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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Rehearsal..and this CRAZY week.
2003-05-27 - 3:37 p.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Push by Matchbox20

Guess who's back? Tell a friend..dreamer's back..lol. Sorry for the cheesy Eminem reference there..Won't ever happen again..

My monday went like this..me and the woman who brought me into this world [AKA mom] went first to Sports Authority. Right away we spotted 2 dark blue, and lighter blue Adidas duffel bags. I told my mom I liked the dark blue one best, and it was pretty big and a great deal..only $20. = )

Then after that we went out to lunch..WENDYS..had a YUMMY salad. Then we went food shopping and got some shtuff needed for later on and brought it back home. Then we went to K-mart to get some things. I bought the new Teen People, then we went to Seven Eleven and came back home and I just listened to some music and killed some time before we'd have to go to my aunt's for the BBQ. Luckily the sperm donar, [my dad] didn't want to go, cos like I mentioned some entries back, he is holding a grudge against my aunt right now and my cousin couldn't go, cos her boyfriend wouldn't have felt comfortable being there.

As soon as we got there, of course..as usual..it started raining, and rained on the BBQ but it didn't matter cos my aunt has a screened in patio. The food was DELICIOUS..There was cucumbers, good french bread, lamb chops, steak, a hamburger for me, fries, and a few other things. We had soo many laughs at dinner. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life..I was crying. My aunt looked at me, and then she laughed harder, and so did my mom. Then after eating, and helping them clean up we all went into my aunt's computer room, and my mom went online and then my aunt had a convo with my other aunt Reva. [AKA mongoloid..DON'T ASK!] lol..She's my mom's brother's wife.

I found out a lot of scoop about mi familia. Gosh, I realized from reading all that just how little I really know about my own family, and how little I know about their lives and what they're doing now. My mom hates Reva so she was making fun of her, which caused us to laugh again and then my aunt talked to her sister-in-law. We watched some TV, ate some chocolate chip ice cream on pound cake which was goood, and then we called it a night. I forget just how fun my aunt can be [well, when we AREN'T fighting].

When I got home it was about 10, so I turned on MTV and watched Road Rules South Pacific..it was OK I guess. They pretty much just introduced us to everyone..Mary-Beth, Abrahm, Dave, Cara, Darnel, and Christena. Abrahm is your typical ladies man player who LOVES women, looks like a jock, and thinks he's hot shit. Dave is very cocky, always happy, thinks every woman likes him, and he's your typical health nut pretty boy, wild. Cara seems ok, she's bored with College, only went cos her friends did, doesn't like girls or drama, she's fickle, runs away from things easily, breaks a lot of hearts, doesn't know how athletic she is. Darnel is a heavy set black guy that might have a bit of a temper, doesn't care what anyone thinks of him, is very open minded, says he brings postivity, he's hilarious, crazy, outgoing, and outspoken and truly unique. Mary-beth comes off as a ditz, but prolly isn't, she's posed for some playboy shtuff I think, and some nasty sites, big boobs, seems nice enough though, daring. Christena is learning how to fly planes, she wants to be the first african american female pilot, she's going to college in Michigan, and she has somewhat of a sexual side.

The prize for their first mission pretty much got handed down to them because they were supposed to climb up ladders to a hot air balloon, but as Dave and Mary-beth were climbing, the wind got all crazy and they called off the mission. Darnel and Cara had some problems with it too. They were supposed to get three bags. In the bags, they got a part of a tattoo..and with every mission they complete, they get another piece of it and at the end, they get the whole thing. They can fail one mission, but if they fail two..no good..someone goes home. Three people are going home this season. At the end, Abrahm streaked in the lake, and came back and they all locked him out..lol. From what I see so far, Cara is definitely digging Abrham. And that was it for that episode. No shows on tonight, but tomorrow they are showing the last DC episode again. : ) I'm gonna be a very happy girl.

So after that, I went to bed and then I woke up VERY early this morning. "Aunt Flo" is back in town..if you know what I mean..lol..this is the worst possible week I can get it..obviously, with graduation on Friday. It ALWAYS comes at the absolute worst time. I know my body well enough to know when I'm gonna get it though.

