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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Life goes on.
2003-05-22 - 11:48 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Building a mystery by Sarah Mclachlan

Hey what's up? This shouldn't be too long. Yesterday was ok..pretty relaxing..for the first time ALL week, I didn't go anywhere. Me and Nate talked online, then he called me and we spoke for TWO hours. (: Then after that, I played my All American Rejects CD..my favorite song right now is the second track "Your star". Today I am going to play The Finch CD.

Then after that, I watched some TV and some TV movies, came online and me and Nate talked some more, until I had to leave around 8 to watch American Idol. It was a great anniversary, so speshul..as most of our anniversaries and everyday we are "together" is so speshul.

American Idol pissed me off..as you all know I am sure..Ruben won. I kind of knew it in my mind, because of how the host was talking and everyone in the audience going "Ruuubeeennn"..Ugh..it sickened me. Clay did "Bridge over troubled water" again, and the way he belted out at the end "I will ease your mind", was incredible. He pulled that off two nights in a row. It was nice to see the finalists come back, and to see Kelly Clarkson again and all that. I am disappointed of course, but I KNOW Clay is going to have a great career anyway, and his CD will come out and do awesome. He has so much character, so much personality, and he's so humble..not to mention talented. I know he's going to make it big even though he didn't win the title of "American Idol."

I know we will all be seeing Ruben's face everywhere. Tonight he's going to be on Jay Leno, tomorrow he's going to be on Regis and Kelly..I guess I'll have to get used to it.

It's been raining ALL morning..it's fabulous to wake up to the sound of rain pitter pattering against your window..it's so calming. I love rainy days. :) But then again, it screws up today because me, my mom, and my cousin were all going to go to the beach..oh well..some other day.

My dad likes his car so far, so that's definitely a good thing. Today some people for the Air conditioner are coming, but they are coming back tomorrow, so I can't go anywhere anyway. Ohh guess what? There are 2 frogs in my patio..they are SO cute!! There's a big one, and a baby.

Gosh, it was so weird last night not to turn on Dawsons Creek..but yet another thing I'll have to get used to..and also not watching American Idol on Tuesday nights. I did get to see old episodes of DC this morning though. :) Wow..in one week I graduate!! It's still hard to believe. On Tuesday I have to go to the graduation rehearsal, Wednesday I need to get the tickets, Friday's the graduation..and I must get a dress. I don't think my homecoming dress is going to cut it. It's not "dark enough."

I heard from my stalker yesterday..ugh..turns out he wants my cell #. No way is he getting it. He claims he "misses me a lot and wishes I was still in school, and we should hang." I just kind of laughed, it's nice that he misses me, but I really don't want to hang with him..ever..lol.

Well, I guess that's it..I am waiting on my salad, so I am going to go. : ) Ask me questions everyone!!!

Honey..I'll talk to you later. Thanks for making me laugh yesterday and filling me with so much joy, and love as usual. You're the best!! I love you so much!!!

"The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails."--William Arthur Ward

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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