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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-05-31 - 11:17 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Celebrate by Daft Punk

Well, here's my post graduation update. : ) Yes, I made it across the stage without tripping. That's a blessing in itself..lol..here's a wrap-up.

After that lovely *note my sarcasm* fight with mom..I heard from my aunt and found out my cousin was actually supposed to work, and got called in but she didn't answer the phone JUST so she can go to my graduation. : ) She could have really used that extra cash, but apparently attending my graduation was more important to her, which is nice considering I barely get to see her anymore, and we don't talk yet she cares so much for me and wanted to share my speshul day with me. I realized I think my mom had a fight with me to make it easier for her to deal with me graduating. I don't think she's ready to let me go.

My mom then told my dad that he should take his own car so he can leave when he wants to, and that my cousin and aunt should take a car too, so this way they can all leave after my name was called..well..except for my mom that is. After that, she was a bit nicer..I guess cos she was relieved cos there wouldn't be drama and my aunt, dad, and cousin wouldn't have to stay long if they didn't want to.

We then went out to KFC..I had myself a nice big lunch, cos that would also be my dinner and after I ate, my mom went to the campus to see if she could find the gym for later on..which she did but she told me there were a lot of cops around and they were directing everyone..I think it's cos there was another school graduating in there before ours.

I got dressed pretty early, but my friend said that she was coming around 3..so that gave me extra time for my make up and shit. My mom went to put gas in my dad's car cos he was sleeping and she bought me Sourpatch straws, and Skittles...mmm..then, me and my friend were on our way. And I decided not to wear my collar cos I couldn't figure out how to put it on. I walked out with my gown on, but my friend said it was too hot out, so I waited till we got there. We took the back way, so there was no traffic..and I got a tour of the campus cos it was early. I put on my gown when we got there, and put on my cap inside. I found out the school before us..their gowns were a pinkish purple..heh..I am glad ours was black.

We got there around 3:40 and amazingly, found a parking spot though it was in the back. Just as we got there, I saw Jen. :) We said "Hi" and then they started to let everyone in. So, we walked upstairs just like in the Graduation Rehearsal, and looked for our names on the paper. OF COURSE..in the last minute they switched EVERYONE around. I was supposed to be in Row 18 Right, Seat 8..I TOLD my mom to sit on the right side..yet guess what?! They switched me to the LEFT side..Row 16, Seat 20 Left. Luckily I found someone with a cell phone, and let my mom know of the change. So of course, now the people we are sitting with are totally different.

I don't know WHY the heck they did that, but everyone was mad. So I walked around looking for people I know and talked to Julie most of the time, Tonia, An-Ha (who to my complete surprise hugged me and said it's been so nice knowing me since ninth grade and she couldn't believe we were graduating), and Liz. Jade and I said hi to each other, I said Hi to Melissa though I don't really like her. Ohh..and besides switching my seat, and putting me on a different side..they changed my teacher too. Before I knew who my teacher was..now I had NO clue. Luckily, when I was talking to my friend Nikki, she said she heard the teacher call out my name.

So I said "yeah" and he gave me the card I was supposed to give to the teacher behind the podium and asked if I need to write it out phonetically (sp?) so I said no, and they MIGHT get it..lol. It took me SO long though to find that teacher..well, for him to find me..lol. Luckily, Julie didn't have her collar on either, so I didn't feel so bad. Then, I found out you were supposed to tie your necklace on the back of the gown, so people were trying to help me with that and they were saying my hair's too long..lol. Finally, someone got that. I stupidly, put my candy in a bag in the room but lost it later on cos no one came back to the room...grr.

After what seemed like CENTURIES..we were told to line up, and given peppermint candies. Everyone was SO nervous, excited and just wanted to get out there already. FINALLY we heard the graduation music and everyone was stamping their feet..it was TOTAL pandimonium upstairs. So, row by row we came down the stairs. As I walked in with my row..I saw a MASS of people..SOO many people. I was extremely nervous. As I was walking in, I saw a girl with blonde hair waving frantically at me..I'm saying to myself "Who the heck is that?!" lol.

