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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Things can't get worse.
2003-07-14 - 2:34 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Don't dream it's over by Crowded House

Hi folks. I'm back as promised. =D Here's how my crazy weekend went...

Firstly, Saturday..I listened to the new Coldplay CD, and showered. Me, my mom and my aunt decided to go to the Walmart Supercenter. God, that place is huge as heck..lol. Anyway, I just bought some shtuff I needed as did they.

After that, we went to the mall since it's right across the street. We just walked around purdy much and I got some Pistacchio Nuts..YUM..I love em but last night I finished em. I'm a pig..lol.

Then we went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. My mom found this candle with cats sitting around it that she loved since she's a cat lover. So she got that. Then I saw these Ceramic/statue dogs and I fell in LOVE with the pug..lol. He was SO cute..just staring back at me with that beautiful face of his, so I had no other choice but to get him..lol. My aunt also caved and bought a Lab one. I decided I was going to put it in my room near my door.

Anyway, then we went out to dinner to have some italian food. The food was pretty good. I got Veal Parmesan, but I fricking lost the cap to my lip gloss in there so I wasn't a happy camper. I was SO embarassed because BOTH my aunt and mom were down on their hands and knees searching for it and everyone's head turned to look at me..lol..and I am sure you all know that I hate attention being directed at me.

We ended up not finding it..grr..after that we went back to my aunts house. We decided to take a looong walk because it was nice out but HOT as hell. So we walked around her community, and to the next one and then we decided to walk back because the sun was SO fricking strong.

After that we just sat around and relaxed, and had some drinks and just talked and chilled. =)

Then my aunt decided that she wanted to go to Blockbuster so we can rent a movie. My mom said she wanted to see Legally Blonde, so I said ok cool and my aunt said it was fine.

It was CROWDED as hell there. We couldn't find Legally Blonde so we rented Two weeks Notice instead. We could have gotten the DVD rental since my aunt has a DVD player, but the thing is she doesn't even know how to work it..lol. I feel like jacking it from her sometime.

We got back to my aunt's and she made us popcorn and egg cream's and we just relaxed on her couch watching it. Of course, my mom fell asleep and my aunt soon followed so I was the only one watching the movie..lol. It figures.

The movie I have to admit was a bit boring at first. What I did like however was the fact that it took place in Coney Island NY. *smiles* It took a while for me to really get into it, but after a bit I really started to like it and it picked up a lot. Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock were cute together. =D The ending was great. Though I didn't like the beginning, and it took a while for it to interest me, I do recommend it. Afterwards, we went home because me and mom were tired from the long day so I just read my magazine and went to bed. Ohh..and I had a dream that night that I was pregnant with ELEVEN babies, I was grabbing some books that everyone else was reading, and crowd surfing to a Maroon 5 concert. *shakes head* lol.

Sunday was MUCH more odd, and pretty bad. The day in a nutshell was horrible. :o( Here's what happened..

Me and mom decided we wanted to go to the beach so we got ready and she said she wanted to go to the beach that SHE liked, so I said "ok ok" lol. So we packed our shtuff and went.

What happened is..when we got there the fricking parking lot was being renovated but there were SO many people there. It was crazy. So my mom kept driving and wanted to turn around to go back to see if she can find another parking lot to park at. Well, she decides to make a turn on a dirt road..and what happened next was..interesting..hehe..

As she's making the turn, we see a car just sitting there in the middle of the dirt road. In this car, is a couple..I'll say it the clean way..making love. *smiles* Of course, me and mom were full on staring. I can't believe they were doing the dirty in freaking broad daylight though I didn't think they gave a shit..lol.

I wanted to stay and watch cos I'm naughty like that, but we had to leave..heh heh. As we are driving back, we see a chick Hula dancing!!, and all decked out in Hawaiian gear. *shakes head.* In the middle of the fricking road!! So my mom parks in the grass, thinking it's a parking spot, which she later finds out it's not..so we have to leave.

We get to a beach that I don't particularly care for that has parking spots, but I said I don't want to go to that one. So she gave me an attitude and we got into a fight. *sighs* what else is new? lol. So we are driving along and she says she can't take it anymore and has to eat..so we pull into a parking lot somewhere and start eating. As we eat, it starts RAINING like a mofo..lol. It figures.

After we were done eating, it stopped raining so we decided to keep driving to the next beach, which luckily did have parking spots. By that time though tt was close to 2:00, so we decided to stay only about two hours. It was HOT as heck outside. The water had seaweed and sealice in it and was just gross so I didn't swim but just walked around in the water.

