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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Angel eyes.
2003-07-28 - 7:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: "What I got" by Sublime

Hey! Before I start writing..I want you ALL to wish my baby Nate a great day back at College. Yep, today is his first day and he's kinda nervous yet I know he'll be fine and do great. Sure, I'm going to miss him but I am as happy as heck that we get to talk tonight. God that made me sound dorky. :P Annywayy lol even though I'll be sad cos we won't be talking as much as usual, I'm happy for him because this is just the first step to him making his dream happen, and the starting of a life for us. <3 I love him to pieces. And besides all that..he's sooo talented, hell just look at the plot for his story. I admire him to the fullest!

Anyway, the rest of the day yesterday ended up better than I expected. After being on here..I cleaned the bathroom, showered, shaved, did the dishes and then came on here to talk to Nate, till I got kicked off. Then I called him. That thing I was worried about that he wanted to talk about had nothing to do with us..it has to do with a family member but I won't be talking about that out of simple respect for him.

After we talked on the phone I watched some TV, then came back and talked to Nate some more. Me and HER started to talk again..it seemed forced and though she didn't say it, I kinda know that she feels bad about how she acted because she got me a sub for lunch with cucumbers on it and she KNOWS How much I LOOVE cucumbers..lol. :P Dinner was pretty good, and then after me and Nate talked and she made me go..I was watching a special on ABC family about the wedding of Melissa Joan Hart and Mark from Course of Nature. They are sooo cute together!!! They are getting married in Italy. I LOVE the song "Caught in the sun."

Awww he was singing to her [with his band] a song called "Angel eyes" by Jeff Healy Band. Such a purdy song. :) God..just seeing them planning for their wedding, and everything made me long to get married so bad. I know I'm young and stuff, but god..the thought of marriage is so appealing. Hell, one would think I'd be anti-marriage considering my parents never had a good one and I'd use that as an example of why I shouldn't get married but it's just the opposite. Planning a wedding is so wonderful..knowing you are going to spend forever with one person is just heaven. Sorry..getting too sentimental.....lol.

Anyway, I think the reason for that is...drum roll..Aunt flo is back in town. :( Just what I need now. I KNEW I was getting it. Oh well, I'll just have to grin and bear it I guess. Anyway, so after watching that I listened to some music and went to bed. Today I think I am going to get a new layout for my poetry diary since the designer of it shut down :( and maybe clean some if I feel up to it..cos yep..Nate will be here reallly soon. Tonight is Road Rules..hell yeah!! =D

Well I'm gonna go cos I'm getting some tummy pain and need to lye down. Have a great Monday and week ya'll!! Buh bye *Waves*..before I go..here's the lyrics to "Angel eyes"..got those from a site called The Romantic.

Honey Like I said, I hope you have a great first day at school. Don't stress too much..it will go fine. I AM GOING TO MISS YOU!!! We'll talk tonight. I LOVE YOU!!!

"Angel eyes"-Jeffy Healy Band

Girl, you're looking fine tonight,

and every guy has got you in his sights

What you're doing with a clown like me,

is surely one of life's little mysteries

So tonight I'll ask the stars above,

"How did I ever win your love?"

What did I do?

What did I say,

to turn your angel eyes my way?

Well, I'm the guy who never learned to dance,

never even got one second glance

Across a crowded room was close enough,

I could look but I could never touch

So tonight I'll ask the stars above,

"How did I ever win your love?"

What did I do?

What did I say,

to turn your angel eyes my way?

Don't anyone wake me,

if it's just a dream

'Cause she's the best thing,

that's ever happened to me

All you fellows, you can look all you like,

but this girl, you see, she's leavin' here with me tonight

There's just one more thing that I have to know,

if this is love why does it scare me so?

It must be something only you can see,

'cause girl I feel it when you look at me

So tonight I'll ask the stars above,

"How did I ever win your love?"

What did I do?

What did I say,

to turn your angel eyes my way?

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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