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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

earthquake in my tummy...
2004-01-16 - 7:13 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Hey Hey! Ugh, I had the strangest dream last night. I sort of remember it but it freaked me out. Wow, yesterday I was on the run alll day..well, pretty much.

After updating, I got in the shower..then I got ready. Mom had come back from the mechanic at this time. Then we waited for Karen to come and pick us up. She came over, then we had to go to my aunt's house to get something. From there we went out to breakfast..had a pretty good breakfast and headed to the mall.

Karen struck gold and ended up finding this really nice dress for a wedding she and my aunt are attending this Sunday..that's totally her taste, cheap, and looked fabulous on her. She was blessed with a GREAT body. She thinks she's too skinny..but that's not true. We complimented her and then she said I had a nice body but of course me being well, ME I can't take a compliment..lol. So I was all 'riiight' which I'm sure made me look VERY insecure. Keep your judgements to yourself, people! :P lol. Just kidding.

Anyway, she got some shoes too and then we went back to her apartment for a bit. We hung out, then she took us back here..mom picked up her car. She found out that it's going to cost a lot less than she originally thought, and that some connections were loose and she had a leak. From there we went out to lunch and then bowling. But by that time, I was REALLY tired from walking around and just in general and really headachy so I bowled like complete crap. :(

Also, I really wasn't focusing or concentrating. But hey, it was just a game and just for fun. After that, we went back home and I FINALLY got to relax. =) I had dinner, then watched Friends. Friends was SO emotional. :( Man, I don't know what's going to happen to the cast since Chandler and Monica are moving but hopefully they'll be tighter than ever and visit them and vice versa.

After that, I called Nate and we talked for a bit..watched South Park again..I went to bed and now here I am. I have a fricking tummy ache. :( Hmm maybe it's from hunger. I think I'll eat soon. I just haven't been feeling well at all lately. I think I know why but I won't get into it HERE..lol.

Ah yeah, I'm FINALLY getting a haircut. =) This weekend actually, hopefully. My fur (hair) is getting too loong. I'm just going to get a few inches trimmed off, nothing major. I don't deal with change too well, especially change in hair even though I know it will grow back. I'm just strange..haha.

Hmm well me and Nate won't get to talk a lot today so I'll probably just end up hanging out here..(who knows) and looking through the paper. Yeah, I think that's what I'll do today unless mom wants to go somewhere which I doubt. Brr it's cold in here but I can only imagine how everyone up in the northeast feels! Bundle up and stay warm, guys!!!

Ah, I miss Las Vegas!! Totally random thought I know, but me and Nate were watching this thing about Vegas last night and it made me miss it more. =( Crap! I STILL haven't wrote about it. I PROMISE I will soon.

Well, I better go and eat something. Ya'll better have a great day and weekend, ya hear?? lol. See ya. *hugs and kisses*

PS: The reason of why you guys can't get into Nate's diary is cos he changed the password. He's not giving it out yet, though..so hold tight, folks.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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