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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

battling the force of time...
2004-01-15 - 6:54 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Good mornin'. I can't make this too long again. :( Grr! I've had this desire to write a really long entry lately but "time isn't on my side, no it's not." lol. God, I'm a dork. 8-)

Anyway, today my mom is taking the car over to the mechanic and then Karen is coming by sort of early to pick us up and we're going to the mall..so that means I have to hop into the shower very soon so I'll be ready to leave when she gets here. God I hope my dad doesn't find out about this cos all hell will break loose. But, I can't let my thoughts be consumed by that. Ugh, plus I don't want any thoughts of him in my mind at all. *shivers*

I watched "How to deal" last night. It was a really great movie!! I want to buy that one too now, actually. =) We went out for yogurt last night. We are insane! It was pretty cold out and there we were, eating yogurt..something to make us feel even colder then we already were. That's my family for ya, we do everything backwards.

I saw The new Bachelorette last night. Poor, poor Meredith has some tough decisions to come to. She picked the guys I kind of had an inkling that she would pick. I think she handled herself very well though the whole night..that's her for you, the epitome of class.

Hmm what else..me and Nate got to talk a lot yesterday. =D We were just discussing spring break plans and all that. I'm so looking forward to it..I love talking about our future together..what we're going to do when we see each other again cos it just gives me something to think about and be happy about. Yes, his spring break is in March. Woo hoo! So, we're going to be celebrating our year and a 1/2 anniversary together..ahh the special one. Speaking of that, our anniversary is next week. Yay!! Gah, it feels like we just celebrated an anniversary though. They go by so fast.

Friends is tonight..:) Yeah. Anyway, I looked through the paper yesterday. No real interesting jobs..pretty much nothing I was qualified for. I have to keep looking though..I can't give up and throw in the towel. I saw Ben Jelen perform on TRL last night..wow..SO soulful and moving. That boy has quite a voice. He's a definite up-and-coming talent.

I'm looking forward to talking to Nate later..as I always am. Either on the phone or online. But I will miss him as I always do. Thanks guys once again for your comments on the pics. I'm super glad that you guys like them so much.

Well, I have to go now..the shower is calling my name. Have a great thursday, everybody!!! <3

Bunny ...I missed you like crazy yesterday. :( I hope your day went well and that today goes good for you too. Remember to let me know about today's plans. I can't wait to talk to you. I Love You..truly, madly, deeply. (K)

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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