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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-05-10 - 9:30 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: "Love takes time" by Mariah Carey

Hey! =D I'm back. Aren't ya'll pleased? lol. Hopefully, everyone is having a good weekend so far..now..onto the ranting and raving..

Thursday started off like any other day. 2nd hour was so boring, cos the class was working on presentations and since I don't have to do that, I was just sitting around on the internet. Then, the seniors got called down to the Football field, for some sort of assembly. I was wondering why it would be at the football field, of all places..but then I found out why.

They were doing some sort of presentation on Drunk Driving. Man, the school went ALL out. There were smashed up cars, sheriff cars, ambulances, fire trucks, stretchers, and get this..even a helicopter!! A trauma hawk unit. They played out some scenarios of people that died of drunk driving accidents. They had people that go to my school playing people in accidents and they showed the paramedics giving them fake cpr, and lifting them on stretchers..they had the windshields of the cars being all smashed in, the glass shattered, and they even covered up some people with a blanket that were 'fatally wounded.'

It was so fucking scary!! I think they were doing this, is because prom was the next day and they wanted everyone to get home safely, of course. It was one of those 'this is what happens when you drink and drive' sort of deals. They even lifted up someone in a helicopter, and had some girl take a 'sobriety test' and she made it look like she was walking around all drunk. Then they told us about some previous accidents with drunk driving. It really hit it home..and there were a lot of people taping and shit. It just really makes you think, especially when the guy said that those were real people, and that could happen to someone you know or whatever.

So afterwards, fourth hour I presented. A lot of people were falling asleep. I think we did Ok, except one guy in our group was talking WAY too much. I tried to cut my presentation down to a reasonable length of time. Then we took some easy tests from other groups.

Then fifth hour, me and my buddies were talking and one of my friends gave me her screen name. So, we are definitely going to talk sometime. :) She said she's online a lot, and I gave her my screen name too..though I know on Monday she is going to tell me she never sees me online..heh heh.

Guess what?! Yearbooks FINALLY come out Monday!! Fuck yeah!! Though it's a half day, seniors get them early and we have to stay after school. They are $65 but well worth it. Then project graduation tixs come out. I'll prolly be going, though it's till 5 AM..i'll be SO dead after graduation. Those go on sale Monday too, but i'll see.

Then after school I talked to Nate for a while. We both had to go and then I went with my mom to the store so I can get nail polish and she can get film to take pixs. After that, I told her I really wasn't in the mood to go home because it was such a nice night, so yet again we went to the beach. But..a different one this time..a nicer beach. :) We just sat out and talked once again. I feel I can tell her anything, without her judging me. At times, we have truly a wonderful relationship. Afterwards, we came home and I went to bed to get my beauty sleep for prom yesterday.

Then I woke up sort of early..me and her headed out so I can get mascara and a hairbrush. [Man..I've never worn so much makeup in my life, than I've worn last night.] Then we went over to my aunt's to say hi, had some lunch, my mom went to the bank to get me money for the limo, and I took a shower and started getting ready for Prom.

Duude..I looked SO good last night!! My nail polish is so purdy too. But..I didn't have a good feeling about prom for some reason..or about Carmen making the limo arrangements. Sure enough..my friend calls me just as I am touching up my make up and says that she didn't even get ready yet, soo..that meant that we weren't going to have dinner with her and everyone else, and that I'd have to be at her house later. So, I took my dress off and whatever else, and put my regular clothes back on and me and my mom went to get a slice of pizza.

Then we went back home and I proceeded to get ready again. Put all the make up on..everything back on again. My mom told me my dad was 'looking' for me..and wanted to see me in my dress. So I came downstairs, all decked out. I've never seen my dad look at me the way he did before. Even my mom told me I looked all adult like..aww..hehe. He even whistled at me..lol. He said I looked beautiful. I don't think my dad has ever told me that before. In fact, I know he hasn't. My mom was also oohing and aahing and shtuff. :)

I had my purse..I was all ready. So we went outside..my mom took LOADS of pixs of me. My jaw was getting tired of smiling..lol. God, the dress was so great. It really flattered my figure. She said I have a really nice body, and I kind of blushed..heh. But I know I was looking hella good..lol. I felt like I was on fire. So, we drove over to my friend's house. I was the first one there, and then everyone started packing in. We all took pixs together, and if they turn out well, I'll put some up.

