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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Happy 4th!!!
2003-07-04 - 7:33 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Like a stone by AudioSlave

Hey! This is going to be VERY short. I am just going to cram yesterday's events in as few paragraphs as possible because I need to eat, shower, and get dressed and ready for the BBQ and the beach later on of course..so here goes..

Firstly, HAPPY FRIDAY AND 4th OF JULY!!! I hope you all have an AWESOME holiday weekend and enjoy whatever it is you will be doing. Be patriotic! Set off firecrackers! But..don't do anything I wouldn't do..lol..anyway..

So, yesterday after my mom had her oil change she called me and said we were going to go to the pool. Woo hoo..I was HAPPY. :) So I got ready, she came home, she got ready and we left with our shtuff and she told me were going to Wendy's. I knew what this meant..I was getting a salad [WOO HOO!], and she got one as well.

It was HOT at the pool. We were both baking, so we kept going back in the pool. There were a LOT of interesting characters there. My mom, well..being my MOM decided to talk to nearly EVERYONE there, and flirt with a guy that was TRYING to pick her up..lol. She made a new female friend, and she was just really friendly. It was kind of scary actually. She told her her whole life story..lol. It was like she knew her. The good thing I can say about Evil Eye is she was very caring. As this woman was pouring her heart out, my mom listened, gave advice and just tried to make her feel better though she didn't know her from a hole in the wall.

Then a creepy guy came in..and my mom wasn't feeling too well, plus she wanted to get crap for dinner so we left. God, of COURSE I am REDDER than before if that's even POSSIBLE though I put sunblock on.

So, we got home. I got online, and waited for Nate to come online. He did, but I told him I'd be more comfortable talking on the phone. So I used my mom's phone card and called him. We had a nice looong talk. I cried a bit, and it got kind of heated but we talked, got things resolved, and ultimately made up. I am the happiest girl around right now. (: I Love it when we are sappy happy.

Then, I told him I had to go..my dad needed the phone..mom was getting pissy. So, I ate dinner..listened to music, watched a bit of Here On Earth..[awww! that movie STILL makes me like a cry baby to this DAY], then I came back and did some quizzes and shit, wrote people and listened to Delilah. Man..delilah rocks!! lol. "Sloow down and love someone tonight." D-man knows what I'm talkin' about.

Nate finally showed up, and again we talked for a couple of hours..just about what has been going on with him, and all kinds of shtuff. Right now, we are at the happiest we've been in I'd like to say WEEKS, though unfortunately we won't get to talk today. :( Noo..but we'll talk Saturday. I DID sleep with Fuzzy last night, baby. He provided me with comfort. My world has just changed because of it and is better. I feel we are closer now, and stronger and I learned some things about him that I never knew before and we realized we have MUCH more in common than we thought. It just felt RIGHT to talk to him, like things are back to normal again. It's so great. Mmuuuahh honey.

Anyway, I still haven't made my "list" yet but I will tomorrow. I think this weekend I need to start filling out job apps cos it seems everyday now, my mom is on my ass and I have to do something while Nate goes back to College..Ah! speaking of that..I got something in the mail yesterday about financial aid for College and I have to have it postmarked by August 29th if I plan to go to College in the fall 2004 term. I am not even sure yet, but I DID fill it out just in case I want to mail it.

Aight..well..here's the Friday Five..

1. What were your favorite childhood stories? hmm..The Little Train that Could, Dr Suess crap..lol..and other shtuff that I can't remember at the moment..lol.

2. What books from your childhood would you like to share with [your] children? Hmm..well..I don't really know.

3. Have you re-read any of those childhood stories and been surprised by anything? Nah, not really.

4. How old were you when you first learned to read? I was 6, and my first grade teacher taught me.

5. Do you remember the first 'grown-up' book you read? How old were you? Nope, not really.

Well, I gotta go..see..relatively short entry..well, short for me anyway. HAVE A KICK ASS 4Th!!!! and a GREAT weekend!!! Buh bye! *waves* PS: To all those that were there for me, I can't thank you enough. I Love you ALL. You guys are so great. I am blessed to have you in my life. I shall be back tomorrow to write about my 4th.

Baby..I wrote you in your g-book all that I wanted to say here. ME LOVES YOU So very much!!! I can't wait till tomorrow comes and I get to talk to you again. Good luck with the talk today. BUNNY KISSES.

"Be neither a conformist or a rebel, for they are really the same thing. Find your own path, and stay on it."--Paul Vixie

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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