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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

An All American Finch..[whatever that means.]
2003-05-21 - 9:07 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: "Running" by No Doubt

Hi Readers!! :D Yesterday was a VERY crazy day. Allow me to recap the events..

Firstly, me and mom headed out really early..at 10:30 which is EXTREMELY early for me to go out. She went to the store and guess what? She got the prom pics developed!! Only like 3 or 4 turned out bad, and the other 5 I think, were pretty good. I'm not photogenic like I said. I am picking 2 of the best pics out of the bunch, and my mom is going to scan them, and I'll have them on a disk to put up here. :) Finally!! See, I'm not a liar..lol.

Then we drove around to find a place to fix my chain, we finally found a place. They said they'd need to get it souldered (sp?), so it would take an hour to fix. So, mom said she'd take me to get a CD. I wanted to get a good cd, that I KNOW I'd listen to, and something less than $14 which is all I had. The All American Rejects CD was $9.99 so BINGO!! :D Woo hoo..but then stupid me saw the Finch CD, The Used CD, Social Burn's CD, Seether's CD, Audio Slaves CD, The Ataris's CD..grr! I wanted another one, and I love Finch, and the CD was also $9.99, so I had to beg my mom to get it for me as part of my graduation present. She caved, and later I am going to be listening to The All American Rejects, and Finch CDs. =)

Then after that, me and mom had lunch and my dad called and there was a whole problem with the title company, and instead of having it delievered, she'd have to go pick it up, so she asked me to go with her, and then said we'd go to the flea market, but since my dad wanted to go to the dealership to look for a car, we had to go there, and she'd have to get the title later, and the flea market would be another day.

So, we went and picked up my chain. :) It's looking pretty good. Then, we went to the car dealership. My dad traded his car in, and it took a looong time at the dealership..but my mom finally picked out a NICE car for my dad, a Mazda 626. It's khaki colored, from the year 2000, it has a CD player!! It only has 41,000 miles on it, it's got power everything, and it's soo comfortable, it rides great..[my dad test drove it]..it's only 10,000 dollars, and nothing seems to be wrong with it. So I had to wait while they did all the financing, and my dad looked it over. The only bad things about it are the seat hurts his back, and there's some stains inside it, but what does he expect!! It was USED. My dad is going for a real inspection today though. The car is soo cool. My mom actually took my dad at first to see some mustangs! I was like "FUCK NO..I want one for myself!" lol That's my dream car.

So, we left the place while my dad was still there to go for the title stuff. Then we came home, I watched a bit of TRL, read the magazine. Then woo hoo..FINALLY..the shirts me, and mom ordered came in the mail. The only thing is, they sent her long sleeved shirts, and not the short sleeved ones, which we will probably get today. Ohh..and then when my dad brought the car home, mom took me in it for another quick test drive. (:

Then, I came online..wrote some people and shtuff..wished my baby a happy anniversary. Yes, it's our ANNIVERSARY :) but that will be discussed in length on the other diary endless-luv.

After all that, I opened up the CD booklets, looked at the lyrics. [Today i'm listening to the CD's] Then, I saw American Idol. Wow..what a GREAT night!!! A lot of surprises. I loved Ruben's rendition of "Imagine" obviously one of my favorite songs of ALL time!!! duh..look at the title of my diary..lol. Clay and Ruben sang what would be their first singles. Ruben sang "A house is not a home"..Simon said it wasn't one of his best performances. Like I said, he sang "Imagine" by John Lennon, then he sang "Flying without wings" which he did such a good job on, that he got a standing ovation from Paula and Randy, and Simon says he did good, plus he busted out a gospel group.

Clay..the one I want to win..VOTE FOR CLAY!!! sang.."This is the night", "Here, there, and everywhere" by Paul McCartney, and the HIGHLIGHT and best performance of the night!! "Bridge over troubled water" by Simon and Garfunkel..it literally gave me CHILLS!!! THAT'S how good it was!! He also got standing ovations, and Simon said Clay didn't do so well last night, but Bridge over troubled water sealed the deal for him, and he might win just based on that performance. Now Simon is pulling for Clay..Woo hoo!! In my opinion, he's the better singer, with a better personality. I was pulling for Ruben, but Clay all the way!!! Vote for Clay Aiken!!!!..he's not fakin..lol..corny I know. Tonight is the 2 hour season finale. It's going to be drama filled, and crazy, and it's EXTREMELY close between them.

After watching it, and getting blown away by Clay, I took a shower and that was it for the night. My parents are of course fighting, because there's some problem with the financing, loan, and shit, and my dad is Mr Negative [pessimistic], and my mom of course [mrs pessimistic] about everything. I'm just going to try and ignore it all, and remain positive and just tune them out, and be in my own little world. My mom bothered me again about getting a job. I told her for the 50th time that I am getting one after graduation, and my dad found out I am done with school and he started groaning. I am so loved around here, lol.

Today my mom is going to see my aunt..it turns out she's doing really badly, her thumb is killing her, and she's all nauseated. So she, my cousin, and my aunt are going out to breakfast this morning, b/c my mom wants to see my aunt. Oh, my cousin said she's so happy for me, that I made it and she wouldn't miss my graduation for anything in the world..awww!! :) Then tomorrow, hopefully I can get the pics scanned, and I'm goin to the beach, hopefully. Today I am just going to chill at home, talking to my sweetie online, and on the phone. For now..i'm answering the questions..

These q's are from Gaby gabriella83

What's the worst food you've ever tried? When are you going to email me Dawson's season finale?!?!?! Would you rather be either a lion's tail or a mice's head?

What's the worst food you've ever tried?

Ooh, an easy one!! The worst food I've ever tried, is mexican food..ANY kind of mexican food.

When are you going to email me Dawson's season finale?!?!?!

Welll..lol..:ducks and hides: When I remember..lol. I'm sorry, I keep forgetting!! When I DO remember, I always have to be going out. Today I'm not going anywhere, so you shall be getting an email from me later, but i'm not promising anything..lol. Sorry Gabs. I WILL get to it!!

Would you rather be either a lion's tail or a mice's head?

I'd definitely rather be a lion's tail!

These q's are from Mariah sweets73..and she's definitely a sweetheart!!!

1. whos ur fav care bear 2. imaginary friends name from when u where a kid? do u still have him/her?

whos ur fav care bear?

I never watched Care Bears..sorry Mariah. :

imaginary friends name from when u where a kid?

I can honestly say I don't remember. It wasn't really an imaginary friend that I had, it was more like an imaginary sister..lol.

do u still have him/her?

Nah, i've moved beyond that and grown up a bit..lol. But yes, I did have quite an imagination.

Anyway, thanks for asking the Q's so far. Keep on asking em!! I'll never get tired of answering a question, and you can ask whatever you want!!!

Ok, that's it for this entry..the one in the other diary is going to be all about me and Nate's 8 month anniversary. =D Bunny love rocks!!! I know pixs are in demand from my prom, and I promise you'll be gettin em soon!!! Buh bye.

"The Wizard of Oz was right when he said to believe in ourselves. . . . Like Dorothy, we must be true to ourselves and allow others to help us reveal the answers that are already inside of us."--Brian Koslow

UPDATE: Check out endless-luv and onehotpoet for updates.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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