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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

My life....
2003-08-26 - 7:03 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: My life by Billy Joel

Hey..I can't make this too long. I have to eat in about a half hour and start moving stuff off the floor. I'm not looking forward to this, but it has to be done. Oh wow..ONE more entry and it will be my 400th. Of course, that will be a special entry. :)

Last night was a disaster. The only good things were I got my candles, and saw Road Rules. Woopie! lol. Well, dinner in itself was a disaster. My noodles burned..I don't know WHY. I checked them..then I was sitting here online and my dad starts screaming that the noodles are burning. I didn't even smell em. I couldn't eat them of course. My dad said I'll get 'sick', I said I didn't even care.

I told my mom, she got all nutty and starts yelling at me though it wasn't my fault because I did check them and there probably wasn't enough water in the pot and so I told her I had enough screaming for the day. Yes, I did tell her about my dad. I know she's on my side though. She gave me a hug last night. I guess she sensed I needed one. It made me smile a bit.

So of course while I'm sitting there at dinner really annoyed and at the end of my rope my dad goes "Stace..can you do the dishes?" Then he started being all sweet so he could get what he wanted. The sucking up process has began because I said "fine" so he thanked me maybe twice. Though I didn't feel like it, I just wanted to go lye down and not be bothered. He's such a MANIPULATOR. It's like if you kiss his ass, you're his best friend. He's only nice to you when he wants something out of it. He's so transparent.

Then I heard him say to my mom that I'm 'something else'. *rolls eyes* Stupid jerk. Well anyway, so after dinner I FINALLY got to relax and got some time for myself to do whatever I wanted. In other words, I FINALLY got a little bit of peace. We are having more problems with our phone company so my mom has to call em later.

Road Rules was awesome but I'm not in the mood to rant about it for a change. Real World is tonight, maybe I'll rant about that tomorrow. I am going to talk to Nate today. It's making me really nervous at this point. I'll talk to him when the carpet cleaners leave.

I'm just really trying to hang in there you guys. It's tough, but I'm holding on..just waiting for a good day really. I know my life will be worth living someday. Anyway here's the Daily Zen ...

They say that it is a miracle to have 5 true friends in a single lifetime.

How many true friends do you have? What made you say that they are true friends? Describe them.

This is going to sound ultra corny..but I think all of you on my list are true friends. Because a lot of you are really there for me, and I completely appreciate it and love every one of you always.

Here's the lyrics to the song I am listening to...

Got a call from an old friend we used to be real close

said he couldnt go on the american way

closed the shop sold a house baught a ticket to the west coast

now he gives them a stand-up routine in LA

I dont need you to worry for me cos im alright

i dont want you to tell me its time to come home

I dont care what you say anymore this is my life

go ahead with your own life leave me alone

I never said you had to offer me a second chance

i never said i was a victim of circumstance

i stil belong, dont get me wrong

you can speak your mind but not on my time

They will tell you you cant sleep alone in a strange place

then they'll tell you you cant sleep with somebody else

oh but sooner or later you sleep in your own space

either way its ok you wake up with yourself

I dont need you to worry for me cos im alright

i dont want you to tell me its time to come home

I dont care what you say anymore this is my life

go ahead with your own life leave me alone

I never said you had to offer me a second chance

i never said i was a victim of circumstance

i stil belong, dont get me wrong

you can speak your mind but not on my time

I dont care what you say anymore this is my life

go ahead with your own life leave me alone

Kinda relates to what I'm going through, doesn't it? heh. Well I'm gonna go eat and put some pants on and then put stuff on my bed to get ready. Bye guys..I'll be back later.

"Through experience we learn to grow, in growing we learn to give, in giving we learn to love and in loving we learn the real essence of life."

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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