I was getting sick of taking pics though lol. In my opinion, I'm not very photogenic so I can't guarantee you the pics will turn out well.

So, after we all hung out for a bit..we started getting really antsy because my friend didn't call yet for the limo to tell us that it was coming..and it was already 7:30, and getting late and the prom started at 8. So what ended up happening? My friend never called OR showed, so there ended up being no limo. Grr!! Fuck face!! Me and my friends were SO pissed!!! I KNEW she wasn't someone to be trusted or relied upon. To make a long story short, we ended up waiting till about 8:15 and just said fuck it..and my mom took us to the prom. Sure, that's nothing like a limo. You know..that would have been my first time EVER riding in a limo. Man, I hate Carmen! heh heh. But my mom entertained everyone really well, and it was the next best thing to being in a limo. It was so nice of her to take us, especially since she'd have to be there at 12 to drive us home.

We were all cussing about Carmen, and I swear to never talk to her again. So, we got to the prom around 8:40-8:45. There it was..The Delray Beach Marriot. There were limos everywhere. Man, I was so jealous and pissed off. There were security guards outside, and I saw a couple of my teachers walking in. There were some people walking in when we did, cos a lot of people get to the prom pretty late, and I am sure not too many came at 8.

So, we walked in. Gosh, it was a BEAUTIFUL hotel!! They checked our keychains at the door, and when we told them our number..they crossed it off the list. The girls were wearing moustaches and beretts cos it was a Paris theme. Then we looked around. I saw a LOT of people I knew so we all made small talk, and then walked in. The food was so SHITTY. All they had was Auderbs..I KNOW that's not how you spell it but bare with me..lol. There was a lot of sprite, and coke and diet coke, and that was it for the drinks.

Some people were dancing..not many but some. There were really nice chandlers, and it looked more Christmasy than anything else..lol. We didn't get a table though, so we ended up putting our purses on a chair. Then after a while people started PACKING in. I unfortunately, saw this chick I hated and Manny and some other people I really didn't want to see, and some I haven't seen in a LONG time.

Man..it was easily, one of the best nights in my LIFE. Me and my friends had SO much fun!!! We all booty danced on each other..lol. Yes, yours truly BOOTY DANCED! lol. I am sure you are all shocked. I danced so much by the end of the night that my feet HURT. The only bad thing is that someone else was wearing the same dress as me..grr!!

There was a DJ..honeastly, the music could have been better. BUT..they did play Billie Jean by request, so they got major props from me for doing that. Some guy was breakdancing..heh heh. Gosh, I just let loose last night. I can't believe I danced so much!! I didn't even care who the fuck was watching me, for once. They played a lot of hip hop and a LOT of old faves and corny shit like The Electric Slide, It's getting hot, hot, hot, The Cha Cha..lol. I was laughing and decided to sit those out. I remember dancing to those songs in 5th grade.

They played "In da club" by 50 Cent and EVERYONE was getting down to that. Hell, there was even some lesbian action going on..lol. So much so, that the DJ even said 'girls..remember..there IS a photographer here and if you think you're not getting filmed..you're dead wrong...and this IS a prom.' Man, me and my friends were CRACKING up. Some people were getting down and dirty. REALLY down. People were basically fucking on the dance floor..it was nasty.

Ohh..by the way..me and my friends DID finally see Carmen and her boyfriend. The story ended up being that Carmen lost my friend's #..YEAH RIGHT!!..and the limo cancelled out on her and her boyfriend and she finally made her way to my friend's house, but by that time it was too late. I am not sure if I believe it or not though. And though the night started off on a crappy note, it ended up being SO great!! Carmen and her boyfriend REALLY got freaky. I heard they were smoking, but a guy was also smoking in the boys bathroom and when I went to the bathroom, I saw smoke rising out of a stall in the girls room. The principal ended up finding out about it, and of course was MAD.

