always. *kisses*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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