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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-06-01 - 8:17 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Letters to you by Finch

Hey everybody. Hopefully you're all having a good weekend. I want to thank everyone again for your kind words, and congratulations and for just being there for me. : ) It's VERY much appreciated, and you all mean sooo much to me, you really do.

Soo..after I updated..let's see..well, my friend surprised me and called me up at 1:15 and asked me if I wanted to go to the mall. I really DIDN'T cos I felt like shit and wanted to talk to the bunny *purrs* but I said yes anyway, cos for one it's good to get out of the house sometimes, and 2 I can't say no to people.

My friend came around 3 and handed me a coupon that she got at Project Graduation for a small fries at McDonalds, so we went there and shared fries. She then told me she would give me the teddy bear she won, cos she didn't want it, and that she had FOUR tickets to a baseball game..any game and that we're going to go in July..Woo hoo!!! : ) Lucky bitch that she is (j/k) won thirty bucks in the money machine, and a lot more and got $5 on the way out, a goody bag, some candy and other shit. I was sooo jealous.

Anyway, we went to the mall and walked around for a looooong time cos my friend kept seeing things that she wanted, and you know how girls are when they shop..lol. My mom thought I called her, but my stupid phone called her by accident, so I learned yesterday how to put the phone in key lock.

My friend treated me to a drink in the food court, and then took me home. Afterwards, my mom said she wanted to go out for dinner but I said that I wanted to eat here..so I called Nate..we talked till around 10 when I got fricking kicked off the phone..grr!! And that was really it for the day. Ohh and the phone convo went will this time. *phew* lol. Most of my day was spent at the mall like I said. Ohh then after I got kicked off, I watched some old Real World episodes. Me and mom seem to be better though she waited up for me last night, well she sat outside and scared me. I asked her why she was out there, she said she was waiting for me, and that she wanted to be far away from my dad..as usual. Grr..I got screwed out of $20 because my mom said I could have bought something I really needed. I felt guilty cos it was her money, so she said she wanted it back if I didn't buy anything and it wasn't a present..Curse her hide! lol.

Welll something bad happened last night. *sighs* I found out after listening to the phone messages, that my aunt Nancy called and said my grandpa is really sick. Basically, he has low blood sugar, he was weak and thirsty last night and incoherent. :( They rushed him to the hospital, and on top of that he can barely walk so they are going to run some tests on him and fill us in on the updates. I don't think my dad is going to take this well.

My mom wrote him a note to tell him what's going on last night, but he barely reacted and all he did was leave the keys in the bathroom and knock on the door..waking my mom up to get the keys and just left for work. I know he's going to be real emotional later, and of course if something is seriously wrong. I hope my grandpa is ok..he's obviously diabetic. *sighs* My mom might call and find out how he's doing. Anyway, here's a question thingie I stole from Jen nofaithleft. I'm off to have my breakfast, and get dressed and see what I am doing for the day..*waves*

Sweetheart critterchaos..I will HOPEFULLY talk to you later before you go out with brat for the day. Ri Rove Rou sooo much!! (K)


Name: Stacey

Gender: female

Age: 17 1/2 : )

Birthday: September 10, 1985

Siblings: None.

Pets: 2 cats

Height: 5' 6-5' 7"

Weight: 125-130 lbs.

Hair Colour: Medium brown with light areas

Eye Colour: Brown

Eye Colour Of Choice?: Green

Writing Hand: Leftie

Current Residence: Hell = Florida.


Nervous Habits: Crack my knuckles, play with my hair, etc.

Are you double jointed?: nope

Can you roll your tongue?: haha no.

Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?: dammit..no.

Can you blow spit bubbles?: Yep..heh heh.

Can you cross your eyes?: yes

Tattoos?: nope..I want some though.

Piercings and where?: Nope.

Do you make your bed daily?: Yes, I'm crazy that way..lol.


Which shoe goes on first?: left

Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: nope.

On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: heh..constantly broke.

What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: necklace and bracelet.

Favorite Piece of Clothing: tank tops.

Pajamas: Princess. =D


Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: twirl it baby! lol.

Have you ever eaten Spam?: no..ewww.

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Double Fudge Brownie. [can feel the drool forming.]

How many cereals in your cabinet?: 3

What's your favorite beverage?: Root Beer

What's your favorite restaurant?: Reds [Rib joint]

Do you cook?: rarely.


How often do you brush your teeth?: twice a day

How often do you shower/bathe?: every other day.

How long does your shower last?: 15-30 mins.

Hair drying method: towel drying

Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: I've highlighted it.

Do you paint your nails?: Yep.


Do you swear?: Me swear?! Fuck no dawg! lol. Shiiit FUuucccckkkkkeerrrr.

Do you ever spit?: sometimes.


Animal: BUNNIIIEEESSSSS!!!!! and tigers.

Food: Italian.

Month: December.

Day: Wednesday

Band/Singer: Finch, GC, and waayy too many to list..check my profile.

Song: WAY too many to list.

Instrument: drums

Cartoon: Scooby Dooby Doooooooooooo.

Shoe Brand: Adidas and Sketchers..it's the "S" lol.

Jewelry: necklaces & bracelets

Subject in school: English

Color: Green

Sport: Basketball and Soccer

Tv show: Friends, MTV shows, and of COURSE Dawsons though it's over. :(

Best Looking Male Celebs: No comment. :

Guy's Name: Nathan <3, Brandon, Christian

Girl's Name: Arianna, Vanessa, Destiny

Holiday: New Years

Vacationing Spot: California

Thing to do in Spring: Relax. : )

Thing To Do In The Summer: swimming

Thing To Do In Autumn: shrugs.

Thing To Do In The Winter: wish for snow..heh..riiight.


The CD Player: The Ataris

Person you talk most on the phone with: My Bunnnnyyyyy

Ever taken a cab?: DOH..i'm from NY..lol.

Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? not really.

What color is your bedroom?: white

Do you use an alarm clock?: used to.

Window seat or aisle?: Window seat..gots to check the scenary.

What's your sleeping position?: on my side.

Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: yes..i'm odd..lol.

Do you snore?: no

Do you sleepwalk?: no

Do you talk in your sleep?: maybe...

Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: no

How about with the light on?: no

Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: sometimes.


Coke or Pepsi?: coke

Oranges or apples?: oranges

One pillow or two?: one

Deaf or blind?: blind

Singer, guitar, bass, or drums?: drums

Pools or hot tubs?: hot tubs..ohh yeeaaahh!

Blondes or brunettes?: brunettes

Tall or short?: tall

TV or radio?: radio/music!

Beach or pool?: beach

Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic-tacs

Snooze button or jump out of bed?: jump out

Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset. : ) mmm.

Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: hamburger

Morning or night?: night.

Sports or news?: news

Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors

Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: Christmas day

Spearmint or Peppermint?: spearmint

Bath or shower?: shower

Book or Movie?: movie

Green or Red apples?: red

Rain or Snow?: snow

Chucks or Vans?: vans


Took a shower?: yesterday afternoon while waiting for my friend to get here.

Cried?: friday night & yesterday morning.

Talked on the phone?: last night.

Read a book?: last month.

Punched someone?: never have.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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