My friend Nikki was so fucking wired..lol. She was hitting on me..it was REALLY odd. I know she's not a lesbian, but she said "Red is REALLY working for you." And she winked at me and shit and was waltzing around..lol. I did hug her though because she is a friend of mine. They played a lot of Spanish songs..which I had NO clue how to dance to..and a LOT of rap..like Ginuwine, R kelly's 'Ignition', 'Work it' by Missy Elliot..[2 songs I HATE] and they even played a Justin Timberlake song, and 'No letting go' by Wayne Wonder..I LOVE that song.

When they played 'Move your body like a Snake ma..' everyone was really feelin it!! ohh..I forgot to mention on the tables there were NICE roses and shtuff which I eventually ended up taking..lol.

Of course, there were slow dances. They played I think it's called "Memories" by Leann Rimes for the Senior class, "End of the road" by Boyz II Men which I ended up BELTING out the lyrics to, and nearly cried, and "Send me an angel" by Amanda Perez, some new song by Dru Hill, and like one or two other ones. The last three songs were slow songs.

By the end of the night, I danced SO much that my sides were hurting!! I ate a bit..I had 'pigs in a blanket' and when I was dancing I noticed that we were being filmed for TV..hopefully I don't see my face on Monday on TV, and they don't show me getting down.. and screaming out loud the lyrics to some of the songs..lol. I am not sure that I danced too well, but oh well. It felt SO good!!! I totally impressed myself. I felt so light, so free and just didn't even think of anything. I just had fun with the moment, dancing..looking at everyone I knew dancing like goofballs, guys and girls showing of, seeing people grinding, some people were VERY drunk, and some guys were thinking they were pimps, and thinking they were going to get some in the hotel later..lol.

A LOT of people left early cos their limos and buses were coming, so me and my friends ended up partying way into the night and were some of the last people too leave. Liz was wired..An-ha was wired. Tonia was wired. It was hilarious. I then saw my teacher who couldn't even believe I was there..lol.

At the end, they announced the prom king and queen..I said bye to some people I knew and we all took complementary gifts, that contained a wine glass and a huge ass picture frame. The DJ thanked us for our prom being his most favorite and when he was playing the slow song in the end he said "This is your last slow song..Seniors..it's your end of the road" Aww. We all ended up crying at End of the road and shtuff. I LOVE that song, though it's so old school.

I called up my mom and she came to take us home. We were going to take prom pictures, AT the prom, but decided against it.

We sang along to the radio in the car and then I went home..rested my feet that were KILLING me, and I was sweating my ass off..and emptied out my purse and put my jammies on. I fell asleep around 1:30..and now here I am. I am so glad I went. It turned out to be such a great night. We made the most of it though we didn't get to ride in a limo. It was completely memorable. =) Some people were having sex in the pool outside the hotel after prom though..hehe. Me and my friends were staring, though we were trying not to make it so obvious. Everyone looked so good last night. :)

I picked out some roses to give my mom for mother's day..lol. Though my dad just walked up to me asking about prom and if I wanted to go with him to get my mom another mother's day present. I said yeah but I'm not sure where we are going..so I'll see if I should get her another gift..cos I was rushed last time. Me and my friend MIGHT go see Identity tonight, but I'll see. She has to e-mail me.

Tomorrow, obviously we are going out for mother's day. I don't know WHERE yet cos My mom hasn't told me. It's all up to her, and I am sure she will pick out something nice.

Gosh, I can't believe next week is going to be my last week of school!!! I saw Bridget last night at the prom too, along with Susie. I am going to miss all my friends so much..after the last time I see them, which will be at graduation. I have lots of tests next week and TONS going on, getting caps and gowns!! But i'll talk about that On monday..hopefully my pic will be in the yearbook.

I guess that's it of my ramble. If I see Identity later, I'll let ya'll know how that is..if not, I'm going to blockbuster to rent a movie.

I besta go, cos I need to get dressed and my mom wants the computer. Honey..I should be on here at some point later.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!!!


"When the world says, 'Give up',/Hope whispers, 'Try it one more time."-Anon

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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