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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

2003-04-06 - 8:13 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Touch Me by The Doors

Hey all. (= How is everyone's weekend been going? Mine's been alright..ugh..SAT's were yesterday! Well, I woke up around 6 something and then I got dressed and ate..got to the school around 8:10 or something. I found the room I was supposed to be in. There were a lot of people in the room already..so the guy at the door checked my ID and all that to see if I matched up to the photo.

Then he went over all the instructions and shtuff. Very boring..lol. I felt weird because I was the only one wearing a tank top. Everyone around me was yawning and looked like they just woke up..and a lot of the people I have seen before. I was experiencing a case of bedhead..lol..had that groggy, sleepy look to me..my eyes were all glazed over.

We finally took the test..which ended up being THREE freaking hours!! Damn. I just wanted to get the hell out of there..lol. There were 7 sections..4 of math and 3 of reading..each section was a half hour each and if you didn't finish after that then oh well pretty much. There were 2 sections that were 15 mins each at the end. The math was mostly geometry..of course my freaking weakness! lol. And the reading was a lot of analogies..comparing words and complete the sentence..and those words were words I've NEVER heard or seen! And I am really good with vocabulary. I get my scores back in 2 or 3 weeks..I'm kinda nervous because it WAS so difficult but I need to have faith and believe in myself more..I'm sure I did ok.

The reading also had passages that you had to answer. Most of it was multiple choice except part of the math was grided response which I totally bull shitted on..lol. But you don't get points taken off for a wrong answer on that. I pretty much finished early for every section. We only got ONE five minute break, and a stretch break. Then it ended..the dude said he hopes we all got 1600's..riight..lol..some of the time I was so frustrated that I just picked whatever answer seemed good..heh heh. It was now 12..so I called my mom to pick me up though she was already on her way.

It was said we were going to go to the beach and I really wanted to, that is until I heard that my aunt was going..damn it! lol. I kinda gave my mom a hard time about it. So anyway, we got home..I had lunch cos by that time I was starving. I got ready to go and we were on our way to my aunt's before that though..I was loading up the car and the door wasn't closing for some odd reason..then mom starts yelling her head off saying I put a hole in the door and kept cussing her ass off..I just told her to fucking get a grip..she NEARLY lost it with me..lol. I was asking myself by that time why I was even going.

So we got to the beach..by that time I heard some new thing my dad is on..he told my mom that she should deliver Chinese food for $6 an hour..can you BELIEVE that?! He is just trying to degrade her..make her feel worthless and like a piece of shit. Kinda how he views himself..and obviously, how he views her. That poor woman..so he keeps asking..of course she can't say no so she keeps saying I dunno. On the way there I had to hear my aunt talk shit about my uncle..blah blah..lol.

The beach was soo nice. The water was clear and bluish green. The waves were perfect..not too big, but not too small. The rocks on the beach were really nice. There was wind so it wasn't too hot. It was so relaxing..just what I needed after 3 hours of stress. I picked a great day to go to the beach. I listened to my walkman and did some homework..I started reading 1984 for my english class. It's starting off a little slow..BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU! lol. But I know it will get better. I am on Part I, Chapter 4. Then, my mom's friend called and asked her if she wants to go to dinner tonight..and she invited me. So I kinda feel like I have to go..and my aunt is going too.

My mom grew up with her and she's so cool..she acts like a teenager. She likes me for some reason..lol. She really wants me to go. So I'll go. Anyway, after a while my aunt started to feel uncomfortable so we packed up our shtuff and left..I was a bit disappointed, but whatever. My aunt wanted to go out to dinner but I persuaded them not to because I wanted to talk to Nate. (=

For the rest of the night..I didn't do much. Talked to Nate for a few hours until mom got me off here..then I played some music and watched Now And Then for the millionth time..lol..I was in the mood for it. God I can see that movie 100000 times and not get sick of it. I LOVE one of the songs from there "No matter what" by Bad Finger. Then I listened to my Voice Mails..from Wednesday..aww my baby is soooooo cute. (= I am the luckiest girl in the world. He called me when I was in school just to say good morning. I instantly smiled when I heard his sweet voice.

And then DOH before I went to sleep I forgot to turn the clock ahead an hour..for DST..I woke up around 3 and said "Shiit..it is now 4.." and turned my clock ahead. I hate this..cos now I lose an hour of sleep..though the day is longer..woo hoo..and it gets darker later in the morning. I'm all tired and screwed up cos of the damn time change.

It's been a pretty good weekend so far..no complaints. On the way home from the beach me and mom blasted some songs on the radio and kinda grooved lol. We are just like sisters sometimes..we fight like sisters too. But sometimes we get along soo well. It's very odd. Ohh I forgot to mention the job situation..I am holding off until June..after Fuzzy comes..she's still bothering me about it.

Backtrack..lol..on the beach I saw a lot of couples holding hands..normally I get all jealous and don't want to look..but this time I looked on and smiled because of the love they have found. I'm a sappy fool..yes I am..I accept that..lol. And this old couple on the beach kinda reminded me of my grandparent's..it was really sweet, and touching. So in love..like they were. I heard some stories about my grandma yesterday..she was such a great woman. I miss her so much.

So today I don't know what I am doing. All I know is I am going out for dinner. I can't believe Jason Hervey from the Wonder Years (Wayne) is 31 today! Wow! Time flies by. I remember watching that show when the new episodes were coming out. Mm..I'm having bacon for breakfast. I gotta start on my report next week for Government..grrrr! lol.

This is wayy too long so I am going to go..Honey..I Love You So Much! I'll be here later..Cheer up sweetheart! :[

Plug goes to..gothangel cos she's rockin it..buh bye everyone!! *waves*


Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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