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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Just chillin.
2003-07-29 - 11:30 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Amanda by Boston

Hey everyone. How are you guys doing?? I am sure you know how I am doing..lol. Yep, not at my best right now but the one thing that is helping me out is something that my mom gave me that you plug into the wall..what it does is it helps with cramps and stuff and you put it on your stomach and it takes away some of the pains, so right now I am relying on that and headache pills.

Of course, besides that I am SUPER emotional. The SMALLEST thing can make me cry right now unfortunately. Gah I hate it because it just sucks..lol. And it's hotter than a bitch in here. *turns on a/c*

Anyway, enough bitching and complaining lol yesterday basically I just rested, relaxed, chilled..watched tv, played some music, and what took up a big chunk of my day was looking for a layout for my poetry diary onehotpoet. I finally found one from Lucky Designs. It's a sunrise and really really nice. :o) Then I changed something around on this name.

The one thing that surprised me about yesterday was Road Rules last night. Basically, Donell lost the mission so now they have to vote someone off. The twist in this is that Dave and Cara are finally starting to talk and see they have a lot in common, which comes into play when they decide if they want to vote off Donell and Cara. What plays out is of course Dave not wanting to choose Cara or Donell and play both sides, and not confront anything has lead it to a stalemate.

Christina, Chris, and Donell are voting Cara off and Mary Beth and Cara are voting Donell off..so now Dave has to cast the deciding vote. Like I said, Dave is pretty much put on the spot and it ends with him not being sure. I have a feeling, just by seeing the preview for next week's episode that EITHER Donell is going home, or random if Dave can't decide on which way to vote. Random's bad because it might take out the strongest person and plus they lose their "handsome reward". Soo next week should be interesting. Real World is tonight. =D Yeah!!

Besides that..not much is really going on. My mom went out so I am at peace now but she's being OK cos she knows I don't feel well. Ohh yes..guess what? My mom got an e-mail from her friend Denise this morning. [Denise is Chris's mom]..Chris is an old friend of mine from New York. He's on my Cast page. Well anyway, she's coming into FL from August 8-18th and she wanted to know if me and my mom would like to go and see her and spend a day at the beach and BBQ afterwards. She's bringing Chris with her. The only thing is is that my mom ain't too happy with her right now, so I don't know if we're going. I am not too happy with her either OR Chris to say the least so when my mom comes back I am going to ask her her thoughts on it.

I think me and Nate are pretty much adjusting to this college thing well. We've figured out that talking in the morning works, and sometimes at night. We're talking right now actually and talked yesterday morning and last night. :)

So, today of course i'm going to take it easy and just clean when this crap is all over with. I have a LOT of cleaning. My closets are a mess, as is my rug and everything. Ugh. I have my work cut out for me. Right after Nate leaves, I'm going to have me some lunch and then watch Sorority Boys. Well, I better go..he just updated and I'm gonna read his entry. Take care ya'll!! Have an awesome Tuesday.

"Once you get rid of the idea that you must please other people before you please yourself, and you begin to follow your own instincts - only then can you be successful."--Raquel Welch

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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