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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Little sleep makes you delirious.
2003-05-23 - 9:56 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Hit or miss by Newfound Glory

Happy Friday ya'll!! It looks so nice out today..total opposite of yesterday where it rained ALL day. I think after these people here to fix the air conditioning leave, me and mom are going to the pool, or the beach and possibly later, shopping with my aunt..who I haven't seen in AGES.

So yesterday, after I updated, my friend called me unexpectedly, and said she missed me over the last week, cos the last time we hung was Saturday and her e-mail was screwed up, so she wanted to know if I wanted to go to the mall, and she'd come and pick me up. So I said sure, even though the weather was shitty, I needed to get out of the house since I didn't on Wednesday.

We just pretty much walked around the mall..she got herself a shirt, and then we went to a CD store, and there was a certain single she wanted, that was supposed to be at best buy, and she was trying to find a certain pair of pants. So after the mall..after RUNNING through the parking lot in the rain, and laughing, we made it to the car. We went to Marshalls, nothing there..got soaked again..then went to Ross..bingo she found what she wanted. Then we went to Best Buy, no such luck..then next door to Borders, again no luck so she decided to download the song on her computer. She then asked me if it was OK for her to come over for dinner, cos my mom did invite her, and she'd be home alone. I said yeah, so she went home and came back at 7.

We had spaghetti, meatballs, and rolls..yumm. Dinner was good, but then of course my parents took it upon themselves to embarass the hell out of me, and mention some shtuff. I was about to kill em..lol. It didn't seem like my friend wanted to leave, and I was getting sort of antsy because I wanted to talk to Nate. Of course my mom just had to ask her if she wanted dessert, and if she wanted to play a board game. Luckily no, but she DID look through a whole bag of pics of me as a kid, and my mom, and family and shit. At least I got her out of looking at my room, even though she was looking at some of my e-mails, and I got BACK at my mom and embarassed her by showing my friend some HORRIBLE pics of her..lol. We might have gotten the CD burner working, thanks to my friend, the computer wiz, but who knows.

Then she messed with our computer, did some things. She finally left at around 10, and said she'd speak to me today. We are supposed to go to the movies on Saturday night to see Bruce Almighty. That is, if it doesn't get sold out..which is highly likely. I was so happy when she left, cos then I got to talk to Nate for 2 1/2 hours, till I started getting sleepy. I of course missed watching Friends last night..grr. Guess what?Today I saw the previews of the new Real World..it's looking good and is going to be on June 3 at 10.

I didn't get to listen to the Finch CD yesterday cos of my friend..grr. So if my mom and I do go to the pool or beach, I'll listen to it there. My parents started asking questions about graduation and shit, and the bad thing is my cousin might have to leave it a little early, cos she has to work the next day. I still have to get a dress..and guess what?! It's only ONE week from today!! I better get moving. My friend STILL wants me to go to Project Graduation, but I said noo way.

As I was walking through the mall, I saw a few stores I wouldn't mind working in, so I have to check those out after graduation, and see if they are hiring.

Gosh, I am so damn tired. The air conditioning people keep walking in and out of here, and it's getting annoying as hell. Ohh..I saw Ruben on The Today Show this morning, along with his mom and brother, it was interesting. The Matchbox 20 performance on the today show was so kick ass!! I found out I am not getting my shirt in the mail till at least June 7..grrr!!

Well, onto the friday five and the Q's..

These Q's are from Brian direwulf

Okay you want questions? Hotdogs or Hamburgers? Ketchup or mustard? Beatles or the Stones? John Lennon or Paul Mccartney? Nirvana or Pearl Jam? Britney or Christina? The ocean or the sky? Brian or Bryan? And, Ireland or Scotland?

Yes!! I still want questions..always!!! let's see..Hamburgers, Ketchup, BEATLES, John Lennon, Nirvana, neither lol ok..Christina, the Ocean (though that's a toughie), Bryan, Scotland.

Friday Five...

1. What brand of toothpaste do you use?


2. What brand of toilet paper do you prefer?

LOL what kind of question IS this?! I don't know..Charmin I guess, it's soft on my tushy..lol.

3. What brand(s) of shoes do you wear?

Adidas and Sketchers mostly.

4. What brand of soda do you drink?

Root Beer (Chek, Mug, IBC, etc), Sunkist, Sprite, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew..mostly.

5. What brand of gum do you chew?

Carefree usually..sometimes others like Extra, Juicy Fruit, etc.

Ohh fuck..it's getting cloudy and looks like it's going to rain again, so who knows what I am doing today..time to go watch some old DC episodes again.

Honey..I might be here, but I might not..i'm not totally sure. I miss you and I love you!! Even if I'm not here at 9 your time, I will be on later to talk to you..I promise!!! Thank you for your SWEET e-mail baby, it made me smile so much. Ri Rove Rou!!

"If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it."--Margaret Fuller

[Notice the "L" theme this week?!]

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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