Then I realized it was my cousin, because right next to her was my dad, aunt, and mom. I waved back at her, and she smiled and so did I..and then I got to my seat. On the seat already was a program of the events of the night and shtuff. So we all stood till everyone walked in, faced the crowds of parents and family, faced the front and sat down and listened to what the principal had to say.

I was trying to wave to everyone else in the family, but they didn't see me till after a while..lol. Firstly, my mom is as blind as a bat, my aunt is pretty much out of it all the time, as is my dad.

He made a big speech about our futures..about journies and all kind of shit like that. Ohh wait lol BEFORE that even..the band played a number for us, then we did the Pledge of Allegiance where the guys had to take their caps off, and The Star Spangled Banner. Then, a poem was read..more shtuff about our memories and crap.

Then after the principal spoke, the Salidatorian gave her very nice speech. Basically what I learned is that you need to conquer your fears, your character determines who you are, never forget your friends, never forget to make a contribution, time is valuable and precious and not infinite and to cherish it, respect your parents(riiight..LOL), and shtuff like that. They just said we will all have our own paths in life but to make good choices and we're all going to do stupid things as we enter College and other areas of your life but you have to just learn from your mistakes and move on, and the people you thought you knew in high school are going to change. The superintendent talked to us..and then the chorus group sang us a song called "May your roads be straight and narrow."

Then, the SGA president talked..the Valedictorian talked, and the Senior class president talked and surprised everyone and the principal by handing him a plaque for his excellent job as president for 11 years. We all clapped and applauded and it was very touching. Man, I felt like crying a few times due to all the nice speeches. My eyes did water a bit.

Then the chorus group sang again..a song called "One voice." I was yawning a few times lol and feeling antsy to just walk across that stage already and get my diploma. So, I sort of tuned out a bit, till the principal said and "ok..here's the moment you've been waiting for..awarding of diplomas."

Man was I nervous..I kept adjusting my cap cos I thought it was falling off..lol..and I didn't smile as much as I should have cos I wasn't feeling well, but whatever. So the woman next to me said "SMILE..it's your big day..this is important." heh. As they were calling the names, one guy actually tripped on stage LOL. Everyone cracked up. I don't know if he was doing that to get attention though.

They had one person reading your name, and 2 people that you shake hands with, and then the principal on the end as you walk down the stairs to hand you a black book. As you come down the stairs, you get your picture taken professionally, and then 2 teachers hand you flowers, and you walk back to your seat with the rest of your row.

As a lot of people's names were getting called, people were blowing horns which you ARE NOT supposed to do..lol. I was afraid as they would call my name, I'd hear a deafening silence..lol. FINALLY after cheering for some friends and booing some enemies (LOL), they got to my row. As I walked up there, UGHH some guy adjusted my tassel. This is going to come into play later..so I handed the guy my card, and SURPRISE actually heard people cheering! It's amazing..lol.

I shook hands with everyone, got my book, and was SO nervous, that I stood in the guy's picture in front of me. I didn't realize it till the photographer said "miss..I don't think he wants you in his picture.." God was I embarassed..lol. Then I took mine, got handed a yellow rose and walked back to my seat. As I looked up for my family, I realized they ALL left, except for my mom of course.

We waited for the next row to sit, then we sat down. I was feeling my cap to see if my tassel was there and started panicing because I couldn't feel it..I said to myself.."OH SHIT..I lost it up there walking on the stage.." So, after the last name was called..the principal said to turn your tassels to the right, that we graduated. Of course, I didn't cos I thought I lost it.

We then threw our flowers up in the air, and proceeded to walk out of the auditorium..parents started leaving too. God there were SOoooo many people there, it was unbelievable. So I walked out with my row, tried to take my gown off to give back but forgot that the necklace was tied to it. A guy saw that I was having problems, so he untied it for me. I took my gown off, handed it in, THEN as I took my cap off my tassel WAS there..I didn't lose it!! They let us keep the necklace, cap, and tassel. I then got a ticket so I can get my diploma. We all went outside to the tents, I found my teacher and he handed me my diploma.

