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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Busy, busy, busy!!
2003-05-14 - 6:22 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Wild world by Cat Stevens

What's up people? Before I get into the events of yesterday and what's goin on for today and tomorrow..I want to say how truly LUCKY I am, to be with my Natey..lol..or Nate. *Sighs happily*. Our anniversary is just ONE week away, and we couldn't be doing any better, or be any happier together. The bunnies are baack in towwwn..lol.

I think Clay's performance of Mack the knife yesterday has a lot to do with why I added the part of "back in town." He didn't do so well singing "Vincent" but then again..it was a crappy song. I think Kim L REALLY shined last night, especially when she sang Band of gold. What a great song for her voice!! Ruben did good as usual, especially when he sang Signed, sealed, delivered and If ever your in my arms again. Clay did a GREAT job singing one of my favorite songs of ALL time "Unchained Melody." They are all soo good..but I am hoping Kim wins. I can't believe next week there will be a new American Idol!! And it will be one of those three..argh, it's almost over. :(

So, yesterday was fine. I didn't get nearly enough people to sign my yearbook as I would have liked..mainly because a LOT of people wanted to look through it, because they didn't get their yearbooks yet. From yesterday, I have to get my buddies Ralph and Debbie to sign it and also today a lot of people..amongst the first today will be Nayara..then I have to get Katie, Nikki, and MAYBE Carmen..and lots of peeps in my sixth hour, that I talk to.

Ohh..I talked to this chick I mentioned A LONG time ago..named Sherry. She was friends with Rob and I FINALLY found out what was going on. She and I talked..it was an INTERESTING convo, and she told me that she was engaged to be married for quite a while and with a guy for FOUR years. I have a feeling she was with Rob..I don't know why but they DID know each other, and I remember one time Rob telling me that he was going to get married, and I didn't understand it at the time. What a scum bag!! I have a feeling they were going out the WHOLE time he was working his mack on me. And I am sure he had MANY other girls too. Oh well..let him rot.

She tried to make herself sound like hot shit though and said everyone is after her..I kinda smirked a bit. She was saying how I used to be soo quiet and only talk to her in class, but I REALLY changed. lol. Then she asked me what Jeremy said when I told him that THIS FRIDAY is my last day, and I told her he said he'd "miss me" but I didn't say nothing. So she laughed and said "Yeah..it's been known for a WHILE that he's had a crush on you.." So I said "DUH" lol. So, me, her, and my friend Denise were all talking..and Denise's b/f broke up with her, so I talked her through everything and hopefully she's feeling better.

We are starting a new project in art that I don't have to really worry about cos I won't be there. :P So, today..is the senior assembly, I have a government and english test, and I turn in my book..and can't forget..tis the last episode of D Creek. I'll be crying SO MUCH that I won't have any tears left by the end of the TWO hour finale. :(


A joyous reunion turns to heartbreak at the creek - Five years have passed and everyone is reunited in Capeside for a special wedding, but the happy reunion is cut short after the group learns that one of their own has been harboring a heartbreaking secret. Since they were last together, Dawson has been living in Los Angeles producing his autobiographical television series �The Creek', but has never forgotten the love of his life; Joey is a successful book editor living in New York with her boyfriend but comes home to realize she still loves her childhood sweethearts; Pacey is the owner of the new Ice House and still carries a torch for Joey, although he continues his pattern of getting into trouble with older women, including his newest conquest; Jen is a single mom living with Grams and managing an art gallery in Soho; and Jack is a teacher at Capeside High and has fallen in love with a secretly gay man.

Ok, so I got home and came home to my parents arguing. Apparently, my dad is getting a new car today and my mom was pissed cos we can't afford it, and because of refinancing, so luckily he told her he is only putting down $2,000 for it. So I guess everything's fine there. But still..he was being irritating.

Then my mom started yelling at me about getting a job..I think cos she was frustrated with my dad..so I told her I will look for one after I graduate, and speaking of which..I need to find a graduation dress.

Ohh yeah..my cousin gave my mom a HUGE dream catcher yesterday that we are hanging up in the computer room on the wall somewhere. It's soo purdy. :D

I am sending my honey pics of me as a young'in..lol. I am sure he will like them. I don't want him to have to wait till Sept to see them.

Today is going to be BUSY, and tomorrow BUSIER because we are getting our caps and gowns, I have two math tests..one I have to stay after school to take AND it's my cousin's birthday.'ll let you know of COURSE how DC goes, and how the assembly and everything else goes today. Hopefully I can tape DC tonight. I can't believe it's over. :(

Honey..you are not off the hook..I still want to see your senior pic lol. And you MUST tell me about the Tribal ID later. I love you soooooooooooooooo muccccccchhhh!! hehe (K's)

Bye bye!!

"You've got to find the force inside you."--Joseph Campbell

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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