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<3, Texy

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. ~Janos Arany~

words (c) Stacey

Crimson Wave..*snickers*
2003-06-28 - 7:11 a.m.

I feel...
The current mood of thebunny4ever at www.imood.com

Song: Frontin by Pharrell and Jay Z

Hello readers! Happy Saturday!!

Well yesterday surprisingly was a LOT better than I thought except..the "crimson wave" is here. I won't go into complete specifics but I am not going ANYWHERE the next few days, just going to lay low. I'm just feeling really exhausted, crampy, and just bllahhh. All you girls know what I'm talking about..lol.

It was SUCH a relaxing day to know I didn't have to go out at all. I just read magazines, talked to Nate online, watched Dawsons Creek, joined some rings, talked to Nate on the phone, watched TV, listened to music and just rested up like I needed to and + it rained and is going to rain today too. Excellent. :) Today will be much like yesterday for me probably, but I will start going out again once I feel well enough which will be around the 4th of July..and right after that is when I have to start looking for el employment.

They are already starting to set off fire crackers and shtuff in my neighborhood, it's a bit annoying considering it's not the 4th yet. Ugh..I didn't sleep too much last night. :( Me and Nate got off the phone around 11 but I just kept tossing and turning..grr. I'll get some Zzz's during the day though and I gotta take a much needed shower.

Well, that's about it..here's some more fun shtuff thanks to Nate. Oh..and THANK YOU to all who wrote him!!! I appreciate it more than you'll ever know, as does he I am sure. :) It makes both of us feel good knowing some of you care, and you know who you are. *hugs*..onto the fun shtuff..


*1. Full birth name: Stacey Beth.....

*2. Natural Hair Color: Medium Brown.

*3. Hair Color Currently: Medium Brown with a bit of blonde.

*4. Eye Color At Birth: Brown.

*5. Eye Color Currently: Brown.

*6. Height: 5' 6"

*7. Glasses/Contacts: Neither.

*8. Birthdate: 9/10/85

*9. Sign: Virgo

*10. Current Age: 17 [18 VERY soon]

*11. Siblings Names: None

*12. Location: Florida....hell.

*13. School Attending: Just got out of school.

*14. Current Grade: Look ^

*15. GPA:

*16. College Plans: NYU

*17. Planned College Major: HOPEFULLY Psychology

*18. Planned College Minor: maybe science?

*19. Any Piercings: none.

*20. Any Tattoos: none.


*1. Girl Friend(s): All the ones mentioned in my cast page, plus some on D Land.

*2. Guy Friend(s): Nate being my best one..there are others, but who cares..they don't matter.

*3. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nate..my fuzzy bunny. (K)

*4. If No, Current Dating Partner: Heh?

*5. Current Crush: on Nate.. ;)

*6. Hobbies: stalking on the net...i mean surfing the net. yeah....reading, writing.....daydreaming..shopping..listening to music..dancing like a loon..going to the beach..etc.

*7. Pager: Not anymore.

*8. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: Wallflower usually.

*9. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: None yet.

*10. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: ANYTHING! lol.

*11. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: On a date.

*12. Where Is The Best Hangout: the mall or the beach.

*13. Do You Have A Job: Nope, but I have to get a job.


*1. Who Is Your Role Model: Don't really have one..I look up to myself I guess.

*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: People who are something they are not, or people that are just snobby and rude.

*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: Yup, as everyone knows, I'm in love right now.......soooooooooooooooooo much!

*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: yup. :(

*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: nah..that went out the window LONG ago. I used to but it just limits the people you can actually be compatible with.

*7. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): Yeah..I've felt bad but we all do it.

*8. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: When am I NOT looking for revenge?? lol.

*9. Ever Been Cheated On: Yup..but yet, I've been guilty of this in the past too..quite a few times. *hangs head*

*10. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: of course.:) as often as I can.

*11. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: I don't like being either. Of course, it's easier to be a dumper but it sucks because you know you're hurting someone deeply.

*12. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": I'd rather have something long term and speshul..relationship. Hook ups are just flings.

*13. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Who DON'T I want? LOL J/K honey!! just kidding!

*14. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: Oh god..yep. I am sure it was unrequited too.

*15. Do You Want To Get Married: Yup, one day when me and my bunny are ready to settle down for good...til then, we are gonna have fun just being together as a non married couple for awhile.

*16. Do You Want Kids: HELL YEAH!..2 or 3.

*17. Do You Believe In Psychics: I think it's a bunch of crap. People just make up some shit probably or tell you want you want to hear.

*18. Do You Believe You Know The Person Who You Are Going To Marry At This Point In Life: Yup..I am fortunate enough at a YOUNG age to have that person.

*19. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Body: My nose/legs.

*20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional Being: I'm very caring and spiritual.

*21. Are You Happy With You: Certain things can be improved, but I'm OK.

*22. Are You Happy With Your Life: lol...have you read my diary???????? there's your answer!

