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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Mother's Day!!!
2003-05-11 - 7:53 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: No letting go by Wayne Wonder

Hey! Ok..so it's Mother's Day. A day to drown your mom in so much love, it knocks her off her feet. A day to appreciate her, and tell her she's loved and cared about, and to make her feel like a princess. Sure, me and my mom have been through our quarrels and shtuff, but at the end of the day..I love her, and I am so lucky she's my mom and am so grateful for all she has done for me, how she has ALWAYS been there. How in some ways, she's one of my closest friends and biggest supporters. How I enjoy all our talks on the beach, and how the good times far outweigh the bad. How she's the best woman, in my eyes. How truly amazing and strong she is, how I truly admire her. :)

Ok, enough sappiness..lol. I'll make this a relatively quick and painless entry since I gotta get my ass up and make her breakfast that I promised her.

Yesterday was alright. Me and mom went to the mall to look for shorts again..but all I got was pants..lol. She bought me a pair of pants, and of course lectured me about getting a job again. I just told her that I was definitely getting one. She said that we were going to go out to dinner last night because my dad is working today and he wouldn't be able to go out with us.

So on the way home from the mall, my mom was telling me about how she wishes she can get roses, cos she's never gotten them before. When we got home I ran upstairs and told her to close her eyes and hold out her hands..and she did. So I handed her the two roses I got from Prom, and she was ecstatic. She said "Aww..thank you.." Which made me feel good. I even sang her a couple of songs for Mother's day in the car.

Then I just chilled online for a bit, till we were going to go out. I told her that it was up to her where to go since it was HER mother's day dinner. I suggested Red Lobster since I know she's a seafood lover, though I don't like it. So we went there, got a bit lost but got there. The dinner was pretty good. I had Popcorn shrimp..[that's just about the ONLY seafood I'll ever eat] and french fries. My mom saw someone she knew there, and my dad was cracking jokes, so all in all it was a good dinner.

Then afterwards, we came home and RUSHED because my friend wrote me an e-mail saying the movie started at 7:40 and I wanted to be back in time for the movie. Of course, I got home and saw a new e-mail from my friend saying that she had to cancel out on seeing Identity because her family unexpectedly came over..she told me not to see it without her though, and that we'll see it some other time.

I was kind of bummed out..so I asked my mom if we can go to Blockbuster instead. I was going to get a new release like 8 Mile or Jackass..but there were no videos for Jackass and I just didn't feel like seeing 8 Mile, which is odd cos i'm an Eminem fan. But Like I told Nate last night, I don't want to see him in movies.

I went down the aisles for the old movies and what did I end up renting?? An OLD movie from 1986..Stand by Me. They were talking about it on Vh1 on "I love the 80's" and a LOT of people said they liked it, so I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. I also rented Sweet November because I love romantic movies. I guess I'll watch those tonight..i'm not sure.

Then afterwards, I came home..was online for a bit and then Nate chaoscritter AKA Phuzzy Bunay LOL wrote and said we needed to talk. So we did for a bit, but I let my mom online to be nice and shtuff..so I called him. We had a THREE hour conversation..[yes, I checked that on my phone afterwards, sweetie..] Lol. And demanded to know what is going on with us, and why things were going the way they were. He said he was going to think up the reasons, which he did..and we'll talk about them later. No, we are not breaking up..lol.

It was a good convo though. My mom told me she heard me laugh a lot. Oh, and that decision I had to make..instead of June, Nate's coming here in September..loong story.

So, anyway..I just sent my mom an e-card and an e-mail and now I am off to make her breakfast and see what she wants to do today. I think we might just go to the pool or beach or something, though it's hotter than a bitch outside. Next week's going to be hella crazy. I'll be back tomorrow, everyone. Before I go..i'm going to copy and paste the e-mail I sent my mom and see what ya'll think..

Mommy..:) Happy Mother's day!! Though I don't show you often that I appreciate you and the little things you've done for me over the years, it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate them. Thank you for truly being one of my closest friends in this world. Thank you for the laughter, the smiles, and even the tears you've given me all my life. I wouldn't trade in any times we've had together for the world. You're my mom..through the good, and through the bad..and I wouldn't have it any other way. I know how truly GOOD I have it, how blessed and fortunate, and lucky I am to have a mom like you who'd do anything for someone she loves, always provides an ear to listen, accepts me without judgement, and always, always teaches me. Thank you for just being YOU, for being the most wonderful woman I know. Your strength and character are extremely admirable, and you are so very loved!!!

Aww..truly sweet, huh?! lol. Time to go give her her present. Have a great Sunday everyone!!!

UPDATE: 10:34 AM..I didn't end up making my mom breakfast. There's nothing to eat here so she went to McDonalds to get us hot cakes and coffee..MM..soo good!! :D I gave her her present which she REALLY liked. By the way..I got her a set of lotions and a loofa and a spray..all Vanilla.

Then she saw her e-card and e-mail and nearly cried and gave me a hug and a kiss, and loved her card too. We are still deciding on what to do later. I just saw a bio on Reese Whitherspoon. After seeing that..I'd have to say she's become one of my favorite actresses.

My mom just fixed her camera..so hopefully I can get some pixs up that you have all been requesting. :) Oh..and I just updated onehotpoet with a song for mama. :) That's all I wanted to say..till tomorrow..peace out!!!

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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