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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

To letting go of the past..
2003-05-13 - 6:28 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: In this Diary by The Ataris

Hey..woo is this going to be short. Aren't ya'll lucky you won't be reading a LONG entry with my babbling? lol.

Mainly the reason for that is i'm running out of time. As for yesterday, scratch it ALL out. I feel TONS better. Me and my bunny got it all out on here, and then we talked on the phone, and everything is fabulous again, just the way I love it. :) The outcome..the past is going to be locked away and put away where it belongs..in the PAST. It's not even going to be an issue anymore..all those issues, are just staying in the past. And it's going to feel, and is feeling SO good to let it ALL go!!!

Ohh..so my math teacher went around the room telling everyone their test scores. She got up to me and I said "No need to tell me..I know I did bad." So she said "Yeah..what happened to you the past two tests..you were doing ok.." So I said "Nah..i'm just bad at Geometry..and it's getting harder now" So then she said to come in for extra help, but then she told me to forget it because I am a Senior and I won't be taking the quarter test or semester exam, but I HAVE to do really well on the next test..and then she gave me that look that says she'll be helping me out..AGAIN. Damn..I am lucky to have a teacher that likes me.

A lot of people told me yesterday I looked good at prom..people I didn't even KNOW told me that..hehe. Aww. And the people in my group want pictures. Everyone wants pics! My head is swarming..lol. Then I saw my friend Nikki who told me she wasn't drunk at prom..she just gets crazy outside of school..then she said "And you had fun and get crazy out of school too"...and winked..lol.

Yesterday was a half day..it rocked. I got my yearbook. I was going to KILL my friend because she told me I can give in a check, but that's only if you pre-ordered the yearbook so luckily, my mom had enough cash on her, and I got the yearbook and my mom took my friend home..and my friend ended up telling me she went to see Identity WITHOUT me and with her family and not to go see it cos it "sucked." Grr..now i'll have to go with my mom or something.

So much going on tomorrow..basically everything I mentioned yesterday, but I am not sure if I want to get proj grad tixs because it's till FIVE AM..wow. I know i'll fall asleep. So yep, tomorrow is the two tests, the assembly, and the last DC ever. :( I am going to try to get my yearbook signed by as many people as I can today. It's such a nice book..HUGE and thick. It's a picture of some buildings and says "Fear of heights." It's a theme about fears this year, basically. I went through much of it and some of the Senior quotes were insightful, and what the family and significant others had to say to the graduates was nice. Oh and as for my yearbook pic..HORRIBLE. I was having one of those days when I took that pic..lol.

Basically, you had to pay money to get your pictures in there of when you were younger and now..A LOT of money..that I couldn't afford. But it would have been cool, cos as my parents repeatedly tell me "I was a cute kid." :) I must show ya'll pics sometime. I was very precious..hehe.

American Idol tonight..hell yeah! And 7th heaven shocker..LUCY might be pregnant. Dun Dun Duh..lol.

That's it..see I told you..not long at all. I'll be back tomorrow. Enjoy your tuesday. This plug goes to exhale9203 for his concern about how I felt yesterday.

Rock on..especially the Class of 03!! Sweetie..I too loved our talk yesterday and you must show me your senior pic later! I love you!!! (kisses)

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play, than in a year of conversation." -Plato

"Your mind is a very small, yet potent part of you. Control it, focus it, and nourish it with positive thoughts that resonate with your authentic self."--Brian Koslow

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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