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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

In the middle...
2003-10-29 - 6:10 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Stunt 101 by G-Unit

Good morning! I love this song!! My anthem, yeah! lol riiight. I am never whiter than when I try to be all ghetto.

I know I said I wouldn't update this morning but I've been in an updating mood lately. I lied..so sue me! lol. But today only one update since my mom will be home. So, I did watch the rest of Coyote Ugly and went to bed. I didn't sleep much..fricking tossing and turning. TV is still messed up, eck. I hope it gets fixed today!! Ewww I turned on the tv due to lack of sleep to see "Girls gone wild." What the heck kind of trash is on TV these days? I don't want to see a girl's breasts, no thank you! Ok, they were bleeped out but still it didn't leave much to the imagination. Yuccck.

I really wish I could be feeling well for halloween. I wanted to scare all the kids away and wear a hideous mask but eck, I have no ambition for that now. We've had this mask for soooo long..and it even scares ME sometimes! haha. I feel like I am wearing masks sometimes so maybe I don't even need to put one on. I am sure you can get that analogy. I wouldn't go trick-or-treating though..those days are looong over. mmm but I'd love some nice, chocolatey, halloween candy right now. We don't even need a pumpkin cos we have our own...(our cat who is named Pumpkin) lol. He's HUGE and orange and looks like a pumpkin, so it works!!

What I said about people being better than me at stuff, it's true that there are worse but all I ever do is fall in the middle of everything. For once, I want to be better than average, I want to be outstanding! I want to be the top person in something. It's probably the whole perfectionist in me coming out, I don't know but I just wish I could stop in this mental competition. Also, I've realized that I care so much what people think of me or if they like me because I don't think much of myself. That makes sense..only thing I could come up with last night while lying in bed.

Well, I am going to write 2 people, then I am lying down cos I'm not feeling too well so this is an update on the shorter side of things. It seems to me that people like me writing about lighter, more fun hearted stuff better but I write for me, and what I am feeling like at the time so I am sorry to disappoint. Today should be another relaxing day, just being in bed. Mmm we had a storm overnight..so peaceful to listen to rain pounding down. I am looking forward to THE BACHELOR tonight! *Bob..cut Estella..* hint hint. haha. Have a great day, guys!!! *hugs*

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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