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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Old friends...
2003-07-30 - 8:44 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: She's so high by Tal Bachman

Hey folks. Happy Hump day! Gah..I think today I am feeling at my worst. :( I'm not going to go into detail but my mom has been unbelievably cool about it and just been taking care of me. Like for instance, today she just left to go out to breakfast with my aunt and cousin and get her nails done and she told me she's going to check up on me to see how I'm doing and she's taking her own car instead of going with my aunt and cousin so if I need anything, she can come home right away.

I can tell that she really cares at times. Sometimes can be a total b*tch and other times she can be so sweet and selfless. It's like back and forth, back and forth. I can tell she's trying though to help me through this and see that I feel better soon and I guess at times when I feel like crap, it's a comfort to have her around.

Anyway, my dad is off on vacation. *sighs* Can't you tell I'm so excited? lol. Righht. He knows I feel like shit but he doesn't even care or ask me what's wrong or anything. Yesterday I made a mistake by opening the door outside cos I thought my mom was back from shopping but it was him and when I saw him I said "Oh" and when he and I got in the house he said "nice greeting." lol I just laughed to myself. Oh god..he's sooo moody. Before he wasn't even talking to ANYONE and now he's trying to be buddy buddy with me. Ok, I'm officially puzzled..lol.

Besides that, my mom saw another doctor yesterday and he said that he thinks that the other doctor didn't know what he was talking about and that her liver enzymes are probably normal and it's good when your blood clumps, but bad when it doesn't but they can't really tell her what's going on till tomorrow when they get some test results back.

As for the Denise & Chris stuff..my mom has decided that we ARE going to see them but since my mom is unhappy with Denise that when we are there hanging out, that she's going to have a huge confrontation with her over certain things that are bothering her. I know my mom has a lot of stuff to get out of her system. Denise called twice yesterday but of course my mom didn't answer the phone. I have a feeling I need to confront Chris too but I just really would rather not considering next month is the last time I'll see him in a while since he's going to college.

God..we grew up SUPER FAST!! I remember when we had just met and we were four years old and had our races in the pool and stuff and other great times we shared hanging out. I remember it like it was yesterday. Time truly flies.

Anyway, I missed Real World last night and I was totally looking forward to it! I was sooooo freaking wiped out. :( And still am weak as hell. Again, I'm taking it easy. I saw a little bit of Sorority boys yesterday. The movie is kind of odd which is why I'm in no rush to watch more of it and I saw Dog Eat Dog.

I really want to see American Wedding soo bad but that will have to wait till I feel better. Geezus I have a LOT of stuff to do once I feel better. I gotta take a shower later. I feel sooo yucky. Wow..it's so odd that I am hearing all this stuff about going back to school YET I am not going back for the first time in my life. I'm STILL trying to get used to that fact. It's sad how summer is almost over, it just flew by and yet it feels like it just began. :( It wasn't particularly one of my better ones but I know next year's will be better. I've been having soo many dreams lately about my past, friends I had, and hell I drank out of a mug this morning that my best friend at the time gave me in fourth grade (who was a part of the dream). Too odd. It says "You are special" on it. Aww..to this day just reading that makes me feel good. :) If she saw me on the street she'd probably say that I didn't change a bit..lol. I've always been that same sweet girl.

Anyway, this entry is longer than I wanted and I have bad cramps so I am going to use that thing thats plugged in the wall. Take care and have a great Wednesday everybody!!! XOXO ~Stace

My heart..I'll talk to you soon!!! :) Ri Rove Rou Ro Ruch!! hehe. For those who have NO clue what I just said..lol..it was..I love you so much !!!

"You learn to build your roads on today, because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans, and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight."--Veronica Shoffstal

Song: I still haven't found what I'm looking for by U2

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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