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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Nothin much to say...
2003-10-30 - 7:04 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Clubbin by Marques Houston and Joe Budden

Hey!!! Grrr! Stacey Smash! AOL is being a little b*tch! I've been trying desperately to send e-mails all morning and it keeps saying "You can only send one at a time" and the last one I sent was about a half hour ago! Argh!

Stacey Smash the cable company too! My mom called them yesterday but OF COURSE they said they would fix the problem. It's only happening to certain tv's and of course, they haven't fixed it yet so it looks like it will be this way for quite a while longer.

Anyway, this is a once in a lifetime thing, but I MISSED The Bachelor! And I have yet to miss one yet. I was sooo exhausted. I slept very well, but I'm still SO exhausted. Eck. I had a weird dream, but I think I know the meaning and I'll just keep it in mind. My mom's gonna fill me in on what I missed on The Bachelor. :) BUT I did get to see The Real World episode I missed on Tuesday night, so that was good and I'll definitely watch Friends tonight. I saw The All American Rejects on Hard Rock Live last night on MTV. They are a great band!!! I was in total awe when I went to Universal and saw the outside of Hard Rock Live cos so many great musicians have performed there.

Oh, I think I am psychic! lol Not really but I predicted a lot of things yesterday..hell, I even knew who would update this morning and I was right. It's creepy. haha. Anyway, I got this thing from the high school I went to last night just inviting me to the homecoming football game and dance in November, and since I was alumni (meaning I attended the school) it will be free. I nearly cracked up and threw it out. I never want to step foot in that school again..lol. Plus, how could I have fun at a dance where I know no one? The only people I knew were the people in the same grade as me and very few in lower levels..It would just be extreme and utter boredom, so thanks but no thanks. Those dances were boring anyway, and I don't want to re-live them. That's one part of my life I'd like to keep in the past and try to forget about.

So, not much going on really. I was shocked yesterday because an old friend of mine that canceled AOL came back online yesterday. It was a nice surprise, but still shocking. Eck, I need a shower this morning but I have no energy for anything at all, and cramps of course. :( I guess I'll take one anyway. What else what else..I just listened to music and relaxed, it was nice. Me and Nate had a great conversation, so I'm looking forward to talking to him today. Mmm I'll have him all to myself tomorrow-Monday. =D Woo hoo! Oh, my cousin Dawn is coming here soon with her b/f..that should be interesting seeing as how it will be SO awkward since my mom and her sister (Karen) are not digging her too much right now, and I also have a bone to pick with her. My mom and Karen are SUPERCLOSE..it's amazing because they were never THIS tight. It's nice though, cos I know my cousin needs my mom around. Grr, it's a beautiful day outside. I wish I could enjoy it. :(

I think that's all, my mind is drawing blanks cos I know there was more I wanted to talk about but for now, I'll eat, shower, lye down, then talk to my bunny. And maybe edit this later if I can remember what was on my mind. Sorry this was so short. I hope you guys have a great day! And of course, have a great halloween but of course I will update again tomorrow for that. =D

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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