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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Mixed emotions.
2003-04-29 - 6:09 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Everything by Lifehouse

Hey. Yesterday was ODD..and I mean VERY odd. So many things are going through my mind at like 100 miles an hour..racing around. First off, more tension in this place. Mom found out my dad wanted to refinance ONLY so he can buy a car for himself..because his car is leaking and has 100,000 something miles on it. So of course, how are they going to have money for this?? Mom's all frustrated, and depressed..as usual, I'm the scapegoat.

Gosh..spending a whole summer around here is going to be pure and utter HEll. That's why right after I graduate..time to look for a job. I can't just sit on my ass all summer, like I normally do YEAR after YEAR. I need to make something more of myself, I have to. I just never believed I WAS capable of more. But I know I am..and then right after I graduate, I will be focusing on driving. These are not just things that will "fall through" like things usually do for me, because I never follow up on anything I say I will be doing..I am actually going to go THROUGH with these things.

I ate with Julie and Bridget like I normally do..but this time, her boyfriend was hanging with us. They are truly a great couple..so very cute together. It's interesting to see how different couples interact. Like some, barely even touch each other, and others are lovey-dovey to the extreme. I'm an observer. I love watching people, and analyzing them, and seeing what they are going to do.

I am getting so antsy in school..argh. Oh I must tell you something that happened yesterday that made me CRACK UP. This guy sits next to me in one of my classes..for SOME reason, guys flock around him like he's some kind of god..I guess it's the muscles, but no brain sort of thing. The girls like him..again, he's as dumb as a rock. What makes me SAY that? Well, we had a quiz yesterday..Everyone around me thinks I'm some sort of Einstein, so they all look toward me for answers..in other words, cheat. Well, he asked me for some answers, and me..being who I am..obliged.

What he DIDN'T realize was there were different test forms. He ended up copying like EVERY answer off of me, and then realized he was copying the WRONG answers because he had a different test form. First off, that's what he gets for cheating, and being soo lazy. If he had attempted to LOOK at the test, he might have passed. What a doofus. Even his FRIENDS who usually bow down to him, started laughing. I couldn't help chuckling, and smirking myself. How he is going to make it in College? lol. He can't even do his own work.

I saw my friend..but she wasn't in class..I saw her after sixth period and wished her a happy birthday. Luckily I didn't see her in class, so I didn't have to talk to her about why there was no gift for her. Horrible, I know..lol.

We are getting a CD burner..I THINK. All I have to say is..HELL YEAH!! It's about damn time, I'd say.

My tests ended up being ok..we got to use our book for the government one. My group leader in there, asked me if I had made up a 5 question test for her, and I said yeah..turns out, I was the ONLY one in my group who STARTED it. Or did ANYTHING for the project yet. I thought I was a procrastinator, apparently not. :P I managed to finish EVERYTHING for my part of the group last night.

Me and my group in fifth hour have become so much closer. I'm gonna miss em. They are underclassmen..but the girls are SO sweet. It's like they are my lil sisters. We talk about everything..and it's so easy, because the teachers voice is like nails on a chalkboard, so we try to drown her out. They are definitely going to sign my yearbook when I get one.

Some people found out I was sick..so they all wished for me to feel better. That's so nice. : ) CERTAIN people in my school aren't THAT bad..I think it's the ones that don't come from here, that I get along with..lol. Like I've been saying, you KNOW if someone is from here or not, because they have this way about them..this "air" about them, or attitude..and just the way they dress, how they act. :ugh:

Me and mom are ordering some really cool shirts from a catalog. I can't wait to get em. They are "spiffy." lol. Oh, I get my cap and gown on May 15..woo hoo. Katie told me yesterday that she hasn't even ORDERED em yet..what the heck is she WAITING for??!

So anyway, I got home..waited for Nate, and he wasn't coming on..so I did some homework. Then..to my utter excitement, and surprise..he called me out of the blue. Aww! It was only a 5 minute conversation, but those 5 minutes were complete bliss, and I was so sad, and didn't want to see them end..but I know we'll talk later.

Which brings me to my next thing..if you read his newest entry..on chaoscritter and endless-luv you will see that he has decided to shut down his diary, for now until July, when he will re-open it. I have mixed feelings on this, but he will know what I think later on.

Ha..yesterday at dinner was funny. Out of NOWHERE my dad asked me "Have you taken your SAT's yet?" So I said "Yeah." So he said.."Oh..I didn't know.." Lol I wanted to bust out laughing. He's so clueless..what DOES he know?! Absolutely nothing. More tests today..ugh..all week is tests.

I missed the challenge last night..guess why? You guessed it..I fell asleep. Well, it's understandable cos lately i've been completely exhausted. Tonight..American Idol..woo hoo. Tomorrow, even MORE exciting..Dawson's Creek. = )

Carmen was absent yesterday..grr..I gotta talk to her about prom. I need to ask her something..her ass besta be around today.

I think that's it..I've rambled about just about everything. Oh, last night I was looking through some old letters..[sighs]..found some shit from Michelle. HA..they just mentioned my school on the radio..lol.

Well, that's all. Buh bye..sweetheart, we'll talk later. I'll be thinking of you, and missing you, like always. Your angel loves you!!!

"The only exercise some people get is jumping to conclusions, running down their friends, side-stepping responsibility, and pushing their luck!"


Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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