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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Shattered dreams.
2003-04-14 - 6:05 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: 21 Questions by 50 Cent and Nate Dogg

I'm back again..woo hoo...excitement all around, huh?! lol. This won't be that long..I will talk about events of last week..but in the shortened/summarized/abridged version. WARNING: Mon-Wed is BORING! PS: This title has nothing to do w/ anything..just the 1st thing to pop up in my mind.

I will start with last sunday since that is the last time I wrote. Me and mom drove around..mainly to find new places to go and all that. We found this really nice spot, good for kite flying and all that. Then afterwards, we came home and later on we went out to dinner with her friend and my aunt. It was a pretty good night. I got told that I have nice hair..and blah blah. Of course, her friend had to embarass me and ask me about Nate. *blushes* And my aunt was RIGHT there. The talking was ok..mainly about my mom growing up and the times they had.

Then she got into a topic of convo that irritated me..talking about my dad. :ugh: and then my mom saying that he was never there growing up and if he would hold me, i'd cry and cry until she did. That he never strolled me around or attended my school functions. Basically I was a "burden" for him, and prolly still am in a few ways. He's prolly thinking "ohh great..stacey needs money for a college education..another setback". Fucking prick.

After pizza we went for ice cream and I got asked standard questions like What am I going to do when I grow up and all that other crap. Monday..hmm..was a pretty bad day. Just kind of a roller coaster of emotions. I stubbed my toe walking outside near my school and was just kind of feeling down. I missed the challenge :( and it was one of those days where nothing went right.

Tues was my math test day. It was also Michelle's older brother Matthew's birthday and the triplet's (my cousin's kids b-day). They turned 2. Aww, they are the cutest things ever. What else happened? I forget..lol. I think I need to stop skipping weeks for updates..it's ridiculous. I don't even remember half of what happened through the entire week. I saw A Idol..it was pretty good. Slept through the Real world reunion thing.

Oh, yeah..so my dad's birthday was coming up in a few days..so me and mom figured out what to get him though we didn't want to get him anything. We got it on Wednesday. We saw some weird ass movie called "The Wave" in English class. I saw Dawsons Creek..blah blah..time to skip to thurs b/c I don't think Mon-Wed was even WORTH mentioning..lol. I can't believe A idol..voting Rickey Smith off..what the heck were they thinking or smoking???

Thursday was my dad's birthday. I gave him my gifts when I got hom..gave him half a hug and a kiss on the cheek and then I got online for a bit. So later on, we went to Hops..they have the BEST ribs. Yum! It was such a good dinner. Then afterwards, we went to the mall to walk around for a bit. Oh, I forgot to mention, my dad is now 50. He liked both me and my mom's gifts though they were rather cheap.

Oh, and thursday was the day my math teacher decided to be a complete and entire bitch..kept asking me 100000 times whether or not I was ACTUALLY doing my homework. Ugh..get off my ass lady! lol. Then in art class we had a fire drill. Heh..those are fun. And Michelle messaged me but I ignored her.

Then friday..heh..interesting. Guess what friends? I am now going to the PROM. It's not my thing at ALL. I had no intention of going at all but then my friends told me they can get me a ticket because their parents are paying. So we are all going to split the limo cost..yes, a LIMO! And all I have to pay for is a dress. It's in less than a month and I need to get a dress! ugh..and I need to do my hair and get a hair cut. My hair can be used as a weapon of choking somebody..lol.

I have so much to do in the beginning of next month. I need to buy shoes, dress of course..have to get my hair, nails, and shit done. Then afterwards they are having a slumber party and watching scary movies.

It SHOULD be fun hopefully. Usually dances with me though, some shit goes down. My keyboarding teacher finally fixed the disk problem..woo hoo. Me and some friends decided to see Anger Management on Saturday but I forgot..yah dumbass me..lol.

On Saturday I spent literally ALL day working on a report for government class about Censorship. It was such a nice day and I was stuck at home. The report is literally like 10 pages w/ 10 index cards that I wrote out..lol. And a poster. Afterwards, we all went out for dinner and yes, I forgot about the movies!!! grrr!!! So I went to blockbuster and took out the "Banger sisters" or something like that. Hopefully it will be good and it should be funny. Then yesterday, me and mom went to the beach..everything was going well. She was telling me about her guy friend that she had lunch with on Fri and all that. Then around 3 we decided it was getting too hot and I started getting dehydrated so we left..plus I really wanted to talk to Nate. (By the way..after a little "trauma" we had around last monday..we've been doing REALLY well lately..)

Then she just started putting me down and making me feel all insecure and shit. So it all ended and went down with a screaming match and then silence. God I wish I can get the fuck out of here. She literally lowers me down 5 notches. When I turn 18..I am GONE! She doesn't know what my hopes, dreams, wants are. She thinks I will remain in college here for another 2 years and I want to be a "journalist." Riight mom. I talked to my bunny who made me feel better and we decided last week that we are going to talk on the phone thursday to make up for him not being here, and we are going to buy each other bunnies for easter.

And yep, I think that's it. Though I KNOW I have left a LOT out. Oh, so the report is due today..hopefully I don't present today. :/ I have Thurs and Fri off..Woo hoo! (: Maybe I'll go see the Elvis impersonator Thurs. I should get my SAT results back pretty soon. *cross your fingers for me guys.* I have also decided that I am going to start driving again soon. It will be great to just take the car and if me and mom have a fight to just drive..keep driving till I feel a sense of peace. Just getting away..not for long for a bit to just take a walk on the beach at night to clear my head. And I of course missed you all tons while I was away. =) The seafood fest is coming up soon..that should be fun. Ah, and on Wed I found out that my aunt got layed off her job..poor woman. A lot of people are getting layed off now.

SO yeah, there's been some family drama and all that crap, but I am trying to let it not get to me. I just need to focus on my boyfriend at the moment and myself of course..and loving myself. I started listening to "The greatest love of all" by W Houston last night and cried a bit cos it's true "learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."

Tonight is the Challenge..hopefully I can catch up on it. I need to study tonight and continue reading 1984..oh yeah..I finished Part I. Go me, go me! lol. Well, I besta end this, my mom is getting annoyed at me "pounding on the keys" as she says. I promise..no more waiting weeks to update. (:

Have a wonderful day all. This plug goes to gabriela83. It's her 20th Birthday today!!! So contact her and wish her a VERY happy birthday! It would make me happy.

Sweetheart..hopefully we can talk later. But if not, I'll understand because your grandma DOES need you. Thank you so much for yesterday. (: I love you so much.

"I so love the Spanish proverb 'God says, 'Choose what you will and pay for it, ' which stresses that life holds no easy answers, that conscious choices are often costly ones. We must live with and pay for their consequences. Understanding this, we learn what it means to be fully human."

--Marsha Sinetar

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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