I then proceeded to look for my mom and had to walk back in to find her, but some guy stopped me..I told him I was looking for family, and didn't see her. So I had to go through the front with what seemed like MILLIONS of people and looked out into the crowd and FINALLY out of luck, saw her. She told me that her and my cousin were cheering for me but I said I didn't hear shit.

She said they got there early, and parking wasn't a problem, and got seats quickly and that my dad and aunt even kissed!! I was so surprised. I guess they were just being nice cos of the graduation. They all apparently left right after my name was called cos they couldn't take being there anymore. Then my mom handed me an envelope from my aunt. It was a card with 30 bucks in it. Woo hoo! so my mom had me call her up and thank her and she said I looked good up there when they called my name. : ) And she congratulated me of course.

My mom told that my aunt took some pictures. So I thanked her, and told my mom I wanted to go for a celebration dinner. We got home, my dad gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek and congratulated me. Hell it STILL hasn't sunk in yet that I graduated last night..LOL. Geez. I put some normal clothes on, hung my necklace up, put the program away and stuck the diploma and extra tickets in the black book.

We then went to an italian restaurant but found out there was a TWENTY minute wait, so we decided to get pizza then. By this time it was already 8:30!! The latest i've EVER ate. Ohh..my dad said he spot me right away and could see me in any crowd cos I'm "the shy one." So I said to my mom "and he's the dumbass." lol.

We decided to go to Wendys instead, and I had my salad. (: Yumm! at fricking NINE at night!! Then we went home and I couldn't wait to talk to Nate and tell him everything that happened but he wasn't home. :( So I watched some TV, and went to bed around 11, and now here I am.

Me and mother dearest got into yet another fight this morning..grr. Freaking woman. I didn't let her ruin my day yesterday, and I'm determined to not let her ruin it today. I've been staring at my diploma all morning..lol. Ah..it's so nice. : ) My mom just left. Looks like I'm going to have some peace and quiet after all. She's going out with my aunt and cousin to get some head dress for her car. AAAH..I MADE IT!!!!! WITHOUT tripping on stage..lol. That's a miracle in itself, though walking up the stairs I felt that I was going to trip.

Well, now I have my whole life ahead of me to do what I want. No one or nothing is holding me back. : ) No more public school..no high school. I am now an adult, free to live my life as I please. It's both liberating and scary as hell at the same time. I'm very proud of myself. I've gone above and beyond what I thought possible, I've grown a lot, I've learned a lot.

Time to move onto bigger and better. Time to go on with my life, make something of it, and make more memories, and more speshul moments. Sure you only have one graduation day, and it was ok but I'm going to forever cherish all of it..the good, the bad, the in between..it led me to where I am now. I am looking forward to what the future will hold.

I am off to have my lunch and just relax for an hour or two listening to the Ataris, before coming back and writing everyone. Have a GREAT weekend everyone! Carpe Diem! [Seize the day.] I saw that written on a bench yesterday and believe it's soo important.

Sweetie..I shall talk to you soon. I missed you toonnnssss yesterday. Ri Rove Rou!! I'll call you later. (K)

"The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose."--Richard Leider

"To dance is to be out of yourself. Larger, more beautiful, more powerful."

--Agnes De Mille

Here's a song for THE CLASS OF 2003!!!--Best class ever..WE DID IT!!!!! To my friends..I'll miss you all and may you live great lives and be successful and look back on it all with a smile on your face. Good luck!!!

"Here's to the night" by Eve 6

So denied so I lied

Are you the now or never kind?

In a day and a day love

I'm going to be gone for good again

Are you willing to be had? Are you cool with just tonight?

Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.

Here's to the night we felt alive.

Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.

Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come too soon.

Put your name on the line

along with place and time

want to stay, not to go, I want to ditch the logical.

Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.

Here's to the night we felt alive.

Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.

Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come too soon.

All my time is froze in motion

Can't I stay an hour or two or more

Don't let me let you go

Don't let me let you go

Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.

Here's to the night we felt alive.

Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.

Here's to goodbye, tomorrow's going to come too soon.

Too soon

Here's to the night we felt alive

Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry

Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come too soon

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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