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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Survey about d-land friends.
2003-07-14 - 7:49 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

An update about Saturday and Sunday will come later on..promise!!

--Answer these survey questions about your Diaryland friends!--HTML:

1. Best profile icon(s)?

That would have to be my sweetie Nate ,and Sommer

2. Best layout?

That would have to be Jen cos I'm a huge The Ataris fan. =D ok and Sam cos I love Michelle Branch.

3. Best Profile?

God lots...critterchaos, direwulf, missdove, musiq-chica, sweets73

4. Best HTML skills?


5. Best computer graphic/photography skills?


7. Best overall use of HTML?

Umm...probably Anna


1. Funniest Posts/Entries/Updates?

Whitney , of COURSE!!!

2. Most interesting Posts/Entries/Updates?

Carly , Jen , Jade , Mon Mon , Yifang

3. Longest Posts/Entries/Updates?

hmm.. My baby , Nat , Brian , Der Der , Sam , and.. Chree

4. Shortest Posts/Entries/Updates?

Lisaanne , Cleo Rock , Ash , Connie , Yifang

5. Always Posts/Entries/Updates?

lets see.. Anna , Carly , Der Der , Laura , Gaby , Liz , Chree , Jen

6. Never Posts/Entries/Updates?

Tiff I MISS YOU GIRL!!!, Zac , Lisa , Tracy

Getting Personal:

1. Cutest?


2. Sexiest?


3. Funniest?


4. Prettiest?

argh.. Carly ..but all the females on my list are gorgeous in their own way. ;)

5. Most serious?

i'd say.. Nat , Caroline , Cleo Rock , Adriana , Laura , Jean , Chree

6. Least serious?


7. Smartest?

Hmm...actually, I don't consider or think that anyone on my list is particularly 'smartest'.....they all are purdy smart.

8. Craziest?

Whitney , Lisaanne , Mon Mon , Mariah

9. Best taste in music?

many..here goes... Nate , Anna , Tiff , Sommer , Carly , Brian , Mon Mon , Der Der , Gaby , Lisaanne , Ashten , Zac , Liz , Chree , Jen , Sam , Mariah

10. Worst taste in music?

No one really.

11. Who is most like you? Why?

many come to mind..firstly OF COURSE.. Nate , Caroline , Laura , Brian , Der Der , Nat , Chree

12. Who is least like you? Why?

argh..i hate these type of questions..prolly..*thinks hard*.. Whitney ..i'm sooo much more serious.

13. Who is most like you? Why?

You asked the same question THREE times!! lol.


14. If you could have a one night stand with one of them, who would it be?

it wouldn't be a one night stand but... Nate

15. If you had to spend one day with one of them, who would it be?

easy answer... Nate

16. In relation to #15, what would you do? Where would you go?

mmmm.....hehe....well of course, just shtuff like all couples in love do....*snickers* nah, we'd be 'good' and just be all sappy happy and would love being in the other's presence.....which, will happen in sept...woo hooo.

17. If you could switch lives with one of them, who would it be? Why? What would you do?

Carly , Gaby .

18. If you could have any one of them move in with you, who would it be?

Nate ..of course.

I THINK I Included all of you! *kisses*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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