I was not happy, and right now I feel like a train wreck. But anyway, I ate breakfast..me and mom had a fight due to me being a moody crab cos of "Aunt flo" and my friend came SUPER early to take me to the College for today's graduation rehearsal. She took me for a tour for a bit, and we got there kind of early. They wouldn't let us in, cos they had people from another high school practicing their graduation first. Then people from my school started piling in. One of the first people I saw was Julie, so we talked for a bit. Then we walked in and got handed these papers with everyone's name on it, and the row we had to sit in, and the seat number.

Let me tell you..it was EXTREMELY confusing. They set up chairs in the middle of the gym and told us to all sit down. I thought we'd have to sign in or something, but no..they gave us cards to fill out and hand in saying we were there. It took me about I swear TWENTY minutes to find my seat. It was absolute craziness. FINALLY they got everyone seated, after all that crap, and explained what we were supposed to do on graduation day. We did some practice shit. They told us when to get there, where the parents should sit, where to leave on the way out, which side to put the tassel on, what to wear under the gown, how to wear the cap, etc etc. We had to keep standing up, sitting down..blah blah.

They just confused the shit out of everybody saying all this crap, and they said tomorrow we'd have to buy our tickets for graduation. They said we have to walk in 2 people at a time, give them room, you walk up with your whole row, you fill out a card with your name on it exactly how you want it said when your name's read out, you get a book with no diploma in it..then later on when it's over, you leave a certain way, give in your ticket showing you returned your cap and gown, and then you get your diploma from the teacher sitting in your row. You can only take photos afterwards, and they made us like I said practice walking in, walking out..showed us what we do walking in, and the second time they showed us even had graduation music playing..ooh..lol. Oh yeah, after your row is called you go back to your seats but you sit down ONLY after the teacher in your row says it's ok to sit and you have to face a certain way at an angle and blah blah. And the partner you walk in with, might not be the same person you walked in with today.

They said NO gum, no flip flops..etc. The guys take their caps off during the National Anthem, etc. And dammit..no throwing of caps in the air. : (

They said traffic is going to be a BITCH in plain terms..so we should get there early. My friend said she's coming for me around 2. My mom is going to follow my friend's parents so she won't get lost, though my cousin might leave early. :(

I know my mom will be sitting in the nosebleed section already..lol. Anyway, while practicing we had to stand around for a LONG time, and I had to endure hearing other people's conversations, people thinking they were all that and shtuff..ugh. FINALLY the whole thing ended at 1..yes it was THREE hours. You think I'll remember half of what they said? Nooo..lol. Grr..I couldn't find my friend when I left, but I FINALLY did. Man, I feel bad for my mom..it's going to take her HOURS to get out of the parking lot Fri, hell I wonder if she'll even find the Gym..lol. It was odd seeing that College for the first time.

It was SO difficult getting out of that parking lot. Traffic was BACKED up..it took us nearly a half hour to get back to the main road. We then went to McDonalds, and my friend took me home. I felt like COMPLETE shit..It was so cold in there, and then getting up all the time wasn't the best thing for me..with ahem..Aunt flo making her presence known.

It feels good to be home. (: But tomorrow I have to go back to my stupid school for the tixs, and then prolly after I get the tixs, go with my mom to get the dress. I know I'm not going to want to go, but I have to. I saw Liz and An-ha there, both of which said hi to me. There were a lot of no shows..dumbasses. I also saw Carmen and said hi, but as usual she was being a bitch and saw a lot of people there that I haven't seen in AGES .

My friend told me I should have gotten the proj grad tixs but fuck no! Aunt flo is going to still be here then, so I'm getting my ass back home. But that night, my friend's coming over and we are celebrating graduation with a BBQ.

Tomorrow's going to be busy, like today. Got to get the tixs, then buy the dress. Thursday's the ONLY day I won't be doing something. YES! : ) Oh doh..on thurs I have to iron my gown, and figure out how to put the collar on the gown..so scratch that out..lol. Oh god..my dad just walked up to me and said "Excited to graduate?" So I said "Yeah." lol.

Well anyway, I am going to go due to not feeling well. I know on Fri night a lot of grad songs will be playin around here, and a lot of photos will be taken..argh. Woo hoo it's still raining. Gosh, I am worried about all that can go wrong on Fri.

Honey..I will talk to you in about an hour and 45 mins..Woo hoo!! I hope you had a great day yesterday..you bad bunny hehe. "I wanna rock your body..." [ahem]..lol. Ri Rove Rou!!!

Buh bye..take care ya'll..time to go lye down. *Waves.*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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