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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Sorry for this BORING entry..
2003-04-23 - 6:18 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Love will lead you back by Taylor Dayne

Hi ya everybody!! Firstly, I gotta thank all of you who have been writing me and Nate and telling us you love our diary together endless-luv and have been adding us. It's so cool!! And the support is overwhelming. And a reminder: If you add US, we'll add YOU.

I guess I should start this off by talking about my day yesterday, huh? In computer class we are doing PowerPoint..it's so freaking easy..so woo hoo! finally..I used to go to that class feeling like I was going to have a heart attack..lol. In government, we are doing group work..grr..because we are going to have sooo many tests really soon. And I have to present the section I am doing to the class..more like I have to TEACH the class, pretty soon. I am in my friend Katie's group.

There's sooo much work in that class. Between that, and everything else I have to do PLUS prom coming up..ugh..i am going to be so busy. I was just doing so much fricking homework last night. I am just so damn happy that I am having a half day tomorrow. This way, when I get home I can just rest.

Yeah, I'm still sick..it just seems to be lingering on and on and on. I saw American Idol last night. It was very interesting..I think Carmen is going home. She fucked up a really GOOD song!! But the judges were way TOO hard on her. It was horrible..like a massacre. Joshua didn't do so well either, and Trenyce kind of messed up the lyrics to the song she was singing. Clay, Kim L, and Ruben were the best, as usual.

What else?? Dawsons tonight..woo hoo..i saw the challenge last night..yep, Emily and James went home together, which put Lori in the inner circle..and then they had a mission where RUTHY and ELLEN got disqualified?! Can you belive that? So, Lori and Melissa were the only ones who completed it. Shane and Genesis also got disqualified, so they are gone too. My bet is Melissa and Antoine well be next to go..that is unless Lori or Jamie fuck up on the next mission.

I KNOW there were other things I wanted to talk about..:gah: I can't think. I'm so tired..though I got more sleep last night, than the night prior.

You know what? I am going to end this and be back tomorrow..I can't think of anything to say..lol. Thanks for reading this boring entry..lol.

Sweetheart..I hope you had fun last night..and liked the entry I wrote to you. I missed you. :( I love you!!!

"Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something."


Tonight's Dawsons Episode:

Pacey is ordered by his superiors to sell stock owned by his biggest client just days before a federal ruling, but the consequences are severe when Pacey is accused of insider trading and realizes that the money he invested for Dawson is gone. Back at school, Eddie surprises Joey with a trip to Europe for the summer, but a fiery conversation about how differently they live their lives leaves both of them questioning their future together.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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