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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-08-26 - 4:27 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Watching: "Whatever it takes"..sorry, honey. :(

Hey. :) Well, the carpet cleaners left houuursss ago. I can actually SEE the carpet now in my room!!! lol. It was so yucky and full of hair..eck.

Well actually the original guy that was supposed to clean the carpet never showed, so my mom had to call for a replacement which was Stanley Steemer. Of course, my dad is ready to tell him off. He's not very business like or professional and plus it's not right to not even call us. They said they were coming from 11-1 and they showed up right on time, actually before time. First they did my room which took a year..lol. One of the guys actually said to me that he's surprised I'm not bald from all the hair on my rug. lol. They were both funny guys. :D Then he did the steps leading to my room, and then this room and my parent's room. We also got mats and a carpet cleaner for cat puke and shtuff like that..heh heh.

My room looks AMAZING. The only other time it ever looked like that was when we moved in..lol. They did such a great job! It's so awesome. But the only thing is is it taked 4-6 hours to dry so we have to walk around with white socks on. So my mom went out before to get us white socks. I just ate and mm we're having pizza tonight.

They did move all my furniture. It wasn't such a bitch to put everything on my bed, but it was a BITCH to put everything back where it was and to move the furniture back. So after they left here, I called Nate but it was annoying because I had to keep switching back from the reg phone to my cell phone and then when my parents came back they made me leave. :(

We're getting better now. We're not back to normal yet, but we talked about certain things. It felt so good to talk to him and hear his voice after two days. We're talking some more tomorrow and no NOT about me..about him..and I am anxious to hear more of what's going on with him and for him to tell me stuff that's been on his mind. I am not the only person in this relationship. I want him to know that he can ALWAYS come and talk to me when he's having a problem and that i'll always listen and that I CARE so much about him and what he's going through. He's going to be here in a week and I'm more nervous than ever! heh heh. He's really stressed and I feel so bad. I hope he finds some sort of inspiration and thinks of what to write so he can finish his script. Maybe he can think now because we're ok.

So anyway, things have calmed down here as well..for now. I got a lot of stuff out in the open last night and I feel good about it. And the next time something goes wrong I will try not to blow it out of proportion. I am being nicer to him (dad) and I have to so I can live a drama free life and just to alleviate some tension. Sure, it's killing me but I have to do it for me, and for Nate so my life doesn't continue being a living hell.

Tonight I am taking a shower and then tomorrow someone's coming to fix the Washing Machine and I am going to try to make an appointment for my eyebrows.

Anyway, this is my 400th entry. I love this site..I really do. I can turn to it always and it makes me feel better and helps..and it's not the only thing that does..you guys do as well. You push me into being a better person, and your support for me is overwhelming. I can't say enough 'thank you's' to show how much I appreciate all of you and what you have done but I will do my best to show ya'll just how much it all means to me. (: I just hope I never push any of you away.

This site is my outlet and I don't know what I'd do without it really. It helps put things into perspective for me, it sorts my feelings out in my crazy head and the saddest day of my life will be the day I leave this site. I think I've come a long way and changed a bit, certain things haven't but I hope to continue changing, learning, and growing because of it. So happy 400th to me..here's to another..400 entries? lol.

Here's a survey I stole from Carlicita :o)


-- Name: Stacey

-- Birth date: September 10, 1985

-- Birthplace: Brooklyn, New York

-- Current Location: Florida

-- Eye Color: Brown

-- Hair Color: Brown with a few light parts from the sun.

-- Height: 5' 6"-5' 7"

-- Righty or Lefty: Lefty

-- Zodiac Sign: Virgo


-- The shoes you wore today: haven't gone out.

-- Your weakness: chocolate

-- Your fears: loneliness, failure, rejection

-- Your perfect pizza: anything with lots of cheese and pepperoni

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: getting my poetry published.


-- Your most overused phrase on MSN: "lol"

-- Your thoughts first waking up: "Why Did I wake up THIS early?" lol.

-- Your best physical feature: ? uhh..my nose?

-- Your bedtime: Depends..whenever I get tired purdy much.

-- Your most missed memory: Meh, lots I guess... too many to name.


-- In love: yep

-- Have a weird fetish: nope

-- Prefer a certain position: haha no..in WHAT way? lol.. j/k. :D


-- Smoke: nope

-- Cuss: sometimes

-- Sing: yuppers

-- Have a crush: no

-- Do you think you've been in love: am right now.

-- Want to go to college: yeah of course

-- Like(d) high school: hells no.

-- Want to get married: yeah, for sure.

-- Believe in yourself: sometimes.

-- Get motion sickness: used to when I was younger.

-- Think you're attractive: no

-- Think you're a health freak: LOL ME?!

-- Get along with your parent(s): hahaha..Do pigs fly??

-- Like thunderstorms: yup they can be kool..or scary..depending..lol.

-- Play an instrument: used to play the flute.


In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: nope

-- Smoked: nope

-- Done a drug: no

-- Had Sex: negative

-- Made Out: nope

-- Gone on a date: nope

-- Gone to the mall: yup yup

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no

-- Eaten sushi: nope..eck.

-- Been on stage: yep

-- Been dumped: no

-- Gone skating: nope



-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: nope

-- If so, was it mixed company:

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope

-- Been caught "doing something": like what, asks innocently?! lol me?! yeah right!

-- Been called a tease: yup

-- Gotten beaten up: nope

-- Shoplifted: yep used to a few times.

-- Changed who you were to fit in: never, thats BS. exactly!


-- Age you hope to be married: uhmm, no idea..whenever we're ready.

-- Numbers and Names of Children: hm - just one or two kids..i gots my list. :o)

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: I don't have one. It's not about what kind of wedding or where, it's about who you're standing next to on that special day. : )

-- How do you want to die: Painlessly and quickly.

-- Where do you want to go to college: NYU

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Writer, Psychologist or a few others ideas I have.


In a guy/girl..

-- Best eye color: Brown..because that's Nate's. Hell this whole section will be about Nate..lol.

-- Best hair color: Brown

-- Short or long hair: Long

-- Height: taller than me

-- Best weight: its all good..whatever.

-- Best articles of clothing: as long as he is comfy!

-- Best first date location: somewhere special...that can be our *special* place in the future. it can be anywhere...

-- Best first kiss location: anywhere...under the stars really. ;o)


-- # of drugs taken illegally: none

-- # of people I could trust with my life: a couple

-- # of CDs that I own: i'd say around 100.

-- # of tattoos: none

-- # of scars on my body: none

-- # of birthmarks: one

-- # of things in my past that I regret: I guess all you can do is learn from what you do, so have NO regrets and thats the best way to live...well said Carly..well said! =D

Gah I can't put my feet on the floor right now..oh well. So tonight I'm gonna shower and probably watch 'Now and Then' and Real World of course. I need to go cos I gotta let my mom online. So bye bye guys and I know I'll make it through this emotional turmoil I'm going through. Things will get better. :) Ok NOW I'm leaving..heh heh. *HUGS*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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