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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Happy Halloween!!!
2003-10-31 - 6:43 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: I only wanna be with you by Hootie & The Blowfish

Hello! HAPPY HALLOWEEN..to get into the halloween spirit..here's this week's Friday Five ...

1. What was your first Halloween costume?

I'm not sure of my first one ever, but let's see..I've been..a clown, a witch, an angel, a 50's girl, raggedy ann, a fairy, and for some reason that's all I can remember though I KNOW I was more things than that. And I guess the other years I just went out in masks. Halloween used to rock..I could be whoever I wanted. =�

2. What was your best costume and why?

I loved the 50's girl one..cos my hair was up and sprayed back with sparkles..it looked REALLY nice, I had on a long skirt, a vintage shirt and I felt all pretty..lol.

3. Did you ever play a trick on someone who didn't give you a treat?

Nah, I always got treats..even if it was a penny or something. I remember my friends egging a house one year though, and silly stringing it. I just didn't have the guts..lol. But I did love silly stringing the ground..lol.

4. Do you have any Halloween traditions? (ie: Family pumpkin carving, special dinner before trick or treating, etc.)

Nope, not really. My family actually NEVER, ever had a pumpkin (an actual one) lol..and this year is no different. We were pretty normal. I dressed up, we handed out candy, I got my halloween bag and went around trick-or-treating with friends and we all ate so much candy that we got sick..lol. Oh, one year though for chorus in elementary school we performed "The monster mash"..god, that song gives me sooo many memories..lol. Halloween was my absolute fave holiday growing up. I really enjoyed it. How I loved those goosebump stories too! It's funny how things change..now I rarely ever watch horror movies and the holiday doesn't mean as much to me as it used to.

5. Share your favorite scary story...real or legend!

I used to read them all the time from books and to people on sleepovers but considering I don't have the books now, I couldn't really tell ya..sorry!!!

Well anyway, since my house isn't decorated..and it used to be..EVERY year, and we're not handing out candy, I'm not going trick-or-treating, or dressing up, we don't have a pumpkin, I figure I'll just eat some candy here and watch horror movies..well actually, I can't..stupid TV is still fucked up so I guess I'll watch some in here. (fuck you, adelphia..lol) Should be a spooky ole time..lol. In a way, I'd love to go trick-or-treating again someday..I miss it! lol. I'm not sure if I'd dress up anymore, but just to go door to door asking for candy is what I miss. But I know next year I'll go with Nate and Brat. :) Unfortunately for me this year, halloween is just another day. I wish I was feeling better. :( I KNOW no one is coming to our house..it's soo quiet here on halloween which is odd seeing as how there's a playground RIGHT across from my house..lol. My parents like it that way though, they HATE halloween..maybe cos it's just associated with evilness. though they are both in their own right..LOL. haha.

So, yesterday was just as relaxing as days past..only thing is I was up in the middle of the night...argh!! Friends was awesome last night!! Mike finally proposed to Phoebe!! I won't have a full show summary up only cos it would make this entry superlong but that was the highlight of Friends for me. Of course, she said yes. :) Anyway, I have lots of surveys to put up this weekend since like I said, my friend came back to AOL..so now I get a shitload of surveys. I watched Dawsons Creek yesterday..wow, alll the way back in the beginning when it first started out. They were OH SO CUTE! lol. Watched some more crap on TV, updated my playlist, and that's it really..it was just a day of rest for me.

I guess that's it from here..sorry this was sort of boring. I am sure I'll have tons more to talk about once I get to feeling better and can actually go out. I'm looking for a nice weekend, just spending it talking to my bunny. =D Oh gosh, I forgot to mention..on Dr Phil they have this Dr Phil family and this 15 year old girl got pregnant, had the baby..she named the baby..NATHAN!! lol. awwww!!! :) hehe, of course my heart fluttered when I heard the name. I give her a lot of credit though, she seems to be handling the baby pretty well. She's so young herself and has quite a bit of maturing to do but she seems to be doing a great job. I won't knock teen mom's..a lot of them have the ability to be great parents.

Well, I best go write a few people..have a great halloween everyone!!! and a great weekend too, of course. I am sure whoever's dressing up will look very purdy/handsome in their costumes and I hope ya'll get lots of candy! Don't do anything stupid now..ya hear?? lol. I'll prolly update tomorrow again. Enjoy! BOOOO! *hugs*

Ps: I just noticed that my template is VERY 'halloweenish' lol. The colors anyway.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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