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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Rant about life.
2003-02-26 - 7:32 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Shiiit! Insomnia has taken over so that is why your's truly is on diaryland rather than sleeping which I CAN be doing right now..soo blah! lol. God my mom is being VERY annoying..when the hell is school going to start? lol. School is my escape.

I got the packet for Senior week yesterday..god..there's going to be soooooo much going on around April/may my head will be SWIRLING.

I just want to briefly talk about how funny the subconscious works..like for example..when you type something out and you meant to say something COMPLETELY different..sure..you might have made a mistake but a lot of the time it's just "in" your subconscious. I just think it works in a weird way.

Also I want to rant about life in general..it seems that sometimes no matter how much you put into something or how much time you invest in something, you either never get anything back or you find you've wasted your time. So why give you're all when you will get a plate load of shit in return? Sorry..this has just been an observation of mine. And no matter how much you do for people, they never seem to fully appreciate it. It seems people only want to be around you so they can "Get something out of you" or so they can use you to death. Don't let ANYONE use you. You don't have to give in.

So why do things for people at all? Why should someone WANT everyone to like them when they know in their heart that that is completely not possible. I guess it's because everyone yearns for acceptance in at least SOME part of their life. To feel like they fit in, or belong to something..whether it be a cause or a particular group. Everyone wants to be liked. But the notion that you are only going to have friends and NO enemies..and that everyone will love you is RIDICULOUS..there's ALWAYS going to be one person that hates you OR what you stand for. Let it be. It's impossible to be a crowd pleaser..it's really tiring to try to make everyone be your "best friend."

Just screw that..and I am starting to see that which is why I am ranting right now. Normally I am very "happy" in my entries but at times, I have been known to get serious and deep..philosophical almost..and the only people that truly see that side, are the people closest to me cos to most I am like this person who smiles 24/7..yeah right! I wish that was the case. Appearances CAN be deceiving. I have A LOT of problems..trust me.

It sucks though how just ONE single comment from someone can RUIN your day..one single insult can just take down all the compliments you've ever recieved and make your self esteem crumble. This people is why shy people exist. Maybe because they feel no matter what they say, they can't say it correctly or they will be judged. God..just fricking stop with the judging. Who's perfect..NO ONE. Everyone should have a place..a place where they can feel like they can be themselves and no one will laugh at them for it, or think they are crazy.

A place THEY feel they "truly belong"..a safe haven from this fucked up universe. Everyone is unique..we are all individuals and maybe if we thought "different" meant beautiful this world would be a completely better place.

Of course..ignorance exists..unfortunately. But all we can do is really realize that we are never truly alone..there will always be at least ONE person who will accept us..who will care about us..who will love our flaws for what they are. You know that person that you always truly overlook or just never "saw yourself being friends with" or even that person that you think has the perfect life..TALK to them..because, most of the time people make assumptions and they are WRONG and they miss out on knowing someone that can be a great friend. That person that seems to have it all..is probably the person that DOESN'T have it all.

Stop being close-minded because someone looks "different" or be intimidated because someone is more beautiful, or smarter than you. They are people too. Accept YOU for what YOU are..don't let what ANYONE says get the best of you. Who are THEY to dictate how YOU feel? That's right..NO ONE. You are never going to be like anyone else. You only are going to be yourself. So stop trying to be a poser or like everyone else..stop comparing yourself to others or being jealous. See your strengths and weaknesses and LOVE them for what they are. Be you..be someone else..stand out..dream big!! don't let ANYONE steal your dreams or tell you that you are insane..DARE to be different!!..don't be a carbon copy..life would be boring if everyone was the same. And people stop bitching and complaining..CHANGE the things you have control over and realize there are certain things in life you just have NO control over.

Ok that's all for today. Maybe tomorrow I will write more "light-heartedly"..have a kick ass day.

And honey..I love You..so very much.


PS: Check out my new guestbook design..thank you Caroline angel-like.

WOW look at thw quote of the day from lovingyou.com

"Life is like a boomerang; what you give, you get back." -submitted by Acad LOl..How ironic is THAT! that quote to me, is total crap.

ALSO: a poem that I stole out of Christi's diary musiq-chica by Ryder Strong (from Boy Meets World) that I like a whole lot.

Top Of The World

You don't know it,

but sometimes I go to a


that overlooks the landscape's mask of

city lights

for a sip of momentary grace.

On this brink of everything,

I know that I can gain an eyeful of the

lost Atlantis in the human soul

and the breath that fills my lungs with

the air between two stars.

If you were now to capture the image of

this elation

in the framework of your


or find transcendence through these words,

then at most you would know nothing of

the beauty your existence throws to me.

For mine is a love no experience,

no measure,

no words,

could ever degrade into reality

by virtue of degree.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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