*23. Are You Scared Right Now?: *looks around all paranoid like* of what???????????????

*24. Depressed?: At times.

*25. If You Could Change Something In Your Life Right Now, What Would It Be: To be where I want to be in life RIGHT now.

*26. Say Something To Someone That May Or May Not Read This That You've never Told Them, But Need To: *Shrugs*


*1. Sports Team: YANKEES!! YAH!! MUCH better than the D Banks, honey!! GOooooooo YANKEES!!!!!! :D

*2. Room In house: My room.

*3. Girl's Name: Vanessa for some reason.

*4. Guy's Name: Nate (:

*5. Person to talk to about your problems: Nate

*6. Song: "Underneath It All" by No Doubt.

*7. Movie: Now and Then

*8. Actor/Actress: Ughh..check out my bio.

*9. Beverage: Root Beer

*10. Candy: Sourpunch straws/Sourpatch Kids

*11. Family Member: Cousin Scott.

*12. Salad Dressing: Vinegarette from Wendy's.

*13. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: Fuzzy..bear that Nate gave me. (: ..and my dalmation stuffed animal I got from my Ex best friend in 5th grade.

*14. Favorite quote from a movie: None really.

*15. Day of The Week: Wednesday..right smack in the middle.

*16. Color: green.

*17. Perfume And Cologne: Cool Water (what Nate wears), Adidas, Obsession, ANGEL.

*18. TV Shows: Real World, Road Rules, Friends, DAWSONS CREEK, Dog Eat Dog, American Idol, Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, Change of Heart, Blind Date (lots of dating shows), and a LOT of old shows such as: Wonder Years, Boy Meets World, The Cosby Show, I love Lucy, Sister Sister, etc.

*19. Flower: Roses.

*20. Fast Food Place: Wendy's.

*21. Game: Life

*22. Teacher: 5th grade..Ms Casey.

*23. Love Song: Unchained Melody by The Righteous Brothers..has impacted my life in SO many ways.

*24. Clothing: My tanks.

*25. Possession: Nate's heart. *purrs*

*26. Vacation Spot: California

*27. Person To Give Advice To: anyone who needs it.

*28. Person To Get Advice From: Nate..I do have other people I can talk to, but I get a sense that they don't give a shit WHAT my problems are..lol.


*1. Cried: No, oddly enough..even with me being on Crimson Wave..lol.

*2. Bought Something: Nope.

*3. Gotten Sick: Well, if you call crimson wave, being "sick" then yes..lol.

*4. Sang: Yup..singing "You are not alone" by M Jackson right now. LOL.

*5. Eaten: Uh Huh. Last night I ate Chicken and for lunch yesterday I had tuna.

*6. Been Kissed: no. :(

*7. Felt Stupid: lol.....when don't I is the real question. :P

*8. Said I Love You: When me and Nate talked on the phone.

*9. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved Them, But Didn't: nope.

*10. Met Someone New: Nope.

*11. Moved On: from what exactly, huh?

*12. Missed An Ex: Hellll NO!

Saturday-8: "Kid Stuff"

What's the one memory of your childhood that makes you laugh everytime you look back?

God, I have no idea actually..ain't that sad?! Either that, or it's WAY too early to think...lol.

Everyone had a favorite toy, pet, blanket, etc. What was your favorite thing as a kid?

BARBIES!! oh god lol..and my dog Frankie..awww..he was SO cute but he had to be put to sleep when I was really young. :( was the only dog I ever had, and I miss him sometimes.

What was the most idiodic thing you did when you were a kid?

oh lord lol..I used to have a treasure chest and I used to get a jump rope, tie it around the barbie's bodies and attach it to the treasure chest and have the barbies fall off the edge of the bed and fall back onto the bed. I'd also play jump rope and tie the ropes to the bricks right outside my house and jump over it and many times I fell flat on my face..lol.

Who was your best friend as a kid?

I had MANY..Michaelann was my first I think actually..Ashley..there was also Michelle..Jinna..Julia..Natalie..etc.

Is there anything that you did when you were a kid that you still do to this day? For example, you might have a bad habit of biting your finger nails.

I still do much of the same things..lol. Ok, I make this weird expression with my lips..like I'll curl my lips in a certain way..lol.

Who did you look up to as a kid?

Big bird? lol.

What was your favorite snack as a kid?

I don't remember....*thinks*...nope, don't remember.

What's your fondest memory as a kid?

Just all the fun me and the neighborhood kids had..playing house..watching movies..dancing around..swimming..playing video games..catching fireflies in a cup..hanging on the porch talking..riding bikes..pretending we were driving cars (lol), playing board games..just hanging outside and having fun.

Past 5 memories...

Happy New Year!!! - 2005-01-01
new update @ LJ. - 2004-12-01
christmas card... - 2004-11-28
update on LJ - 2004-11-18
Happy Halloween!!!! - 2004-10-31

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