Luckily we didn't get burnt cos we stayed less than 2 hours because it was SO uncomfortable outside. She got me a drink on the way home.

Then when we got home I called Nate. Ruh roh..conversation was bad. :o( I was just being a jealous, insecure nut. You know..I NEVER thought I was a jealous person until me and Nate became a couple. Now every little thing he says about a chick sets me off. This is truly love, and as crazy as this sounds..it's one of the ways I can tell that it is. *shrugs* I don't know..part of me was saying he took it too far, so I had to tell him. If I didn't, it would have been bottled up inside till I'd explode and I CERTAINLY didn't want that.

He told me he wouldn't say anything like that anymore, but I didn't ask him not to..I just said don't keep talking about them EVERYTIME we talk. There was no way to salvage the convo however and he got upset that I accused him of trying to make me jealous, and I was upset because I WAS jealous. We left on bad terms. :o( Hopefully we'll talk later when he gets back from his college meeting. God..what the fuck is wrong with me?!

So, we left each other and afterwords I was having a major tummy ache so I lyed down, had dinner, and decided I'd take a shower. It unfortunately allowed me to think some more. :( I listened to Good Charlotte's first CD, watched a little TV and fell asleep.

Today has been pretty crappy so far too. I updated, then me and "Her" lol decided to run some errands. She had to go to the post office and do some other shit. When she was gasing up her car, she realized that she "lost" one of her credit cards. So, of course she went into a huge panic, starts freaking out and going all nutty saying we must go home to look for it, while saying that my dad is going to "have two shit fits."

I kept telling her to calm down, and she looked through her wallet for it but still couldn't find it. So like a bad daughter I started rolling my eyes..lol. I knew she didn't lose it. She just doesn't pay attention to where she puts things and she's not in focus at all. She's still freaking and we get home, and of course the card is not there. So she looks for their #, cancels it, and says again that my dad's going to kill her but they'd give her a new card in seven days.

We go into the car so she can get a car wash and we can get a bite to eat, and low and behold..she finds the card hanging on the side of the car and says she can't cancel it, and leaves a note for my dad who later reads it. OF COURSE we got into yet ANOTHER fight. And get THIS..she blamed ME for not telling her to look in the car for the card. WTF?! it's not MY fault that she didn't think of looking in the car for it. So at one point when she was yelling, I cried. :o( Ugh. sometimes I think I'm a lot more emotional than I give myself credit for.

Then she just calmed down, threw the card out and my dad called and surprisingly said it was Ok that it fell out of her pocket into the car and "things happen." I guess he's happy cos he's off tonight..lol.

We went for a car wash and came back home, and now here I am. God, am I tired. I was up at 6 again. I was just having more weird ass dreams. Oh god..if my dad's not mad at my mom NOW, he WILL be later because she made an appointment for Wed to have the stove fixed RIGHT at the time that he goes to sleep in the morning. *shakes head* It will be WW III around here later, no doubt. Plus my mom's real down on herself for nearly losing the credit card. There's never a dull moment around here.

Luckily she's leaving soon to go food shopping so I'll have some time to myself. *smiles* I just felt like ending it all this morning..ugh..I nearly had a nervous breakdown. What the hell happened to my positive outlook?? It seems lately that nearly everything is making me snap. God I am so fucking moody..I can't stand it. :o( Just when I think I know shtuff, I realize I really don't. I don't know.

I just feel so cruddy, crappy, cranky, emotional. I don't know..I think I'm happy and then the next day everything in the world goes wrong for me. I'd go into greater detail about my feelings, but I'd rather not. *shrugs*

Tomorrow HAS to be better, because it seems like my days are getting worse and worse. Things HAVE to get better..right?! God I hope so. Well take care dudes and dudettes..lol. Have a great Monday. CAN mondays really be great?! haha. I think I'm going to listen to some more music. Road rules tonight. Tomorrow it's supposed to rain cos of a tropical wave. *smiles* Bye. *waves* here's a quiz..

Girlie Girl : you're a girl who crys at sappy
movies and enjoys dressing up occasionally.
you're not obsessed with your looks and have a
great personality. you might not think you're
popular but you probably are because all you do
is be you if you get what i mean.

ladies: what are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

"The people with whom you choose to spend your time can easily determine how far ahead you get in life."--Brian Koslow

"Envy shoots at others and wounds itself."--English Proverb

"Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope."--Josh Billings

"We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people."--Arthur Schopenhauer

Song: Smells like teen spirit by Nirvana/ Love at first sight by Mary J Blige, P Diddy, and Method Man

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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